I also got a pretty risque email from FemeNazi concerning fictional hot, studly guys who come to your office and wash your car in the buff. The email is absolutely hilarious, but the pic at the bottoms of the fake ad shows quite a bit of skin. I have fought with myself whether or not to post it on the blog since I don't want to give into my quasi-puritanical-conservative upbringing that I have spent years fighting against by not posting it. However, it is not the sort of thing I really want posted alongside my own pic and my happy thoughts on pop culture and such. In the end, I decided that for the moment, the pic won't get published, but feel free to email me and request that I forward it on. Chances are in a couple of weeks it will make it on the blog. I got a great laugh out of it and now that I have spent way to much time discussing it in true grad student fashion, I'm sure someone is intrigued...
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