So, some of you might be wondering how much I love the new P & P since I was so excited and that usually leads to disaster. If I get my expectations up...bad things happen - Het anyone? I wrote a bit earlier in the week, but I thought I would gush a bit more. I LOVE this film. Not just like or enjoy, but full "get your freak on" - whatever that means - passionately love this film. I never thought anyone could compare to Colin Firth's Darcy and the legendary pond scene...but this new film has a couple of great rain-drenched scenes that have me reminiscing about English rain - something I spent a good portion of time complaining about.
Sitting and watching the film today got me pondering Austen's connection to the crap romance novels of today...excuse me the correct term is now ChickLit - not the gum, but literature directed completely at the female gender...and C's grandfather - don't worry I will not try and explain that one! Anyway, Austen's work stands as the foundation for all Regency romance writers from Heyer to Balogh and beyond. I wonder what she would have thought of that!
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