Friday, March 31, 2006

There was a boy...a very strange enchanted boy

In honor of Ewan McGregor's birthday, I thought I would post one of my fav pics of the lovely Scotsman. This one of course also includes a studly - but unfortunately philandering - Englishman and two of my other favorite things: a bubble bath and a cup of tea...with a saucer I might add. be British!!
Unfortunately, nothing much else is going on of interest. I had a once-a-year Twinkie craving only to discover that at the moment, Hostess is only selling banana flavored desserts in a market tie-in with the DVD release of King Kong. But don't worry I won't bore you with that rant. Oh and I finally watched Jersey Girl - not as bad as I thought, but really I only enjoyed the Sweeny Todd part at the end. For this week at least, I doubt anything could beat meeting the Govenator on Wednesday. Perhaps if Bono happened to stop by to chat, but as ChickLit pointed out...that would cause my head to implode and therefore, I wouldn't be able to communicate for at least a week!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oh, the farmer and the cowman should be friends...

Although you may have thought it in decline, the mullet remains strong, my friends. Yesterday at Ag Day, I saw more men - and unfortunately women - sporting the 'fashionable' hairdo than ever care to recall...and keep in mind that I spent my childhood summers in Oroville and Mt. Shasta, both with large hick populations. The great thing about yesterday, however, was the fact that these lovable - well some of them at least - were mixed in with the politicians and aides in their fancy, expensive suites or designer heels. Yes...oh what a glorious sight it was...the mixing of two great cultures...the farmer-redneck and the smooth-operating-politician!! That's an image that will stay with you whether you want it to or not!!! Kinda makes you think of the musical wait, that is probably just me come to think of it...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

There's no governor like our governor!

So after being back in California for 2 months, I have met with the Govenator. I have known people who have lived in Sactown far longer than I who have yet to come face to face with Arnie - I must confess he seems bigger in real life - although they weren't giving out lamb sausage samples. Perhaps that is the key!! Anyway, Mr. Schwarzenegger and I talked briefly and while we shook hands, he congratulated me on the great work I do for agriculture in California. Oh, if he only knew all the things I do...answering the phone, lying to legislative members about the whereabouts of one of my bosses, and don't forget sending out vaccines. Man! What would the agriculture industry of California do without me (and by that I mean the whole 6 weeks I have worked in it)? But hey...pretty cool all in all!!! I met the Govenator!!
In addition to that exciting news, I also got to spend the day with a cute and chivalrous ranch hand guy - oh I can picture the film/trashy novel now!!! - all day long. Not bad...I could spend more days like that!
P.S. I originally had the idea of putting up one of the shots of a muscled Arnold, but this is the pic in all the official state stuff and personally I find it a bit disturbing. What's up with his hair?!?!!?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Drink my coffee hurry to get to work on time!

Don't get me wrong. I love that I have a job...a job that for the most part isn't all that bad. However, I may have to change my tune after tomorrow.
You see, March 29th is California Ag Day at the State Capitol. I know that sounds harmless enough, but this is what those 5 little words - along with an article and a preposition I think, but I could be wrong since I pretty much suck at grammar - means: I have to be to work by 7am, help to set up 2 different 10 foot displays, which includes pictures of cuts of meat and what part of the animal they come from (unfortunately this includes lamb), and then hand out brochures and pork samples all day. This may not seem so bad, but keep in mind that I can't answer the simplest ag pretty much I am doomed. Man am I gonna need some coffee in the morning...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Don't Let the Bastards Grind You Down!

I must confess, everyone I know had a somewhat crap day, varying levels, but still nots-so-good times, and I'm not feeling all that original tonight and. I stole this image from Ms. Jane Bennett. After months of no updates, she put up 2 new of them being this glorious photo of Ewan in a kilt (come on...who could ask for anything more?!?!) I can't wait for his new film in which he plays Bonnie Prince Charlie...well actually I think in the film he plays an actor playing the "Young Pretender" in movie, but I could be wrong. I'm not sure if it is the prospect of a new Ewan McGregor film or the possibility that this bunch of men in kilts that might blot out all Braveheart images/references that appeals to me (except for that crazy Irish dude that talks to God...I dig tha guy!!). Anyway, this brightened up what had begun as a dismal evening. I won't go into it, but sometimes it is nice to simply stare at a pretty sight, forget all the crap in the world, and bitch on the phone with good friends about every minute thing wrong.
Talking to FemeNazi, well actually commiserating with her, reminded me of a funny line I heard the other day. She might have said it to me, but I honestly don't remember. The statement went something like this, "I love you, but no I haven't read your blog". I know you probably thought this was going somewhere, but no. That is all I really had to say...I originally meant to go somewhere with the whole set up, but alas, it now escapes me so I think I will simply climb into bed and wait until tomorrow to use my brain again!!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

If you drink don't drive do the watermelon crawl...

Combined, my bosses recieve a crap load of magazines and newspapers on a number of different agricultural topics. I am actually amazed at the number of weekly papers devoted to things like packer associations and the like. Who knew?!?! Anyway, earlier this week both of my bosses were out of the office leaving me nothing to do and so I started reading the articles out of The Packer. For the most part I understand what is going on and why certain topics are important in the agriculture world, but I sometimes get lost in the jargon.
Anyway a couple of pages in, there was a picture of a couple of girls, dressed formally, spitting something. This intrigued me of turns out that there is a National Watermelon Association - which apparently is hoping to market watermelons to the UK, which was the point of the article - and each year, the organization chooses a National Watermelon Queen based on how far she can spit a watermelon seed. How nifty is that?!?!?! This years queen won by spitting more than 23 feet. Now that is what I deem royalty!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Did I disappoint you or leave a bad taste in your mouth?

Although it has taken me a while to admit it, I don’t think I will ever love a show again as I loved Buffy. Last summer, one of my profs asked if I thought I would ever find a replacement for my beloved show. At the time, I didn’t really have an answer, but a week or so later, I assured him that I thought Veronica Mars had the potential given a couple more years (keep in mind I hadn’t yet discovered BSG, but I don’t believe it serve as a complete replacement either). Unfortunately, it turned out I was wrong. Last night’s ep of VM proved that fact.
Don’t get me wrong, I still like the show, but it keeps pulling crap that I can’t condone... main characters are conspicuously missing for multiple eps at a time, the overall mystery doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, the “mystery-of-the-week” eps are getting stupid and lackadaisical, and Veronica doesn’t seem to have the same spunk she once possessed. All this is further compounded by the extended breaks that the UPN keeps inserting in the season. It is hard enough keeping all the look-a-like high schoolers straight let alone having to also remember complex elements of the bus crash investigation. I have never claimed the 7 seasons of Buffy were without flaws, but than again, I forgave more back then.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

If You Think You're Lonely Now...

I have recently discovered a fantastic way to pass the time at work. Unfortunately, now that I have caught up with most of the backlogged tasks, I don't have enough to fill the day. This of course makes the 8.5 hours I spend at the office go even slower. Anyway, I'm not exactly sure how it came to me, but I began to reminisce about the article titles I used to read all the time in grad school and how inflated with language they were. In many cases, the titles were far more informative - and to be honest, interesting - than the actual title. At the same time I began to ponder the ridiculous title of the latest trashy novel I had read. I think it was something completely ludicrous like To Pleasure a Prince or perhaps the outlandish Devil in a Kilt - a book I recently stumbled across again after several years.
Anyway, to say the least, trashy novels normally suffer from both a bad title and a equally horrendous cover pic. Now often this makes for a good laugh, but I began to wonder if more people - or fewer for that matter - would read them with grad school like article titles. So...I started to create new titles for the plots of trashy novels I have read. For instance Sabrina Jeffries' The Pirate Lord could in fact be "Raging Lust: A Study of Early 19th Century Piracy and its Affect on English Aristocratic Culture". I mean who wouldn't want to read that. Another example of a more contemporary book, Mary Janice Davidson's The Royal Pain might have been entitled "The Modern Monarchy: Penguins, International Politics, and Royal Courtship in 'The Last Frontier'". Once you begin it is kind of addicting...but then again that might just be me!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Well, if they freed me from this prison...

At long last, Prison Break has returned...and I might add...better than ever. Oh how I love Wentworth Miller and his English degree from Princeton. I also appreciate that for once, the brothers actually seem like they could be related. So often you get the amusing "family resemblances" or lack there of like with the 2 brothers on Numbers, Don and Charlie. I mean, if I was their father, I would have had some hard questions for their mother.
Anyway, I believe I blog about my concerns over the 4 month hiatus, but apparently my anxiety was for nothing. The new ep tonight was brilliant and not in a cheesy WB way. Once you get past the premise, the show is remarkably articulate. I'm not gullible enough to go along with everything, but man does the show hook you. And if you lose interest in the current situation, there is always next season to think about. Will they break out? What then? Will Michael, Lincoln, and their entourage simply sneak from one town to another like on that old series The Fugitive? I am fascinated. Well that and the cast of characters...and not just the pretty ones. Needless to say without a new Battlestar ep until October, it is nice that at least for awhile I have something worth watching...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

You'll pant, and pant once more...

Since I now actually pull in an income that allows me to pay all of my bills, I have started to invest in a new wardrobe. Unfortunately grad school wear isn't the current office style. Anyway, I recently purchased a pair of crop pants and proceeded to wear them to work today even though it was raining. Ok...enough back story. You see, today I discovered that I bought loud pants - and not in a "I'm a senior citizen and will wear the most colorful golfing pants I can find" way. Every time I walked down the hall I marveled at the amount of noise. Perhaps they will become less loud once they have gone through the washing machine and drier. At least that is what I am clinging to at the moment!!
If you are wondering why I chose this pic, it is actually quite simple. I searched Google images for "noisy pants" and came up with this. In fact, I actually Google found 6 pages worth of scary is that?!?! Ah well, I can't figure out what the images is about other than cover art and to be honest, I am ok with that!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

And you wasn't polite!

At long last, VM finally aired a new ep. It's about bloody time...I have been without for 6 weeks or so. However, I ended up watching the ep alone. Renaissance Man, my VM, accomplice is getting sick and since I can't afford - and I mean this literally more than figuratively, I decided not to risk it. The funny part of the whole thing is that I have been going over to renaissance Man's for the last month on Wednesday nights to get in the habit and now on the night of the long awaited new ep...I sit alone! Ah, what cruel fate...
In other fascinating news I am sure you will skim, apparently fractions are no longer called fractions. Apparently sometime in the last 7 years - yes I am a geek and know the number of years since my last math class - math lingo has changed. FemeNazi was helping out a teenager with her homework and stumbled across this change in vocab. Why can't things ever stay the same?!?! I guess ratio does make sense, but then again, so does fraction...make up your mind people!!!! Some of us don't want to sound like an idiot when talking to 13 year olds about math since most likely I will already sound like an idiot. No need to compound the problem!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Those were the days, my friend...

Well, I think it is official...I have a nickname for pretty much everyone now. You see, Renfield finally got around to agreeing on a name. So far, the reason behind his nickname wins out for best backstory. You see his father used to say that "You could never be Dr. Frankenstein, but you could always be Igor." Along the same lines, "You could never be Dracula, but you could always be Renfield." This of course reminded me of the Buffy ep when Dracula came to town and Xander fell under his thrall...oh and Giles tried to get it on with the three wives of Dracula...yeah I know everything reminds me of a Buffy ep, but I think this time it is justified. Besides, it is my blog...
I know some of you have been waiting for my passionate BSG finale review. Unfortunately, it ain't comin'. I thought about writing one, but instead I bored my parents with my predictions - who have never seen the show I might add -and discussed the finale's finer and crappy points with Renfield. Years ago I found the joy of talking to my parents about topics they could care less about to see how quickly their eyes glaze over. People seem to do the same thing after asking me about my thesis topic, but with the parental unit there is a history of past glaze-eyed references that make it all better...all going back to the glorious summer of Robert Jordan back in 1998. Ah how the years fly...but don't worry...I won't bore you with those rants!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Sorrow is their master crackling with laughter...

Tonight on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart brought up a topic I have been wondering about for years...what would happen if a werewolf landed on the moon? Not that I see NASA creating werewolves to find out since they can't even build spaceships or probes that work correctly, but still...would it cause werewolf overload leading to a complete cure of the nocturnal beast or more likely, would this close proximity to the moon create a more primal, feral creature?
Of course for this discussion to even work one must suspend a couple realities, but still it is an interesting question. Often we blame the moon for mood swings in people that cause them to revert back to a more primal being whether it be in a romantic sense - yes I know I have read too many romance need to remind me - or even a more violent streak. Traditionally full moons are blamed for erractic behavior or odd occurrences and such...but back to my original thought...if only I could get my hands on a werewolf...although that may be the easy part. I've got an uncle that believes we never even landed on the moon, but that is another blog...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

For those about to die...we salute you

My parents purchased the latest Harry Potter film installment this weekend and so I borrowed it after they went to bed. Since it has been a couple months since I saw the movie, I ended up noticing a couple of new things. First of all...Cedric kinda looks like a cross between Ryan Atwood on The O.C. and Eminem in 8 Mile, but a bit more preppy of course. He's English don't forget! Second Cedric's dad has a cape which he whips about like the Phantom. If only the film had more fog scenes with him. And although this one isn't exactly new, Ron and Harry do make a cute couple. Not as good as Seth and Ryan, but still definite potential!
The world might possibly be ending, becuase for once I actually enjoyed one of ChickLit's Sunday quizzes. Often I do try them out, but the results are far too guessable and therefore not as fun...unless of course you find out that you would fit best within BSG's crew. Ah that was a good day. But I digress, today's quiz involved painters...something I don't know much about. But hey, I did end up getting a painter I knew at least. Always makes me feel smart...I especially like the whole "only a master painter could represent your glorious contradictions." What is that supposed to mean?!?!?!?!

Who Should Paint You: Pablo Picasso
Your an expressive soul who shows many emotions, with many subtleties. Only a master painter could represent your glorious contradictions.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

From the lover's in love at the centre of stage...

MY EYES!!!! MY EYES!!!!!! This has to be one of the scariest things I have ever seen in my life...and I have to say I have seen some amazing things...You see, ChickLit told me about this brilliant site, Smart Bitches Who Love Trashy Novels. With a tagline of "All of the Romance, None of the Bullshi@t", you know you are in for a good time. Little did I know I was in for a laugh-so-hard-starting- crying-and-nearly- peed-my-pants kind of funny. We stumbled upon a weekly ritual of the site, in which 2 woman - at least I figure they are women, but you never know- comment or in most cases completely mock bad romance novel covers. If that doesn't seem to funny, take a look at the pic to the left and then tell me you didn't start laughing again...ChickLit and I made it back a couple of months before I had to go. It sucks having to share a computer,but at least this way we can spread out the hilarity for a couple of days. Lord knows I need a good laugh that isn't about my life or thesis!!
You see I have often wondered about the covers of romance novels ever since I had to shelve them at the bookstore. For an industry that pulls in $1.2 billion a year and accounts for 54.9% of all mass-market paperback fiction sold (also 39.3% of all fiction sold), you'd think the publishers could come up with better covers. But apparently they are doing something right. I recently found out that apparently around 64 million Americans read at least one romance novel in a given year and of those people, 78% were women while 22% were men. And hey, if that didn't blow your mind enough , 42% of those readers hold a BA or higher.
Now I know statistics can say whatever, but still those are some pretty impressive numbers for a genre of books that boasts Fabio look-a-likes on their covers....

Thursday, March 09, 2006

hoping for the best but expecting the worst...

Ok...I am not sure how much more repetition I can handle. I understand that The O.C. mainly relies on beautiful people, beaches, and well...I guess that is pretty much it. I guess it also specialized is self-aware drama, although I am finding that in reality, the writers had 1 season worth of material and they simply recycle it every year. Take this season...Ryan and Marissa - angsty again (look at the pic...they are the only established couple not standing next to eachother), Sandy and Kirstin's marriage - somewhat rocky again, Seth and Summer - dating although they act like a really cool sibling superhero duo. Nothing ever really changes. The end of the season approaches and it looks like once again Julie is getting married, Marissa is chosing to be with a bad guy and then will expect Ryan to bail her out when things head south. And despite how much I like Sadie, she looks and acts a lot like Teresa and kinda reminds me of a female Johnny. Don't get me started on that one. Oh and lest I forget, Ryan got in a fight this week and Seth covered for him. I did enjoy the phone conversation between those two while Seth rolled around in Ryan's bed...what a cute couple they would make...and next week looks like a party with we've never seen that one before!?!?!?!
I'm not expecting originality. I fully admit that is not why I watch the show, but least throw me something new and not the same charcters with different hair color and bigger boobs. I need something more...or as a compromise at least a few scenes with a shirtless Ryan. I am sure that could make everything better. That and a couple more Seth/Ryan scenes...they always steal the ep. Ryan is a great famulus to Seth.
(Yeah, I thought I could work the word of the day in, but now it just seems stupid, but I will keep it in anyway since I lke the meaning: an attendant or assistant, especially of a medieval sorcerer or scholar. Gotta love a word that is so fun to say!!)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I eat leftovers with mashed potatoes...

What's up with Lean Cuisine meals and broccoli? Today as I ate my chicken linguini meal, I realized that every single Lean Cuisine meal I have had for lunch this week has included the horrid vegetable. I just can't handle it anymore. I have never been a fan of broccoli....and come to think of it, that is probably the only thing I have in common with George Bush Sr. As a child, I happily - well maybe not happily but at least voluntarily - ate spinach and brussel sprouts. I like veggies, but broccoli never caught on. Oh could be worse. I could have to actually make my lunches. At this point, I just eat around the small little clumps.
And for those doubting thomases who thought that I would forget my resolution to learn a new word every day, I only have one thing to write: tabescent. All in all, a pretty nifty way to describe something that has withered or dwindled away...much like my hope in ever finishing my thesis!! But hey, that is a whole other issue...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

You won't shout, you're spoon fed!

So after watching P & P for the millionth time - I honestly lost count years ago - I decided to learn a new word a day. If I am truthful, which ChickLit would probably argue isn't often, this came from watching quite a few BBC costume dramas, some good ol' Shakespeare, and some good early films recently. You see, after I watch these films, I always lament the fact that I never have such witty & wordy comebacks. English - at least the version I speak - lacks for interesting replies and quips.
For instance, Lizzie doesn't just tell Darcy no, she snarkly replies "From the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry." Come know you love it. Or in another scene, instead of simply stating the fact she doesn't like him, she comments "It would be most inconvenient since I swore to loathe him for eternity." Classic people, classic.
Before I get carried away and people actually comment on my blog, I should point out I realize that not everyone in England in 18th and 19th centuries spoke like that. Several people have made sure I remember that fact, but as with most things in life...I simply choose to ignore that small bit of truthiness (oh how I love you Stephen Colbert). Therefore, as I stated in the beginning of this blog, I have started a new learning regime: one new word a day that I not only learn, but also have to share it with someone; although spelling correctly is optional as always. So here is today's word, chosen at random from Webster's New World Dictionary: polydactyl. Apparently, this refers to a person or animal with more than the normal number of fingers or toes. So there you go folks. I actually had a friend in high school who suffered from polydactlyism, although I had no clue of the actual scientific name. So there you go, not only did you get a mesmerizing discussion of the finer quotes from the new P & P film, but also learned a new word. My work is done...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Maybe I'll move back home and pay off my loans...

Although no one but me will care, the really good Jamie Bamber site has finally reopened its glorious galleries. This news not only means that I can once again gaze into Jamie's big blue eyes while bored at work, but I once again have access to one of the best BSG - not to mention Hornblower - gallery on the web. Again, most of you could really care less, but keep in mind that Friday's ep is the season finale. I now have to wait months...MONTHS...for a BSG fix and lord knows there is going to be some epic cliffhanger - not sure how they are going to ante-up the last couple, but I have faith in the show - that I will have to specualte for months over until the middle of summer. I know what you are thinking...tragedy...such a horrible situation much like AIDS and poverty in Africa. (See...with that clever piece of sarcasm I have lowered myself one level on the geek-o-meter!!!) I do understand that in the grand scheme of everything, sci-fi tellie doesn't matter, but I have to have something. I guess I will just have to go back to my staple...whatever that is this week. I can't be bothered to keep up.
Work continues to fly by. Despite my complaint earlier, I really do enjoy going to work. I would enjoy it even more if I got to start a bit later, but at least this way I can work a full 40 hours a week. And since the grad school has finally gotten of its collective arse and told me how to go about registering for contining units...I have tution to pay. And in exciting news, for once it will be with real money...not another loan!! Since payment of my other loans looms, I have been considering faking my own death. I know it seems like a complicated scheme to avoid paying $50,000 back to the government, but hey...when have I ever lived an uncomplicated life?!?!?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

must be the clouds in my eyes...

I believe it is official now...the Oscars show is where comedic people go to die. For some reason, this hosting job sucks the life and funny out of hysterically amusing people. That is the only way I can explain it. I had high hopes for Jon Stewart, I am not too proud to admit that, but alas...he too has failed at a hosting gig previously stunk up by Whoopi, Dave Letterman, and let us not forget last year's victim Chris Rock. It is almost like it is a ritual yearly sacrificial offering to appease the Oscar gods or something. Just a theory. Anyway, it saddens me, but one must face the facts...Jon Stewart didn't do so hot. Some of the bits worked and by the end, he had a bit more rhythm, but for the most part everything fell flat. Aside from the political style ads, Ben Stiller coming out in a green onesy, and the whole make-up joke, the show for the most part was forgettable.
I did love the shock at Crash winning. ..and man did people look shocked. I enjoyed this film, but didn't think it had a chance against Brokeback. Man was I wrong, although it does make you wonder if perhaps the Academy just didn't have the courage to award a gay-themed film as Best Picture of the year. Oh least I liked Crash unlike most of the other winners in recent years...Chicago, The English Patient, Million Dollar Baby, A Beautiful Mind...the list could go on and on and on...I think I will cling to that for awhile!!

At least until nexct year's show.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I might as well enjoy my life and watch the stars play...

Although I could devote an entire blog to the joy of buying new shoes yesterday, I will instead fulfill a promise I made and publish my Oscar predictions. If years of watching the Oscars have taught me anything, it is that the people/film I hope will win, never seems to. goes people. I am trying to go into this years awards with as little emotion as possible, but we all know that will fail. I mean to be honest, as far as I am concerned, the Academy missed some notable films...Batman Begins anyone?!?! So with far too much cynicism but without further ado...
Best Picture
Will: Brokeback Mountain

Wish: Brokeback Mountain
All gay cowboy jokes aside, this film could have failed in a million and one ways and yet stands as one of the most touching love stories I have ever watched.
Best Actress
Will: Reese Witherspoon.
Wish: Keira Knightley
Come on...I know Ms. Witherspoon deserves it for Walk the Line, but I love P & P...gotta pick Lizzie Bennett!!
Best Actor
Will: Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Wish: Either Heath Ledger or Joaquin Phoenix
I am perfectly willing to admit I really didn't care for Capote, but the Oscars are not always about the current film, but a body of work and Hoffman has both Heath and Joaquin beat here. Besides, I am sure that Mr. Phoenix will get his one day soon...who knows about Ledger, but any girl who loved 10 Things I Hate About You can dream!
Best Supporting Actress
Will: Rachel Weisz
Wish:Michelle Williams
Although I love Rachel - who doesn't love the Mummy films or About a Boy - I thought Michelle conveyed so much emotion with mere glances and often stole the film away from the boys...what more can I say? That is the sign of a great performance.

Best Supporting Actor
Will: Paul Giamatti
Wish: Matt Dillon or Jake Gyllenhaal
Giamatti will win not because Cinderella Man was fab, but because he was denied last year for Sideways - another film I didn't really care for...that's the Oscars for you!!

Best Director
Will: Ang Lee
Wish: Ang Lee
Despite his pronouncement after filming Sense & Sensibility that he would never work with sheep again...ah the rest is history...
Screenplay - Original
Will: Crash
Wish: Crash
Because it is such a fantastic film and not up for much, I think it will do well in this least in theory.
Screenplay - Adapted
Will: Brokeback Mountain
Wish: Brokeback Mountain
Unlike last year's Return of the King, I actually think that the sweeping wins - unabashed hope here people - are deserved not guiltily given.
To be honest I have no clue who will win the category, but I hope it is Batman Begins since it got undeservedly snubbed from everything. Although it was a blockbuster, the acting was perfection - with the exception of Mrs. Cruise - and the dark feel of the movie was a breath of fresh air.
Will: Wallace and Gromit
Wish: Wallace and Gromit
I don't think a corpse bride has any real chance of beating out a cheese loving inventor and his trusty sidekick...not that I think it should.

Well, there you have it. As for all the others, I really could care less. For any of the artistic categories such as costume and scenery, I hope for P & P, but then again I would hope that no matter what! Mr. Darcy will always have my loyalty...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

proof that love's not only blind but deaf

It turns out...the Brits have become more Americanize than eve...much to my horror. I recently began a fling with the Arctic Monkeys. (Those of you who know my theories on music will understand that statement...everyone else can just wonder or think I am a weirdo...I'm pretty sure you already do.) Anyway, I read an article today about how a couple of doctors in the UK have come out against the album cover because it promotes smoking. From looking at the pic, the band and I actually came up with the same defense...does the guy look like he is profiting at all by smoking that cigarette?!?!
Come on...if anything its a deterant people. I don't want to become him. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to argue that smoking is a teriffic thing. My grandmother's second husband died of ephazyma...I am just concerned that like the US, the UK has become a hyper-sensitive place. I am sure that it always was, but in my reality - actually quite far from bona fide reality - it was still a place you could have slightly "scandalous" cover art and not be criticized all over the place. Although I don't like tha aroma, what would a pub be like without the smokey haze and bad live music? Perhaps all in all it would be a far, far better experience, but the way things are going...I don't think I really want to live until I am 90. Who knows how bad it will be by then. But in the end, I am pretty sure no matter how popular the Arctic Monkeys are now...I doubt they will be around then?!?!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I bet that you look good on the dance floor...

Ah...they don't make them like they used to. It is amazing to me, how political Ninotchka actually is. Filmed in 1939, it doesn't shy away from taking a sarcastic look at Stalin and the Russia of the late 1930s. Who knew when Greta Garbo stopped dying from tragic diseases in would be such political satire. Brillant...simply brillant.
Speaking of tragic...I also discovered today - from a crap book of course - that although I do often suffer from insomnia, I am afflicted with the wrong type. In turns out, in order to find that perfect man that can "fix you" - I am about to gag here people - you need to have some sort of dark traumatic experience that causes the insomnia...simple stress doesn't do the trick it seems. So typical of me...get part of it right, but in the end...still screwing it up. Ha Ha Ha. Could be worse really...instead of the inability to sleep, I could dream of Lindsay Lohan movies every night...oh and the Olsen twins. Oh the horror, the horror!!!