Episode: "The Metamorphosis"
Original Air Date: November 16, 2006
Rating: Bloody Brillant
What I Loved:
"It's so hard to believe, but its all coming back to me now." I may not be a Celine Dion fan, but when the woman is right, the woman is right. After last week's solid ep and this week's fantastic ep, I finally feel like the show is back on track for the most part. Although I can't forget all of the horror of last season, it's becoming a bit hazier.
Okay...I love the Ryan/Taylor pairing. I'm not sure if they have an acronym yet, so I have decided to call them Rylor. (Sure it sounds like a warrior that turns out to have a heart of gold in a cheesy 80's fantasy movie but Tayan seemed just as odd.) Their scenes together were not just good, they were fantastic and 0h so wonderfully awkward. Her lead-up for the favor that included the term 'sexual Jedi' ("Ok some people are trying to eat here...incuding me someday so...") cracked me up. No one does facial expressions better than Ryan. They just play off eachother so well. Like Taylor trying to decide whether or not to shut the door of the poolhouse...just awesome! I didn't really like Taylor last year, but she is really growing on me. At least as LoVe falls apart, I will have a new couple to cheer for.
As always, the Ryan/Seth moments were some of my favorite. Seth's early morning call to Ryan concerned that Summer was about to break up with him was classic. It's good to see them talking again. It's also hilarious to see Ryan actually trying to be the optimistic one:
Seth: Ryan, she's going to dump me!
Ryan: No one believes that, alright. Summer loves you.
Seth: No, the old summer loved me...
And if that conversation wasn't enough, we got a similar conversation later with Seth hanging up before Ryan can get advice about dealing with Taylor. Awesome people...just swesome!!
Although Kirsten disapeared for most of the ep, but her conversation with Sandy at the beginning of the ep was just perfect.
Sandy: "You know Jimmy left. Caleb died. Then Jimmy left again. Even Neil's gone. Look I wasn't a pennet winner, but at least I had a bullpen!"
I hadn't really thought about it, but Sandy has run out of guys he can hang with. It was so cute to see the normally confident Sandy, nervous about setting up a playdate for himself. Hopefully this new guy doesn't go anywhere!
Extra little nuggets of goodness: Julie giving up men (well for a day!); the French lawyer's "La Marseillaise" ringtone; another Grey's Anatomy joke (Dr. Roberts "getting bossed around by that short sassy lady"); Summer's 5 stages of grief ("Aw yeah, you just punched me; my baby's back!"); next ep's promo's including a shirtless Ryan and an infatuated Taylor!; and last but not least, Sandy calling Ryan "one of his kids"; can I hear you say awwww!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
What is Kirstin's storyline this season exactly? So far she seems to cook and occasionally call Sandy and deal with Taylor. Now I am not advocating giving her a new 'issue', but at least have her doing something other Strip Scrabble. Have her work on her dating business or something. I mean I guess that is still in business. At this point, I really don't know.
Although I liked the Summer/Seth scenes for the most part, I hated that "Activist Summer" left Seth in the hall on his last night in town. Just because you believe in a cause doesn't mean you abandon the people you love when they fly thousands of miles to visit at YOUR request. Sure she will see him in a month or so, but that is no excuse to be that rude. I'm guessing there relationship isn't as solid as we all hoped it would be after her break through. (Also could they at least pretend that Summer isn't living in Cali. By now, Rhode Island is getting a bitt chilly!)
I know I harp on this every week, but I hate Kaitlin and her idiotic/annoying twin posse. I find myself fast-forwarding through all their scenes in hopes of making through an entire ep without griping. So far that hasn't worked, but I will prevail. Just as long as Ryan takes off his shirt every once and a while!
If Wishes Were Horses:
Top 5 wishes at the moment:
1. Develop the Rylor relationship with Seth as a third wheel.
2. Give Kirsten a storyline - and not one involving alchohol.
3. Something horrific happens to the annoying twins and if possible Kaitlin as well.
4. Give Julie a new 'man' to manipulate not just little boys.
5. Could we please go back to either the diner or Bait Shop for continuity sake!
The One-Line Zinger:
"All they do is create fake problems for fake people just to distract viewers from the real problems in the world!" & "I’m just distracted. I haven’t been keeping up on how much blow Lindsay Lohan’s doing, and did you hear about J.T. and Cameron?"
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Ryan: You might want to relax.
Taylor: Distract me. Tell about this, uh, cage fighting. It's something I've been meaning to get into.
Ryan: Yeah? Ask me for another favor and I'd be happy to show you.
Taylor: Ohhh?!?!? Ryan Atwood with a side of sauce! I like it!! [Short pause] You're going to have to do better though, 'cuz right now all I can think about is him...my husband. His arms; his smell; making love in that barn in Burgundy...
Ryan: [Quicky interrupting] Sounds like the perfect guy. Why would you want a divorce?
Taylor: Well, despite being agnostic in most things, I do believe in true love and this was not it. [Awkward pause] But back to you and your life Ryan: What is your favorite fruit?
Ryan: Peaches.
Taylor: [Looking dreamy again] He used to say my breasts were like two soft...
Ryan: [Quickly interrupting again] Is that him?
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