Episode: "Everybody Loves a Clown" (2.02)
Original Air Date: 10/5/2006
Rating: Bloody Brillant
What I Loved: That does it...I really don't like clowns anymore. Much to my surprise, I loved the second ep quite a bit. It proved to be a lift from the depressing nature of last week's season opener, but didn't shy away from dealing the with pain and grief-ridden consequences of those final events. The humor was back in full force, with Dean somehow finding a way to insult both a blind man and a midget within seconds. Oh...and the mad dash for the non-clown chair was classic sibling. (Or at least what I have been led to believe classic sibling antics look like according to sitcoms, since I have no sibling of my own.)
I even liked the Jo and Ellen characters...much to my amazement. It probably helps that I loved Alona Tal (Jo) on Veronica Mars. That look she gave Sam before he stumbles into a "I gotta go...I gotta go every there...right now!" speech...one word: halarious. Too bad Dean has to have a love interest...
On a more serious note, I appreciated that the ep didn't try to shy away from dealing with how the brothers would handle grief. That last scene with Dean beating the crap out of his beloved Metallicar was amazing...and I'm not just saying that. Oh and of course the line "I'm on it like divine on dog dookie." How could you not like that one? Classic!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper: Damn you George Lucas and the taint of your re-re-edited original Star Wars Trilogy. Thanks to you, I can no longer see a warrior fire burial without getting the feeling that at any moment Hayden Christensen is going to pop up on screen and ruin everything.
On a completely different rant...now I understand that the main point of the ep was to show the brothers dealing, but I could have used a bit more storyline and a little less Carnivale when telling the sparse circus story. It could have just been me, but let's face it...this is my blog!!
Best Exchange:
Sam: All right, Dean, it's just we've been at Bobby's for over a week now and you haven't brought up Dad once.
Dean: You know what, you're right. Come here, I want to lay my head gently on your shoulder. Maybe we can cry, hug, maybe even slow dance.
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