On a side note, I will be using a modified rating system created by ChickLit and I a couple of months ago. Here's the breakdown.
- Fan-frakkin'-tabulous
- Bloody Brillant
- Not-a-complete-waste
- What the...?!?!?!?
- My eyes...MY EYES!!!!
So without further ado...the season premiere of Supernatural!
Episode: "In My Time of Dying" (2.01)
Original Air Date: 9/28/2006
Rating: Fan-frakkin'-tabulous (Don't worry I don't see me giving out a whole bunch of these)
What I Loved: Ok...loved most everything about this ep. I liked it picked up immediately after last year's shocking cliffhanger, but didn't turn into another action packed ep. Instead it slowed down, let the characters interact with eachother, and set up an interesting upcoming season. Oh, and I absolutely loved the reaper angle - oh so different than the reaper Dean met last year. I like the concept of a more 'gentle' reaper. Besides all that, I have to give props to any show that can figure out a way to use Patrick Swayze as a verb. Brillance...utter brillance!
What Didn't Make Me Happy: Daddy Winchester departing once again for an unspecified length of time. Oh, and the only time Dean was seen shirtless, he was getting defibbed. I demand a reshoot! Other than that...really can't complain. I'm still unsure about this whole "bar of demon hunters" idea or the concept of a love interest for Dean (even if she is a Veronica Mars alum), but hey, that gives me something to bitch about later!
Best Line: "Dude, I just full on Swayzed that mother!" --Dean
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