Episode: "President Evil"
Original Air Date: October 31, 2006
Rating: Not-a-complete-waste (but exceedingly close to "Bloody Brillant")
What I Loved:
Although the ep didn't capture me like last week, I loved quite a bit about this week's outing. First of all, I would like to reiterate my love of Cliff. The man not only upholds the law, but has one of the best slogans I have ever heard: "Call Cliff and get off!" And if that wasn't enough, he started to sing the catchy radio jingle. Priceless, folks. Simply priceless!
And speaking of second tier characters with amusing moments, I have to say Sheriff Lamb is slowly growing on me. If you listen carefully in the background during the Lamb/Veronica scene, you can jear an extra exclaim: "Hey, the sheriff’s doin’ the robot!… Give me the camera phone." Also we saw the Back Up 2.0 and Wallace, although I will get to my issues with that later.
Other moments I loved include: Danny Rossow, Veronica's one man fanclub; The revisiting of Logan and Weevil's HoYaypast; the Olive Garden ad reference (although it took me 2 times to get it); the use of Johnny Cash's song "Busted" at the end of the ep; Veronica's fake southern accent; and last but not least, Logan not-so-subtly pointing to Veronica as a guy tries to get him to invest in bad independent films.
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
I know I keep harping on this, but why can't we get a somewhat stable LoVe relationship. I mean although I loved the "remember when you said 'jump' and I asked 'how high'?" moment, we already see Logan showing interest in other women. WTF?!?!?! (Next week looks like the beginning of the end.) And on a similar note, what is up with that Weevil comment about Logan's treatment of Lilly? Why do they keep doing this too me? I would really like to know what I have I done to piss off the television gods this much!
Moving on to non-LoVe related gripes, I hate how the show is treating Wallace at the moment. The boy finally gets a story - I mean we really haven't seen him since the season primere - and it involves cheating. I'm willing to see where this goes, but for the moment it's not really making me happy.
Oh and get Lucky a new wig. This one looks absolutely ridiculous!
If Wishes Were Horses:
Perhaps if I wish hard enough, Mac will return perhaps bringing Piz with her. I mean, this has got to be the longest funeral ever!
The One-Line Zinger: "Hello Square One. Nice to see you again."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Weevil: Hey! It's Joe College
Logan: Jose Lunchpail. The living, breathing embodiment of the American Dream. Punch any clocks recently?
Weevil: Are you lining up your next girlfriend?
[Siren chirps] - Couldn't resist. That one is all Closed Captioning, folks.
Sheriff Lamb: [To Weevil] I'm guessing the lowrider's yours?
Weevil: Any reason why everyone suspects me for a crime I don't even know anything about?
[Deputy Sacks begins to search Weevil's car]
Deputy Sacks: Got 'em. They match the robbery description.
Sheriff Lamb: Yikes! Hey, what do you say we do your Miranda Rights in harmony this time. I'll take the lead. You take tenor?
Logan: Is it still called Deja Vu when something happens more than twice? Or is that something different? I'll have to look that up. Ask for Cell B; it has the best light!
Sheriff Lamb: [To Logan] Hey good looking. We'll be back to pick you up later!
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