- Fan-frakkin'-tabulous
- Bloody Brillant
- Not-a-complete-waste
- What the...?!?!?!?
- My eyes...MY EYES!!!!
Episode: "Welcome Wagon" (3.01)
Original Air Date: 10/3/2006
Rating: Bloody Brillant
What I Loved: What the frak?!?!?! A Battlestar Galactica reference...twice...have I died and gone to heaven?!?! In other good developments, for once LoVe actually made it through the whole summer, although I'm guessing this won't last long. Liked Piz, which surprised me quite a bit. Loved that Mac has a bigger role this year. I'm ecstatic at the prospect of shorter mystery archs...hopefully this will catch some new viewers!!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper: What's up with the new 'noir-esque' credits?!?!? Oh, and why are we still dealing with the confusion that was last year's Fitzpatrick storyline? Didn't get it then, really don't get it now. (Don't get me started on the Kendall thing, but I am keeping the faith...we didn't see a body!) And why do shows feel the need to create circumstances in which I have to feel begrudgingly sympathetic for characters I don't like. Well, at least Jackie isn't around. Also, why wasn't there more LoVe romance? I mean, I had to watch Wallace and Jackie last year...Rob Thomas still owes me for that! And last but not least, why didn't V go to Stanford? Don't get me wrong, it makes my life easier - I watch the program with a Cal graduate - but some explanation would be appreciated.
Best Line: "Frak is the profanity of the future!"
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