For those of you who actually read these reviews - which I suspect is quite a low number since I doubt I share the exact same tellie schedule as my reader(s) - I thought I would mention that I made some changes to the quote category to my review template. Since most of the shows I review on this blog are quite witty and usually feature some frakkin' awesome banter, I thought I would add a category to feature that. Hope you enjoy!
Veronica Mars
Episode: "Wichita Linebacker"
Original Air Date: October 17, 2006
Rating: Not-a-complete-waste
What I Loved: To be quite honest, overall this was a "meh" ep for me. I didn't dislike any element of the telecast, but I was never really wowed anytime during the 43 minutes of actual programming. I was thrilled that the horribly annoying "Aerie Girls" are gone, which is a huge improvement to the commerical breaks, although those awkward moments were replaced with Sims pet edition videos that scared me more. Apparently, I will never be happy. Anyway, onto the actual show. I am so glad Weevil is back...although it is looking kind of puffy...like Xander in those final years. Oh well...I'm just glad the writers figured out a way to get him onto the college campus and NOT as a student. Cuz no one, my friend, would buy that one. Piz - or Piss as Knows-It-All likes to call him - also made a triumphant return, well maybe not triumphant, but you get the idea. For some reason I'm digging his character at the moment, although as soon as he becomes Veronica's new love interest, I'm sure that love with turn to hate. But back to Weevil...I really enjoyed him working with Keith. I wish that could have lasted longer, but c'est la vie. Oh and I would like to state for the record I loved the episode title. Apparently, the general consensus on the web seems to believe that the reference to Glen Campbell's "Wichita Lineman" wasn't up to par. (Apparently, the ep was originally titled "Friday Night Slights", which everyone but me loved more!) Although, I kept hearing Homer's "hold music" version of the song in my head. Go figure...
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper: Ok...so Weevil returns, but NO Mac or Wallace!?!?! WTF?!? I'm getting sick of this. I understand that not every character can appear in every scene, but still...it's becoming ridiculous! And the storyline...all I can say is "eh". I just didn't go for it, especially the Veronica/Logan crap. Can't we have them happy for at least a couple eps before the proverbial shit hits the fan. I know they are going to break up - AGAIN - but at least give us a couple eps of a stable LoVe hook-up. And why did we have to sit through the another heavy handed "well-meaning-but-still-completely-wrong-linebacker's-girlfriend" as a metaphor for Veronica. Didn't V learn all about the problem of jealousy in relationships last year...come on it had a Scottish guy in it...you can never forget a lesson taught by a hot Scotsman! To be completely frank...I'm starting to lose my faith in Rob Thomas and VM in general. Still a good show, but steadily stuck in a downward spiral of mediocrity.
The One-Line Zinger: "Now I'm working at the car wash, which, as it turns out, isn't nearly as much fun as the song sounds."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Keith: All those times I arrested him, he never struck me as great secretary material. Didn't he get arrested for murder?
Veronica: Assault.
Keith: See, he's not even a very good murderer.
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