Episode: "The Chrismukk-huh?"
Original Air Date: December 14, 2006
Rating: Fan-frakkin'- tabulous
What I Loved:
There has never been a bad Chrismukkah episode of The O.C. and thankfully the ghost of Marissa didn't screw up this one! I now firmly believe; Chrismukkah episodes cannot be ruined…it's just not possible. The more I watch this episode, the more I like it – and keep in mind I don't like It's a Wonderful Life, so, that's really saying something. First, I would like to thank J.J. Philbin and John Stephens profusely for giving Kirsten something to do and some snappy dialogue! (You wouldn't believe how long it took to figure out who wrote the ep - so yes I re-watched the beginning of the ep to figure it out.) While this season has been far superior to pretty much everything since the first half of season one, this is the first ep that I really liked Kirsten in and I especially loved her scenes with Ryan.
Kirsten: Oh, speaking of dinner, are you going to be bringing a guest?Speaking of Ryan, I think he spoke more in this episode than some seasons combined. ("Poor Ryan! All of his muscles are so developed except for the ones in his mouth.") While some of this might have something to do with Alt-Universe, I have to say that I liked it. It isn’t like broody Ryan is gone; he's just expressing some emotions through non "wife-beater-hoody-angst" means. Personally, I think it is a step in the right direction. I mean, who could argue with a speech like this:
Ryan: That's...pretty subtle Kirsten.
Kirsten: I'm not saying you bring Taylor; I'm just letting you know she's welcome.
Ryan: Oh well. I don't know...I don't know. It's a...it's...it's...
Kirsten: Oh, you think that if you invite her, she's your girlfriend. Boys...so predictable.
Okay, look. None of you know me, but the truth is, each of you saved my life just by being who you are. And right now, none of you are who you are. Like summer for example - what are you doing? I mean Che, Chester...he's completely wrong for you. You should be with Seth. Kirsten, alright...you don't want to run the Newport Group. That place makes you miserable. And you might like you Chardonnay, but I got news for you: it doesn't like you back. And Sandy – you don't want to be Mayor. You're all about saving the little guy not holing up in some mansion giving orders. What you two are best at are being married to each other.Honestly, I sat in complete amazement. I didn't know Ben McKenzie could memorize that much dialog. And if that wasn’t enough, Ryan also had a great exchange with a drunk Santa in jail as well as a couple of awesome Seth conversations.
Ryan: Alright, you want the truth, huh?And rounding out the character analysis, my love for Taylor grows by the week! Who didn't love her take charge attitude in trying to explain to Ryan what had happened. Oh and her response when he asked if anyone had ever said 'no' to her. ("Once...and I pushed him off the roof...Kidding!") You also had to love her explanation that a George Forman deluxe grill is the perfect gift. If only she had told me earlier...it would have saved me a ton of time!
Seth: I know the truth.
Ryan: You know the truth?
Seth: Yeah.
Ryan: I’m from an alternate universe where your dad adopted me and you and Summer are in love. And unless I fix things here, which means getting your parents and you and Summer together – I can't go home.
Seth: I always knew this would happen!
Ryan: Doesn’t surprise me. Put this on. Okay, I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to know to woo Summer. Have you ever heard of a show called The Valley?
Other joyous tidbits: Seth's "I hate my life" song; Taylor’s sex change in the parallel universe ("OMG! In alt-world I'm a boy - and my mom is still a bitch!"); "Serious Jedi mindtricks"; the fact that in both worlds, Julie is exactly the same; Ryan pulling Taylor closer to him after she sat down on his hospital bed; "Thong is an acronym for 'The Homeless of Newport…Go' or something."; the alternate "California" theme song to fit the alt-world episode; the term 'coma-lite'; Alt-universes are huge in sci-fi & I love that Taylor went through a phase; Vegetable despots; Ryan, the 'poor street urchin' (come on...when did Newport wander into a Dicken’s novel?); anytime Kaitlin and Julie are in a room together; I concede - activist Summer is better than "mindless bimbo" Summer; the nickname "Slutty McSlutterman"; and last but not least, Cute!Ward and Clown!Ward (aka the Annoying Twins), riding past Ryan on the boardwalk on a bike and skateboard (oh how I love fun little allusions like that!!)
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
I kind of wish we had had Chester ("Oh snap! Thong emergency!"), instead of "save the world one tree at a time" Che. I also wonder if Ryan was a girl in this alt-universe if Taylor was a boy. Oh and explain to me why Taylor was a boy. I just don't understand. Other than that, I'm pretty happy.
If Wishes Were Horses:
Taking the Chester love/Che gripe further, why couldn't they bring back Luke as well. I could totally see him and Chester being BFF's. Then we could have had two friend couples with fun dialogue: Ryan/Seth and Luke/Chester. They seem like matches made in heaven...or my own perverse heaven!!
And if you take that thinking to a whole other level, if Ryan had never come to Newport, I would not have endured Marissa for 3 years. (Although...if that happened I guess we would never have had a show called The O.C. in the first place. Man do I hate time/space continuum conundrums.) Ok, I need to just let that one go!
The One-Line Zinger:
"Between you and me, Taylor in a coma is kind of a nice break!"
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
(I couldn't decide and so I present two this week!)
Julie: Oh no, honey.I told you, my family only drinks wine coolers.
Kaitlin: We’re having a very Britney Christmas, Mother.
Julie: Yes, watch out...I might put you on my lap while we drive there.
Summer: So wait? You're saying that you ride horses in the valley? Seth: No...no. I like plastic horses and the show The Valley.
Summer: Hey! I like that show too and plastic horses. What's yours named?
Seth: Princess Sparkle. Wait. No no. I mean Captain Oats. I just said Princess Sparkle because I think its a really cool name!
Summer: No. Way. You are not going to believe this...

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