Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I'm sorry, so sorry...please accept my apology
I haven't been the best blogger lately, although I do have a great excuse...I've been busy! You see...isn't that the best excuse ever. Anyway, to make up for my lack of posts, which I am sure has hurt all my readers at a very emotional level, I have decided to make it all better using postcards. I mean...who doesn't like postcards. So, I present a week of amusing and highly sarcastic postcards!!!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
We're gonna score one more than you...ENGLAND!

I don't mean to kick a gift horse in the mouth, but I can't figure out how England keeps winning. Sure I love them - I even have a tape copy of every World Cup game in case they actually pull this all off - but they aren't playing good be honest not even mediocre football. I mean if they keep winning playing this badly, just think what they could do if they actually got it together and gave Rooney - or anyone else for that matter since I am infatuated by the Crouch Robot Goal Dance - and actually won a game decisively. Oh...a girl can dream you know!! But who would have ever thought that one of my dreams would be shared by a bunch of drunk, middle-aged men! You have to wonder about my dreams...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Because I Got High...

Some of you know of my love of Kevin Smith flicks…even Jersey Girl. Since Smith usually casts mostly unknowns sprinkled with heavy hitters, I never really paid any attention to the actors. It isn’t that I don’t love the guys who play Dante and Randal, I just don’t really want to think of them as ‘real’ people. They same goes for Jay & Silent Bob – the original hetero-life partners. I heard rumors concerning Jason Mewes’s (Jay) drug addictions, but never put a whole lot of thought into it.
Recently I heard that one of the reasons Smith decided to make Clerks II, stemmed from a promise made to Jason Mewes. If Mewes could make it through rehab and stay sober, Smith would make the film. I thought “How sweet…he must really care about the guy!”, but that was about it. Lurking on a message board – I don’t usually participate, I just simply lurk – I kept reading various versions of the basic story until today I happened to discover that Smith had written a 9 part article detailing not only Mewes's addiction and how that affected both their friendship and different films over on his blog, My Boring-Ass Life. (If you don't read this blog on a daily basis...START NOW!!!) Anyway, the article entitled Me and My Shadow is an interesting read that I encourage everyone to check out. I have never personally dealt with drug addiction, but I understand alcoholism first hand. I should warn that the sucker is long, but once you get going, the time just flies by. All said, my respect for Kevin Smith has grown exponentially as well as my love of Jay & Silent Bob!! Snootchie Bootchies!!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Of Garryowen in glory!

Some of you might be wondering why I bring this up…of course most of you gave up trying to understand my patterns of thought years ago! Anyway, I watched the 1941 classic They Died With Their Boots On last night. The film is actually the last collaboration between Flynn and Olivia de Havilland and also features a young Anthony Quinn as Crazy Horse. I never thought I would claim to love a film about Custer, but it has happened. If you haven’t seen the flick, I recommend it. But first a few disclaimers before I start getting angry e-mails...Keep in mind, the film is not trying to be historically accurate at all, although it does present an interesting interpretation of Custer’s life from the perspective of his adoring widow. And if that wasn’t enough…apparently 2 stuntmen died during production; one fell onto his sword while the other just fell off his horse while drunk. If that doesn’t arose curiosity, I don’t know what can!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Knit one, Pearl one, Drop one, Curl one

On a completely unrelated note, I had some fairly odd phone calls today. Near the end of one, after inquiring my name, actually exclaimed “But you’re a woman!” Most people wonder about my name, but most show a bit more tact in asking how I came by it. I haven’t received such a undiplomatic outburst in quite a while…and it didn’t stop then. He went on to inquire what my husband called me…talk about blunt! Luckily, I was able to contain my laughter until after I hung up the phone!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
When the moon is in the Seventh House...

Anyway, after the breakfast, the organization had a board meeting, in which I had to take minutes. Normally, the person taking the minutes at least knows the individuals on the board not to mention a backgound knowledge of the topic...that makes it convient since I walked into a meeting of 25 people only knowing 4 of the faces and little to nothing about agricultural politics and co-ops. People first and second motions way to quickly...I'll tell you that!!
Anyway, I finally got back to the office and got one of the most ridiculous horoscopes. Of course, most horoscopes are amusing, but I thought this was somewhat fitting:
"Whatever common sense you had is temporarily gone. You may feel like you are out on your own with no guidance. All you have is your next whim, so don't try to suppress these powerful creations of your imaginative mind. However, this doesn't mean that you should act on every fantasy as if they were real."
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Oh, I'll pawn you my gold watch and chain, love...

Honestly, that is all I have today. I'm sure I could come up with something witty, but I am just not in the mood. Originally, I planned a full movie review for today's entry. I went to A Prairie Home Companion last night and loved it. But alas...I just lack the energy to compose my thoughts. Perhaps they will come tomorrow, but I wouldn't count on it!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Attend the tale of Sweeny Todd!

Meanwhile in vaguely related news, I have read a review of Clerks 2 that has given me some hope. (Of course, I won’t go in with too much anticipation since that is a recipe for disaster.) Anyway, the reviewer seemed to really enjoy the film. Although his point concerning why this project and why those of us who love Kevin Smith should give the film chance, really caught my interest.
"I know many people including myself wondered if Kevin had lost his nerve after Jersey Girl and just wanted to play in a pond where he knew the water and could avoid jumping any sharks. He seemed to be pretty happy about the production and the direction of the film based on interviews or items on his various websites and I cant knock the guy for returning to his roots…hell I’ve got how many versions of Star Wars? If George Lucas can rape your childhood then Kevin can play a secret touching game with my early twenties I suppose- he did promise candy if I got in the car- so away I went."
I gave all the Star Wars a chance…got to do the same for good ol’ Kevin!!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Three Lions on a shirt...

So far, England remains pretty lucky. Sitting on top of Group B, although not looking extremely strong, hopefully they can hold onto that luck going into their Thursday game versus Trinidad-Tobago. I do have to say, that although I am thrilled that Beckham and the boys triumphed on Saturday, I do feel bad for Paraguay, especially Captain Carolos Gammara scored the own-goal that gave England the win. That one has to hurt...if it was me, I would think about relocating and never returning to Paraguay!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Rollin' blunts and smokin'...

Anyway, check out the nifty poster. This is actually 1 of 3, but since these two rank number 1 among the numerous hetero-life-partners, I had to pick this one. You see...where Jay and Silent Bob lead, I must follow. Sometimes at a distance, but trail I must. Perhaps, though, I will pursue the flick at DVD price instead of $10 admission price…we shall have to wait and see!!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
but I can't help falling in love with you...

Since the work is so monotonous, I usually try and think of other things. So, instead of pondering my thesis, I decided to start working on the lists for a website I am creating with Cerebra. The lists are coming together far better than I hoped, although I am not sure how I am going to cut down the ‘Preeminent Actor’s’ list. Due to my many loves, I also had to come up with other categories for ‘Unsurpassed Supporting’, ‘Not-quite-there-yet-but-promising’, and ‘Aspiring’.
Anyway, this got me thinking about the upcoming Clive Owen flick Children of Man. I read a couple of early screening reviews that simply gushed about the excellence of the flick. Oh and did I mention, the flick also stars Michael Caine, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Charlie Hunnam, three of which who are on my various lists. No joke. All in all, I’m looking forward to September, I tell you that!!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad...

Whilst – I just love this word and it doesn’t get used nearly enough…kinda like revenant. Anyway, whilst going through the rest of my daily internet routine, I discovered this droll/lamentable quote over on Michael Ausiello’s blog concerning the newest Jolie-Pitt. I have tried to keep this media blockbuster out of my blog, but I could resist the quote. You see, ChickLit and I just had a conversation the other day concerning how we though that all things considered “Shiloh” was a pretty good name. It looks like we were mistaken…oh so very mistaken!
And so without further gilding the lily and with no more ado, I give to you the funny quote of the day:“Poor baby, how long will it be at school before Shiloh Pitt gets nicknamed Piloh Shitt?” You know you are laughing…
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
It never seems to amaze my mind...

But back to U: E...I am pretty sure they will release another version in a couple months, but I can't help myself. I must have is somehow theraputic. Hey I can't explain it...I think it has something to do with Scott Speedman, but I choose not to over anyalyze!!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Oops!...I did it again!

I should first set the scene. A couple of weeks ago, I started playing with the main band at church. A while ago, the last music director left and subsequently quite a few people have taken 'hiatuses' leaving the band on the sparse side. Anyway, despite the fact that I hadn't played in a couple of years, I said I would do it since I had played with many of the other musicians in the past. However, the church has built a new main auditorium since then. I only bring this up because the new stage is about 5 feet high…meaning that you are up on a pretty good pedestal…and just high enough that people are looking up at you. Apparently, this means that they can get quite an interesting show if one wears a skirt on the shorter side – come on…it was church…no one wears that short of skirts. So it seems that Sunday - while playing a pretty nifty Korg Hammond B-3 organ keyboard and an extended Roland keyboard - I exposed more of myself that usually accepted on church grounds.
Due to my numerous guffaws, I have learned it is best to just laugh at oneself. Oh…and laugh with others about the mortifying circumstance of course. Otherwise, it starts to eat at you. Besides, the church band got a bit kick out of it all. They are terming it a new outreach program…”Stripping for the Savior”. You see…that would get people in the door…and then you could just lock them in. It’s an interesting plan, but not one I will participate in. I got to hold on to a little bit of self-respect!
By this point you are probably wondering to yourself how the image relates to the blog entry. Well it doesn't. I just liked the image and it is the first I have seen of the new Eragon film. I have mucho hope, especially with the cast, but I don't want to get too excited...we know what happens then. Anyway, enjoy the photo!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
And I heard from the trees a great parade...

If I get to go to the annual meeting on the company dime, I may have to make a quick side trip to take in a couple of the state parks, museums, the ‘old faithful’ geyser, and of course, the petrified forest. Man I’m starting to sound like a bloody tourist brochure…perhaps I should take a short break!
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