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And if its and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas...yes my friends, tonight featured an all new Veronica Mars that kicked serious butt. Hard to believe that there hasn't been a new ep in 2 months, but is somewhat good at the moment. How sa is it that a tellie program has such an affect on my mental state. As long as I don't think about moving, it is even spectacular at times!!! Unfortunately, the night did not deliever Lucas's impending heart attack on One Tree Hill...I know this makes me a bad person, but I just can't wait. This has been building since last year!!!
Side note for those interested...if not stop reading now. Although why the heck would you be reading my blog if you didn't tolerate my many side notes? I still really haven't packed. My dad flies up tomorrow and my stuff is going into storage on Saturday...ah how I love self delusion!!! If only I had Merlin's packing skills in The Sword in the Stone!!! I would be totally set. Well that and if I owned a tapestry bag, but I am sure I locate one if I had magical powers...other than wasting mass amounts of timr that is!!!
So...tonight I got dragged to a Rick Steves lecture at in the local high school gym. If I am honest, I went mainly to avoid dealing with my apartment. All in all, the evening turned out to be quite interesting and far more enjoyable than I anticipated. A couple of us went to dinner beforehand in Fairhaven thinking that the talk was at the local bookstore sponsering the event. However, we soon learned that we were not in the right place and it was a ticketed event. Luckily, by the time we made it in time to get tickets and even ran into our advisor. Go figure. In the end, Rick Steves turned out to be quite the public speaker and far more political then I thought. Man do I want to go to Europe...
In more important news, it was announced today that the WB and UPN networks will be combined next year into CW. As most of you know, I love my crappy WB shows and live for Veronica I am running scared. Will the CW inherit the handsome/buff/wholesome guy farm? Will all of my shows survive this union? Ah...what ever will I do if I lose a good portion of my shows? Well, probably something far more useful, but still I have a right to bad tellie...I am an American!!!
I know this is my second post of the day - well actually it is now tomorrow - but a momentus thing has occurred. I HAVE A NEW VERONICA MARS FRIEND!!!!! I bought Know-It-All, a nickname of respect believe me since the woman does know absolutely everything about practically anything, the first season DVDs for Christmas hoping she would watch them and like the show...and she did. Watched all 22 episodes in 3 days!!! Oh happy day...I have another person to talk about this show with and obsess over every detail. Somehow this makes my life better and the move back to Sactown a bit better. I will not only have the Sci-Fi channel so I can watch Battlestar but now I have someone to watch Veronica Mars with. I think that is really more than even I deserve!!! Well, maybe not, I do deserve quite a bit more that should include a rich/handsome Scottish guy with a castle, but I am still happy about the whole thing. One step at a step at a time!!!
I never thought I would say this, but thank God for the mormons. Let me start at the beginning. You see, I was under the impression that changing windshield wiper blades wasn't that hard of a task. Boy was I wrong about that one!!! After working for over 45 minutes, I still hadn't removed the old wiper blades and as if to further humiliate even rained on me. The instructions served only as a heckler to my plight..."Remove previous wiper blades." That was explanation on how to accomplish this task. Just an image that looked nothing like my wiper blades and with no hint on how to actually do any of this.
Anyway, I was at wits end - even a call to Marathon...a woman who can change her own oil I might add...didn't me anywhere. And then I saw them: 2 clean cut mormon boys walking right toward me. I should interject here that they didn't have bikes, but a car. When did they get cars?!?!? However, within 3 minutes, I had new wiper blades on my vehicle. I was so grateful, I even let them talk to me for a couple minutes...
Other than that, no real excitement. The Seahawks game kicked butt and I will actually watch the Superbowl this year...something I have never really done. I choose to think of it as regional pride and not football enthusiasm...see not so bad!!! Although, I have spent years perfecting self delusion...
I have seen sun 3 days in a row now...I kid not!! Now of course the sunshine came between rain showers, but still...sunshine is sunshine my friend.
Boxes are finally starting to pile up in my apartment. Marathon came over to make sure that I got some work done...well more like she wanted to watch BSG, but still it was good to have a babysitter. And hey...if I get the living room too full I can move onto the bedroom!
After watching Underworld: Evolution for the third time this weekend, I realized something - beyond the obvious truth that I am a complete dork. Anyway, while discussing the film's sex scene with FemeNazi, I finally figured out why the scene bothered me so much and coined a new term "mortal sex". See, I found the scene disturbing, which was odd since sex scenes normally don't really bother me. However, the scene in Underworld: Evolution left me feeling uneasy. You see, the sex was too glorified...the epitome of beautiful people going at eachother in a idealized Hollywood fashion. These people's bodies aren't attainable...unlike the good ol' foreign films which feature real people having sex with bodies more like the rest of us. Hence the term mortal sex...something that any of us have the possibility of experiencing.
Once again the Internet gods have decided to shine upon me and returned my broadband connection to all its former glory. I have no clue what I keep doing to anger them, but I am thankful that I can finally return to my usual task of surfing the world wide web. Ah...sometime life goes okay...that is at least reassuring!
And to top it all off, I got to go see Underworld: Evolution not just once, but twice. I went to the first showing with one friend and the last showing of the night with Ms. Jane Bennet. Oh, how I love a Romeo & Juliet story with vampires and werewolves...well that and gory good fun. I can't explain it, but sometimes you just need some good ol' fashion monster movies with guys dressed up in werewolf costumes ripping out peoples throats. And man does this film provide that and more!! Believe me, you don't want to get me going on the brillance of the soundtrack. All in all quite the contrast from my movie choice at the beginning of the week!!
So is anyone else diggin' the guy with an eye patch on C-SPAN 2? I know that FemeNazi watches C-SPAN, but I don't know of anyone else. And C-SPAN 2 is watched even less. Recently, this guy with the biggest eye patch I have ever seen outside a cheesy pirate movie has been giving testimony for something governmental. Awesome people...simply awesome!!!
Wonderwall and I spent a great night watching an enjoyably bad One Tree Hill. Man do I love my guilty pleasures...and boy do I have a lot of them. I know most people don't care, but it is my blog and I can do what I want. In sadly exciting news, it looks like Lucas's inevitable health scare of the year should air before I leave Bham. For those of you who have standards for tellie programs you could probably care less, but just think if I didn't care...who would. Someone needs to watch the trashy stuff so better trashy stuff like The O.C. can feel superior to something!!!
It is no secret that I have a soft-spot for cheesy or just plain crappy television programs especially on either the WB or Hallmark. I love good tellie and I love bad tellie. I will defend Battlestar Galactica and Veronica Mars or even Prision Break as quality programming whereas such favs as One Tree Hill and Supernatural have my vote and viewership more for the unexpected laughs - at the show of course not with it - and the hot, sexy guys (I am telling you, the WB has a farm somewhere). Anyway I digress...tonight's Supernatural actually brought up a concern, something that has bothered me for years...the Snuggles bear. In tonight's ep, which also guest starred Julie Benz - Darla, the vampire who sired Angel for all of you who aren't current with your Buffy knowledge - one of the main guys commented, "That fabric softener teddy bear...ooh...I want to hunt that little bitch down!" The statement first caught my attention because the word 'bitch' was used during primetime, but then I thought about the comment. I knew that bear was evil...I have been saying it for years and now I have back-up. Well, not really from a reliable source, but good enough for me...someone at least has had the same misgivings about the too adorable spokesbear.
In more relevant news, my property management people are really starting to annoy the crap out of me. Not only do they keep calling wanting to show my apartment on short notice, something I could refuse since I have paid my rent through the end of the month, they keep screwing me over by either cancelling and not calling or expecting me to show the apartment for them. I honestly don't know where these people are trained, but somewhere along the line they forgot common courtesy and respect for your fellow man. Perhaps they are somehow connected with perhaps the rain of the Pacific Northwest really can drive you crazy!
Well, the last hours of MLK Day, I stopped and enjoyed the halarity of the Golden Globes. It is such a joke of a show. I am quite scared by the fact that the show has lasted 63 years. My fav quote concerning the Golden Globes comes from Peter Travers of Rolling Stone - not a critic I always agree with, but still he has a point..."Never mind that the [Golden Globe] is considered a joke, given the dubious credentials of the 90-odd foreign journalists who pick the winners." So there is no need to worry about my lack of sanity, I fully realize that the show is pointless...I just like watching it anyway. I always have a good time mocking the clothing, horrible speaches, and awful choices made by these idiots. If only I had my own award would be frakkin' awesome...I tell you that!!! Just think of the fun awards I could create and for once the right people would win. Ah...if only I ruled the world or at least could influence that leader!!!
I went to see Brokeback Mountain today, but the review will be a few days in the making. I'm still mulling over the film. Although I thought I knew what to expect, the film surprised me in many ways, expecially the lack of propaganda I was expecting after so much media hype. The film really had no agenda except to tell a story, a story many may find controversal, but still the story remains an extremely simple love story...and yet not. As Ang Lee did with his Civil War film Ride with the Devil, Brokeback deals with a topic that is highly emotional, but deals with the material in such a way that you come away thinking about the subject matter in a completely new way. Fascinating...and all from the guy who broght us Sense and Sensibility and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Well, I am almost done with this interesting fantasy book about a boy and his dragon...a girl dragon I might add. Overall, I have enjoyed the book, but I wish someone would have an original thought sometimes. I mean, as much as I like Eragon, the book is heavily influenced by Robert Jordan and other contemporary authors. Don't get me wrong, I understand that all fantasy books are similar on some level or another, but I am getting tired of the same ol' same ol'. The names are even similar...Fades and Shades. Come on, at least make me somewhat delude myself concerning the similarities and pretend I can't accurately guess upcoming events. It's becoming ridiculous. Even as much as I love Robin Hobb, her books suffer from the same fate. Even the Wheel of Time no longer has the exciting edge it once did...if only I had a good idea for a fantasy novel!!!
Other than reading quite a bit and avoiding packing - I did accomplish some real packing last night, but nothing today - I ended up spending most of the day with Marathon watching BSG. I did go to her indoor soccer game as well, but ended up spending most of the game trying to make conversation with her ex - someone I have very little in common with. At least the game was interesting. I must now return to reading Eragon since I only have 50 pages or so left. Expect a full review tomorrow!!! Well maybe not tomorrow since it is the Golden Globes, but soon!!!
So...Lucy Lawless, yes the warrior princess herself, is showing up everywhere. During season 2 of Battlestar Galactica she had a guest role and now it seems that she will be appearing on an upcoming episode of Veronica Mars. How weird is that one? To top it off, I recently borrowed a couple of seasons of Xena in order to obsess over Karl Urban. Come on...he played like 5 different roles including a bleach blonde Cupid - see the blog entry for October 23rd for a pic - how could a girl resist? He is so dreamy and to top it off a New Zealander...and if I have learned anything from reading romance novels, it is that all New Zealanders are filthy rich and amazingly hot!!
I learned another fascinating fact last night...watching friends attempting to play Trivial Pursuit while drunk is fabulous. After the weekly happy hour at Stans, 6 if us decided to go play some board games. Everyone else had been drinking - I don't drink during the school's kinda complicated but includes an Oxford professor, Margery de Kemp, and coctail specials - and so as the only sober person I laughed my ass off. People are always interesting while drunk, but grad students are a cut above since everything in life needs to be analyzed. Too much fun...I recommend it!!
The OC has finally returned, making my world a little less Sci-Fi although just as angsty in the end. Although the show infuriates me quite a lot, I just can't quit watching. This is the only show that both ChickLit and I watch on a regualr basis and despite all the frustration...I love the whole Seth/Summer stuff - the wonderous uber-twins that date - and then Ryan. I just wish that he could move on from Mairssa, but I made my peace with that quite a while ago...they will always be a coupld and that is that.
On a different tellie note, I think I am the only person in America that doesn't like the Olympics...yeah I am willing to admit it even if it makes me un-American in some way. There are so many other reasons to ignore me, that Olympic-hating doesn't rank high - at least I don't think so. Besides ChickLit loves the Olympics so I think that my ambivolence simply averages out to a happy median when compared to her adoration. I don't really have anything against them per se, but still...all those athletes...I'm just tired thinking about it all. Also, there is the fact that 2 weeks of programming gets interupted. At least NBC has the Olympics and I don't watch many NBC shows...I think ER remains the lone show and even that one gets missed quite a bit. Oh least after this I have 2 weeks to prepare for the next round.
So...I am pretty sure that most of you that read this blog are sick of hearing about Battlestar Galactica, but if you are a friend of mine you know that won't stop me from talking. If anything...I just go on a bit more. Anyway, I have searched for the picture featured today for a couple of months. Last night, well actually early this morning since I have not been sleeping well at night, I found it on a pretty nifty website. It never ceases to amaze me that with all the time I spend on the internet, I still haven't found it all yet. Kinda reassuring in a bizzare way.
My day didn't go as planned, but turned out pretty well anyway. I missed the HGA meeting this eveing in order to help a friend in the middle of a crisis. Since I am quite familar with my own, it is nice to deal with someone elses. Oh...and I mailed FemeNazi's boyfriends back to her - i.e. CDs - after spending 25 minutes in the post office. Bham's post offices are beyond inefficient. I wish that I had started keeping a log of the time I spend in the branches when I first moved to town like I did with the countries trying to hack into my computer. Although, the time spent could scare me. I mean today alone I lost at least 25 minutes of my life I can't get back...perhaps it is better if I don't know the total.
So I think I have opened Pandora's box...and by Pandora's box I mean my apartment. Last weekend I bought the supplies to begin packing up my apartment in Bham. BAD IDEA!!!!! I was so excited by my new 25 gallon Rubbermaid containers that I just jumped in without really planning anything. To make matters worse, I am trying to get rid of quite a bit of my "stuff" which means that I am not just putting everything in boxes...I have to go through stuff. Now most of readers no me so it should come as no shock that I am in over my head and own way too much crap.
As if this situation wasn't bad enough already, I got the call today that my property management group is showing my apartment to some lady on Thursday at 10am. So not only do I have to be up and actually functioning by 10am I also have to have pathways throughout the house that not only I can traverse. I'll let you all know how it goes...
Nothing else going on really...I am not packing as much or as fast as I should...not really a surprise that I don't always - or ever - stay on track. Come on people...I have the attention span of a gnat. Perhaps I should hire a babysitter to sit in whatever room I am trying to pack and make sure I stay on track. How sad is that?
Ok...I know it is a bit late, but here is the tracklist for January's ELFI's mix. I can't believe we are already 10 days into the month. Man time flies...Anyway overall the mix seems country heavy which I find interesting. I mean, I do often go in phases with my music, but this country phase is out of order. I have many theories, but feel free to share yours. And so without further ado:
1. Caledonia - Frankie Miller (A catchy song all about I really need to say anything else?) 2. Days Go By - Keith Urban (I LOVE Keith, even if he is a bit gay and all...and this song...the days do seem to be flying by. Soon I will have to leave the academic world and enter the real one...scary!) 3. Can't Hurry Love - Dixie Chicks (You reall can't - believe me I have tried!!!) 4. Santeria - Sublime (Everytime I hear this song, I am back in high school listening to my Sublime CD, a CD my parents still no nothing about.) 5. Tripping - Robbie Williams (For the most part, I don't understand what the song is about only "I've taken as much as I'm willing to take". I understand that statement.) 6. Staring at the Sun - U2
(The previous track uses a similar line and it got me thinking...besides what is one of my mixes without a U2 song?!?!?!)
7. This One's For the Girls - Martina McBride
(This one really is for all those girls around know who you are.)
8. Should've Been a Cowboy - Toby Keith
(Although I don't really want to be a cowboy, I do often wonder if I would be happier doing something esle in life...)
9. You'll Think of Me - Keith Urban
(This black and white music video almost makes me want to break up with someone...well almost, but then again first I would have to have someone. Is this the appropriate place to complain about the approach of Valentine's Day?)
10. I Sang Dixie - Dwight Yoakam
(Anyone that can actually use the melody from Dixie in their own song has my vote. Besides, Dwight is always brillant!)
11. Make Me Pure - Robbie Williams
(At this point in my life I understand this one, especially "Oh Lord, please make me pure - but not yet") 12. Farther Along - Brad Paisley
(One of my fav ol' hymns...) 13. Tonight I Wanna Cry - Keith Urban
(I seem to be going this a lot lately...go figure!)
14. In My Life - The Beatles
(I always play this song quite a bit before moving...seems to make it seem better.) 15. Highwayman - Johnny Cash & Co.
(Any song about men dying in wet cement while building a dam in Colorado has my vote. Well that and it is the super group the Highwaymen.) 16. Rhinestone Cowboy - Glen Miller
(I love Glen Miller. I don't care if he isn't really a nice guy and writes campy hits. I can never get enough of pop/country...hence my love of Keith Urban.) 17. Here I am (Come and Take Me) - Al Green
(Catchy my friend. Simply catchy!) 18. I Love the Nightlife - Alicia Bridges
(We always used to listen to this song over and over while getting the coffee stand ready to open in the morning. Whenever I hear it, I feel the need to make coffee or steam milk.) 19. I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash
(This track rates high on my list of all-time 20. Money - Alan Cummings in Cabaret (Money really does make the world go round. Too bad I don't have any. I would make the best rich person, I just need someone to give me a bunch so I can prove myslef...any takers?)
21. Night and Day (With Punctuation Marks) - Allan Sherman
(I believe this song explains both my childhood and why I am the person I am today...see at least I have some excuse!!)
Well that is it. It looks like February will be Ryan Adams heavy...I just love the boy!!
So...finally I have internet again. I go back late Thursday night - well actually early Friday morning - only to discover that my my internet didn't work. Of course Comcast couldn't send anyone out until Sunday afternoon and the new modem I supposedly needed didn't come until today. I love corporate America...working slow to make my world a slightly better place!
Now onto better news...Battlestar Galactica. I know my regular readers are probably sick to death of hearing about the show, but I am in love and lord knows that when I obsess about something...I really OBSESS!!!! Anyway, on Friday night I infected - sorry, but I couldn't think of a better word - Marathon with the BSG bug. We ended up watching all of the miniseries - 3 hours of wonderous sci-fi and then over the course of the weekend, the next 8 is so brillant to get to watch this show with others. To cap off the weekend, another friend brought over last Friday night's new ep for me to watch this evening. I love this is so fun that the year I found Veronica Mars is the same year I also got sucked into BSG. Two very different shows but both magnificent.
Other than that, nothing much to report. I started the packing process yesterday, but didn't really get all that far; partly because I really don't want to move and partly due to the fact that my apartment is currentlt in a state of chaos. Perhaps it will get easier, but I honestly don't think so. At least I have Jamie Bamber to stare at...and not the wimpy Jamie Bamber...the pretty muscled one!!!
So one day last week I picked up one of the skinny, ultra-funny-in-a-sad-way, crap romance books at a used bookstore. For those of you concerned that I am visiting bookstores even though I am broke...have no fear. This was the only book I purchased and it was only a buck or so and I was with ChickLit, who had strict orders not to let me buy anything. Anyway, I picked up the book because of the cover...isn't it a doozy? I mean, as if the title wasn't halarious enough, the picture is priceless. Well, I read the book in an evening thinking the entire time that the country of Dacia was fictional. Unfortunately it turns out that the book - a crap book I really don't want to admit to reading - got one up on me. Oh...if only this wasn't the most depressing recent revelation in my life.
I actually figured this all out a church - an ironic place to think about romance novels, I know, but I gave up years ago trying to explain my thoughts. I didn't have a Bible of my own and so I borrowed one of the paperback volumes floating around - by floating I mean they were handed out by ushers to us poor unfortunate souls that for some reason or another were Holy Scriptureless. The front of the Bible advertised that it contained 2 maps of the ancient world and so I decided to take a look and there lo and behold was Dacia...right next to Syria. I believe that it was an ancient country and no longer exists since it doesn't seem to be listed anywhere, but hey...I really have no clue. I just feel the shame...the utter sadness that a crap Harlequin novel got the best of be...what will be next? Be sure to check back in the near futures since knowing me it is only around the corner!!!