Anyway, ER is another of those shows. It might surprise many of you, but I have never been an avid fan; probably all the blood and medical jargon. But I digress, anyway...last year I began watching The O.C. over at a friend's house and usually stayed to watch ER - a habit that has continued this year. Mostly I just like to annoy her with my zany predictions and repeating the same phrases over and over again...much like grade school. However, a couple of weeks ago as the Kovac/Abbie relationship developed - she HATES Kovac by the way...I think his accent is pretty hot - I started to bombard her with "Oohh Abbie is going to get pregant with Kovac's love child", "now they will get married and have dozens of babies", etc. over and over again also adding the word chlamydia into the mix simply because it is fun to say - unlike gonorrhea or crabs - and as a tribute to the stupidity of Ray - who apparently got the STD from his former underage girlfriend. Back to the story though, it all came true on tonight's episode. I think this might be a sign I really do watch way to much tellie...no one should predict storylines...especially when it is as dumb as this one. Yes my friends...ER has definitely jumped the shark and gone downhill since the days of George Clooney and co, but hey I don't mind. It is turning into my kind of WB show; a move I can readily get behind. I only need one good show and I have VM. The rest is filler and the more I can laugh at it...the better!
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