I should first set the scene. A couple of weeks ago, I started playing with the main band at church. A while ago, the last music director left and subsequently quite a few people have taken 'hiatuses' leaving the band on the sparse side. Anyway, despite the fact that I hadn't played in a couple of years, I said I would do it since I had played with many of the other musicians in the past. However, the church has built a new main auditorium since then. I only bring this up because the new stage is about 5 feet high…meaning that you are up on a pretty good pedestal…and just high enough that people are looking up at you. Apparently, this means that they can get quite an interesting show if one wears a skirt on the shorter side – come on…it was church…no one wears that short of skirts. So it seems that Sunday - while playing a pretty nifty Korg Hammond B-3 organ keyboard and an extended Roland keyboard - I exposed more of myself that usually accepted on church grounds.
Due to my numerous guffaws, I have learned it is best to just laugh at oneself. Oh…and laugh with others about the mortifying circumstance of course. Otherwise, it starts to eat at you. Besides, the church band got a bit kick out of it all. They are terming it a new outreach program…”Stripping for the Savior”. You see…that would get people in the door…and then you could just lock them in. It’s an interesting plan, but not one I will participate in. I got to hold on to a little bit of self-respect!
By this point you are probably wondering to yourself how the image relates to the blog entry. Well it doesn't. I just liked the image and it is the first I have seen of the new Eragon film. I have mucho hope, especially with the cast, but I don't want to get too excited...we know what happens then. Anyway, enjoy the photo!
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