Episode: "Simon Said"
Original Air Date: October 26, 2006
Not-a- complete-waste
What I Loved: First of all, anytime a show makes Spinal Tap & Star Wars references in the same ep...I'm in love. How great was it to hear "Stonehenge" blasting in the Impala while the brothers watch Andy's van, a van with a barbarian queen riding a polar bear painted on the side? LOL! And the 2 SW references. First Obi-Wan and then an almost under the breath "These aren't the droids you're looking for..." Frakkin' AWESOME!!
This ep also got us back into the mytharc, which was a nice change of pace from the "let's deal with dad's death/sacrifice" theme we have had for a couple weeks now. The concept that the "evil twin" (and how fun was that cliche) was tortured by the Ceiling Demon in his dreams makes for an interesting development. And the fact that we finally have an honest conversation concerning the supposed "plans" the CD has. Thank goodness they lightened that up with the "freak conversation" and the "I call do-over."/"What are you, 7?" debate. That could have gotten a bit heavy and after the last couple weeks - we need a bit of jovial banter...hate to see this season turn into the depressing-cryfest that was season 6 Buffy.
I know I'm in the minority on this one, but I also love the addition of the Roadhouse and Ash/Ellen/Jo. (well, maybe not Jo completely, but I love Alona Tal and she so got screwed over on VM that I want to like her...that counts right?!?!?) I mean how could you not like Ash...I mean he has the nickname Dr. Badass, will work for Pabst Blue Ribbon, and can drawl with the best of them. Case in point:
Sam: Hey, Ash, um, we need your help.
Ash: Well hell, I guess I need my pants.
But what I really loved...REO Speedwagon. Genius scene in the bar and awesome karoke in the car. I laughed so hard I actually cried. Still chuckling now, truth be told! And the O.J. comment...random. How funny is it that the two shows I review on this blog both mad O.J. jokes this week?
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper: While I enjoyed the evil twin idea immensely, the 'good' twin was kind of boring. Sure he was "deep" and only kind of exploited people, but really what did he do the entire ep. I don't understand why people want him to come back. Ah well...YMMV (I'm really starting to dig these internet acronyms!)
The more eps we have featuring Psychic Sam the more I am wishing he didn't have the shining. His "vision" acting - it's worse that Shawn's on Psychic...and that's hard to take. And if that wasn't enough, everytime the brothers meet up with another Psychic Kid, they have the exact same conversation!
Sam: Your mom died when you were six months old...
PK: How did you know that?
Sam: You started getting abilities about a year ago...
PK: How did you know that?"
Perhaps now that the pattern has been broken, we can move on...well a girl can hope!
If Wishes Were Horses: I know it is too soon, but I really want Dean to tell Sam the truth about what Papa Winchester whispered. You know it is weighing down on Dean and it could be like ripping off the band-aid. Although if that means the brothers split up for a couple eps, I can happily wait!
While I am on the topic of hopes and dreams...and please let next week's damsel in distress story work well. I think this is the ep that will make or break the character of Jo.
The One-Line Zinger: (Supernatural writers: Continuing to make pop culture icons into verbs!)
"He full-on Obi-Wan'd me! It's mind control, man!"
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
[Jo walks over to the jukebox & REO Speedwagon's "Can't Fight This Feeling" starts to play]
Jo: What?
Dean: REO Speedwagon?
Jo: Damn right, REO. Kevin Cronin sings it from the heart.
Dean: He sings it from the hair. There's a difference.
Jo: That profile you got Ash lookng for...you're mom died the same way didn't she - a fire in Sam's nursery?
Dean: Look Jo, it's kindof a family thing.
Jo: I could help.
Dean: I'm sure you could, but we got to handle this one ourselves. Besides, if I ran off with you, I think your mother might kill me.
Jo: You're afraid of my mother?
Dean: I think so...
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