I know what you are asking yourself one of the following questions:
1) Who likes being sick? I'm mean really...stop writing such nonsense on the internet! The Web is not some place for you to share your inconsequentional and often crazy thoughts and ideas!
2) What crazy drug are you on now? Don't try to deny it! I know you gave up soda pop, but that just means you found something else...I know you!
3) Did you replace soda pop for bad network programming? What is up with this current fascination with Supernatural? Doesn't she ever have a life? Come on...no one can be that sad and pathetic! Oh wait...what day does the new season of Battlestar Galactica premiere again?!??! I should call her and ask after I read the rest of this blog.
Anyway, what I mean is that I am not one of those girls who wants to discover, always by accident after retreating to the comforting arms of too much booze after some tramatic event, 'true lurve' while emptying the contents of her last meal into a waiting toliet. You know what I mean...that sensitive guy that holds your hair and makes sure you don't choke to death in your own vomit or drown in the toilet bowl. Who then carries you to either your bed or the closest convient sleeping area and waits with you until morning and brings you some horrible smelling concoction that will make everything better. I am not one of those girls. First of all I don't have any hair to hold back...
But I digress, I bring this all up only to make the point that although I don't really enjoy living at home - or with other people in general - when you get sick it is sure nice to have someone else to clean it up. After living alone for a couple of years, I got used to always having some bowl or other container around so that at least any mess could easily be cleaned up. Moms are better, though, as I relearned last night. And so for once I am actually glad I was at home with both of my parents when I got sick...makes life so much easier!
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