Episode: "My Big Fat Greek Rush Week"
Original Air Date: October 10, 2006
Rating: Bloody Brillant
What I Loved: The continued use of the word "Frak"...it's making my millenium, folks. Overall, I liked this ep and the direction the season is taking. Besides, you can't do much better than a streaking Logan...well maybe if it lasted a little longer, but hey...I'm not complaining. Kudos also to the artistic contents of Kendall's Briefcase. I'm so glad it wasn't something as cliched as money. Although, I still think Keith shouldn't have taken a little off the top...it could have been hazard pay. (Believe me, being stuck in the desert is a hazard...I've been there!) Oh, and before I get onto my dislikes, I have mention how much I am loving Dick Casablancas at the moment. Sure he can only be taken in small doses, but still...I'm liking where his character is going!!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper: Not enough Logan streaking...and I can't believe I am writing this...not enough Piz. Also...where the frak is Weevil. He may not be my absolute fav character, but I am really beginning to miss him. Did he have to do time for the whole Thumper assault? Is he out touring the states with a revival production of Oklahoma!? I would really like to know!! Oh, and don't get me started on the whole Keith/Fitzpatrick storyline. (Rob...just let last year go...I know I have!!) Oh and just for the record...no university would have allowed such an experiment on a college campus...I don't care what waiver was signed. The whole "prisoner experiment" is like 50 lawsuits waiting to happen.
Best Line: "Somewhere in a parallel universe bizarro-Dick is being a total killjoy."
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