Tim Burton has done it again. Last night I treated myself to Corpse Bride a highly entertaining film that although it is not as good as the classic The Nightmare Before Christmas. However, that might just be me. Ironically what I didn't like about Corspe Bride was the fact that it looked too good. One of the things I love about Nightmare is the whole rough edge of it...the startled movement of both the puppets (I don't know what else to call them) and the various vehicles and objects. Corpse Bride was simply too good looking, although, if that is my only issue with the film...that ain't bad. I also liked the songs better in Nightmare although that is neither here or there.
The previews before the film were bizarre...and many I hadn't actually watched yet. The one that really threw me off was Nanny McFee. It looks like a wacky and colorful version of Mary Poppins meets The Sound of Music without songs. The film stars Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, Kelly MacDonald, Angela Lansbury, Imelda Staunton, Derek Jacobi, and that adorable kid that played Liam Neeson's step-son in Love Actually. I honestly don't fully understand what the film is going to be like, except that Colin Firth has finally recognized that he has a bald spot and will be wearing a wig. I do know that I will be seeing this film, cause really how could anyone resist that cast. Oh and it is the same director as Waking Ned Devine one of the funniest comedies in recent years.
Other than that, no real excitement. I finally got a haircut and did get a hold of my boss to find out when I need to start working. Oh...and I found the absurdity of vampire historical romance novels. I had no clue that this genre even existed, but unfortunately I must admit I am a fan. I mean, how could you not? It is the most brillantly weird stuff I have read since trying to get through most of Irvine Welsh's drug stories. Go figure...I think that grad school has finally broken me. I could explain away most of the other things, even my obsession with Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, but for this I have no words. In the end...grad school does break you and I guess I am lucky that this is one of my many shames. I don't remember where I read this, but it must be true..."There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'". Uni and learning is definitely a hobby that has gotten out of hand.
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