break at work, I started pondering area codes. Kinda odd I know, but let's face it...far from the strangest thing I have thought about - even in the last week. Anyway, the little cardboard divider used to seperate the carbon-copy message sheets features all of the area codes for each state. Now I always assumed - not something I do well since I always thought that the mice threw monterey jack cheese at Cinderella because they were rich now and could get more expensive cheese and no longer had to rely on cheddar - that each state had multiple area codes. Keep in mind quite a bit of this comes from growing up in California since most of my family located in Cali lives within 2 hours of me and all have different area codes. In the end, it turns out that 13 states only have 1 area code for the entire region. And to make matters even more interesting...everything in Nevada has the same number except for Las Vegas and the same goes for all of Utah except Salt Lake City.
The more I thought about it, I could handle the fact that most of the smaller states only have one number like Delaware or New Hampshire, but it seems like New Mexico and Idaho ought to have more than one number. Maybe not Wyoming, but haven't both of the Dakotas suffered long enough not to have the joy of multiple numbers. Although after further consideration...perhaps they have it better than the rest of us. Just think...any call within the state would be local. I could get behind that!!!
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