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The marker snapped and I yelled "Quiet on the Set!"
While shopping for fajita filing in Trader Joes last night, I ended up having a fascinating conversation concerning the casting of my autobiographical film. You see, I was on the phone with ChickLit discussing my casting choices for the hypothetical tv movie I mentioned a couple of days ago. Anyway, some guy overheard my part of the dialogue and interjected that if the film featured this trip to Trader Joes – and how surreal would that be - he wanted to be played by either Hugh Grant or Colin Firth. I should interject at this point, that the boy (well man actually) was English and it took everything I had not to start drooling on spot…he had the accent and looked damn fine in jeans! And if that wasn’t enough, he had a Hugh Jackman-esque primal-yet-sophisticated quality - meaning he could kill if need be to protect the innocent or his ‘woman’, but also knows which fork to use at a formal dinner and is familiar with all aspects of theatre. Honestly, I’m not sure how I didn’t just throw myself at him…ah if it was only that simple.
But back to the main story…this incident got me thinking about the other casting decisions. And surprisingly, in the end, I couldn’t make any real decisions. Sure, I have idea, but in the end, I am not sure if my choice would over flatter someone or provoke them to never speak with me again. You see, I chose Melanie Lynskey to portray me because I think there is some resemblance and her quirkiness seems to fit well with mine. However, when it comes to others, I am not so secure in my choice. For example, if I would cast Katee Stackoff as Marathon, Kristin Johnston as FemeNazi, and Leelee Sobieski as Ms. Jane Bennett. Come to think of it…I think Kathy Bates would be great as my mom with Judi Dench as my formidable grandmother, but I am not sure how that would go over and that still leaves a good number of vital roles vacant. Perhaps I should just make it all a one woman show…that would simplify everything…or would it?!?!?!
So, what? I don't even get a walk-on bit part in your movie? I was there when you met your Hugh Jackman leading man!
I couldn't think of anyone to cast. I originally thought Melissa McCarthy - Sookie off Gilmore Girls - but she seems to old. I am definitely open to suggestion here!!
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