Episode: "The Summer Bummer"
Original Air Date: December 7, 2006
Rating: Fan-frakkin'- tabulous
What I Loved:
Yes, as in "Yes, it is a 'yes' squared, in all caps with an exclamation point and a smilely face emoticon!", The O.C. completely rocked last night! I wish Josh Schwartz would have gotten it together - or back together - a couple years ago, but better late than never!
I said it before and I'll say it again: Long Live Rylor!! I don't know how they are making this budding relatiohsip seem so new and interesting even though they are obvious couple materials since they only 2 single people on the show's credits. I don't know who the writers sold their soul to, but they got a good deal out of it. I don't even know where to begin: Ryan's 80s-themed fantasies; "Me! Not you!! Me...I'm weird!"; Taylor's clueless responses to Ryan asking her out ("Blog Schmog" & "the erotic memoirs of a soulful college girl"); "I'm a lip-biter...sometimes I draw blood."; 7...no 8...no 9...how about 10 minutes in the closet; "You're a great girl"; the idea of Ryan's body used as a jungle gym; man I could go on and on, but I think I will try and change the subject!
This week also had some strong interactions with Ryan and both Sandy & Kirsten. ("Okay, but you can't repeat this, alright? Because if the 'real' Seth found out I was telling 'substitute' Seth a real secret...") I have really been hoping for some quality Ryan/parental unit time (especially with Kirsten since they have always seem to have had a connection) and I finally got it!!
Along with the great adult time, the ep also featured some limited, but brillant, friendly/sarcastic Seth & Ryan banter. I love it when these two are together, even if most of the time was spent in the phone!
Ryan: Things are wierd and about to get a lot weirder.And to top it off, Seth and Ryan even had some decent poolhouse scenes. I know I obsess about this, but the poolhouse is a central location for me. While others may see the Cohen house, the diner, the beach, or even the Baitshop as the central location of action, I have always gravitated towards the poolhouse. I mean, who wouldn't love the poolhouse conversations with exchanges like this...
Seth: That wasn't vague or ominous at all!
Ryan: Is Taylor going to be there?
Seth: I assume so.
Ryan: I like her.
Seth: Say waht now? Why would you even think that?
Ryan: Because I keep imagining her on roller skates and washing windows with a big bucket of soapy water.
Seth: Dude, you're fantasies are so pedestrian. A sudsy girl...that is so average.
Ryan: Doesn't mean it is not hot.
Seth: I guess they call them 'Classics' for a reason.
Ryan: Do you want to drive, or should I?
Other tidbits of ejoyment: Julie & Bullet - match made in heaven even if he is a sexist bigot; Pancakes the bunny; NewMatch serving all your male escort needs; Kaitlin actually caring about a friend; Taylor, Pictionary & "Get High on Life"; Sandy the "He-Bro"; Che's valet; Sandy & Kirsten renewing their vows; and finally...after all the talk we witnessed a Harbor water polo game!!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
Why, when a show introduces a younger sister of a main character, do all the teenagers seem like cardboard cut-outs? Okay, maybe that just happened on Buffy, but you get my point. While Kaitlin has become a survivable cast addition, all of her friends - and I mean ALL - need to go or at least grow some personalities. Also, I'm getting a bit tired of this Spencer character. Perhaps he come get some horrible STD or something equally awful. Just a thought!!
While I was amused by Seth attempting to go all "Ryan Atwood" on Che (well at least talking about it), overall I am really starting to dislike this whole storyline. I'm glad that Summer took some of the responsibility and Seth decided to defer for another semester in order to move to with Summer to Rhode Island, I'm just not feeling the East Coast storyline anymore. I enjoyed Che for a while, but after last week I don't think he can be redeemed!! (Although, I did eventually like Luke so anything is possible!!)
If Wishes Were Horses:
I don't really have any major hopes or dreams for the show right now other than keeping up this quality level. Just a couple of small things. I'm not to sure about the whole male escort part of NewMatch. I mean, we finally have Kirsten doing something - I would like to keep it that way.
Oh, specifically about next week's Chrismakkah episode: I know there has never been a bad Chrismukkah ep, but what do you mean Marissa's not dead? I could have a problem with this. Does this mean we get to watch her die again leading up to another unfortunate montage featuring yet another horrific version of "Hallelujah" ? 'Cuz I don't think I could handle that.
The One-Line Zinger:
"Usually you talk about yourself and I solve my problems on my own."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Ryan: What are you doing?
Taylor: Someone wrote "I Love Poop" on this poor boy's face. You know that kind of thing can scar you for life!
Ryan: No, what are you doing paying your gay friend Rodger to pretend he's in love with you?
Taylor: Well what if I did, hmm? What if I did rent a homosexual for the evening and pay him with rare collectables from Asian cinema? What difference does it make to you?
Ryan: Well, it's a little strange.
Taylor: Well, so am I, which is why you ran away from me last night.
Ryan: No, it wasn't 'cuz you're strange.
Taylor: [Clearly confused] You don't find me strange?
Ryan: No I do, but that's not why I took off. Look, I'm not really ready for a relationship right now or a girlfriend.
Taylor: Uh...girlfriend? Cart...horse...aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself there? Well, I mean just because I want to use your body as a jungle gym doesn't mean that we have to get married.
Ryan: I see...
Taylor: I mean my divorce papers aren't even dry yet. Look, you're a sweet, smart, great guy Ryan Atwood...and hot. Did I mention hot?!?!? So whatever happens, happens.
Ryan: Taylor thats...
Taylor: [Interupting] Normal? Yeah I have my moments. You know this is my first high school bash. Have you ever played 7 minutes in heaven?
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