Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it...My Hair

So it seems like my hairdresser is no longer returning my calls. Now I can understand why she might be somewhat upset since I haven't been to see her since the beginning of July, but hair matters!!! Is it my fault that financial aid doesn't budget in hair salon visits in the quartly award letters? I think not. Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will be more follicly successful. I really want a haircut!!!
Now onto more important town has been once again invaded by college students. I mean I do understand that technically I am one of them, but still I have to argue in my defense that I am much more superior and far less annoying. No matter what, buying milk should never take 45 minutes. That should be a law. Oh...and they drive like idiots. C'est la vive I guess.
Meanwhile, the fall schedule isn't looking very good. I have tried 4 of the new shows and found them far from inventive or interesting...except for one. People who know me, know I am a sucker for bad tv shows. I have watched 2 full years of One Tree Hill and own The Nanny on DVD, but still the fall 2005 season has been disappointing. Bones failed to interest me, Invasion seemed like a rip off of a B movie concept mixed with leftovers from Lost. And how do I even begin to describe the pain that was Fox's Head Cases. The only promising show has been Prison Break...which still baffles me. How is a 4 week prison break supposed to last 22 episodes. However, I can pretty much promise I will watch all 22 episodes and I'll give you the reason why...Wentworth Miller...I don't care if the show never really goes anywhere. I could stare into his eyes forever and man is he built. I guess 1 out of 4 ain't bad...
Well, I must bid all my readers (those hypothetical readers I wrote of yesterday of course) a good night. Tomorrow brings my first trip up to campus since the school year began and the the circus that is Western...Therefore I leave you with these wise words...
Fate is what you call it when you don't know the name of the person screwing you over!

1 comment:

Rush Murad said...

Hi there! Just dropping by, nice blog u have here.