Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Video Killed the Radio Star!

I love wasting time watching videos on YouTube. I mean, what's not to love. I like wasting time. And I like watching videos, whether they be funny& amusing, commercials for products I will never purchase, sentimental, old & rare (usually clips of television series I watched as a child), or weird - often fan-made - videos. So what's not to love on a media website that encourages people to "Broadcast Yourself"? All I can say is Google better not mess this up when they take over!! Anyway, I decided to put all of my YouTube hours to work and start a weekly blog column - or VidSpam as I like to call it - to share some of the 'fun' things I have found. So here goes...
VidSpam: The Inaugural Edition

First up - Darcy meets Hermione

This delightful video features the sounds and dialogue from Pride & Prejudice, but clips from the various Harry Potter films: Harry is Mr. Collins, Dumbledore & McGonagall are Mr. & Mrs. Bennett, and in case you didn't find those casting choices fun, Ron in Mr. Darcy! I know one person who spent a little too much time watching trailer last holiday season!

Next -
The Ballad of Sam & Dean

Not sure what is more disturbing about this fanvid: A song about how Tom Jones music saved people's lives and marriage being used for a fanvid about brothers ("I owe my life to 'What's New Pussycat?' "!!) or how well the lyrics fit clips from the first season of Supernatural.

And last but not least -

Cell phone + funeral x squirrel = So wrong and yet so funny! I don't think I have laughed this hard in a while!!

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