Although, there was an odd clue in the VM ep last night. At one point one character asks “CW?” The reply of "It's a done deal" answered the inquiry. So what does this mean…that is if it means anything at all? I am just being hopeful. I have had my issues with the second season of the show, but it is still one of the best on tv at the moment. If I am honest, on my watch list, only BSG beats it out at the moment with Prison Break following close behind.
Next year, however, looks grim even if VM gets renewed. The O.C. has run its course and I don’t see me watching another season. The same goes for Grey’s Anatomy…I just can’t stand Meredith anymore and I’m sick of George not standing up to everyone. I don’t even want to discuss the rest. It is all just bad…BAD!!!
One side note, in case you were wondering why the Bono pic of the post concerning current television program…it’s his b-day and you know I couldn’t let that pass without some commemoration.
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