What I am about to say is not for the faint of heart, so I warn you now to turn away if you are one of those people who always cries when Bambi's mother dies or really any animal for that matter. I just had to share this story...it has been tearing me up inside all day!
As you might have already guessed...I stumbled upon a dead squirrel...a dead baby squirrel...or so I thought. Not knowing what to do, I rang the doorbell and proceeded to tell my host that she had a dead baby squirell on her front walkway. She didn't take to this news happily - not that I really blame her - but as a cat owner, she has dealt with dead mice and rats more than she wishes to remember.
Anyway, armed with a scooper and a bag, she went out to dispose of the poor creature (who I nicknamed Oliver, even though I am not sure the gender...it just seemed fitting). I should probably add, me being the coward I am, I was standing about 10 feet behind her. Well, Knows-It-All went in for the scoop and much to our horror..Oliver began to move and make the most pitiful sound. I should add that Knows-It-All only moved slightly while I jumped a good couple feet and screamed like a girl. Luckily I am a girl so at least that wasn't too embarrassing.
So, now came the predicament. Although Oliver wasn't yet dead, he was not far from death's door. And to make matters worse it was after 5pm, which meant everything was closed. We figured that putting the poor creature out of its misery would be best, but niether of us have the stomach to handle that one.
Not knowing what to do, we decided to consult one of her neighbors, who agreed it would be best to put Oliver out of its misery, but added that we should have gone to one of the heterosexual neighbors, since he too lacked the stomach to kill the dying baby squirrel. In the end, we ended up finding a box and scooping Oliver in. He didn't even have the strength to even turn over, but he was still breathing and although he could have died just as easily in the garbage can...that seemed just a bit too awful. So...he lived out the rest of his day in a box in Knows-It-All's house. I hope comfortly, but I am not sure. All in all, it made for a tramatic and tragic event that seemed to overshadow the entire evening. I'm not the biggest squirrel fan, but it is hard not to be affected by the death of something so cute. Take my advice...look at the cute squirrel cartoon again and thing happy thoughts!!
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