Friday, March 31, 2006

There was a boy...a very strange enchanted boy

In honor of Ewan McGregor's birthday, I thought I would post one of my fav pics of the lovely Scotsman. This one of course also includes a studly - but unfortunately philandering - Englishman and two of my other favorite things: a bubble bath and a cup of tea...with a saucer I might add. be British!!
Unfortunately, nothing much else is going on of interest. I had a once-a-year Twinkie craving only to discover that at the moment, Hostess is only selling banana flavored desserts in a market tie-in with the DVD release of King Kong. But don't worry I won't bore you with that rant. Oh and I finally watched Jersey Girl - not as bad as I thought, but really I only enjoyed the Sweeny Todd part at the end. For this week at least, I doubt anything could beat meeting the Govenator on Wednesday. Perhaps if Bono happened to stop by to chat, but as ChickLit pointed out...that would cause my head to implode and therefore, I wouldn't be able to communicate for at least a week!

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