The O.C.
"The Sleeping Beauty"
Original Air Date:
November 30, 2006
What I Loved:
And just like that...The O.C. is back with a vengance. After consistently getting better this season, the show has returned to form with a funny and yet touching ep. And the awesome thing is...next week looks just as good!
Ryan is apparently funny. Who knew!?!?!? He even made a "real" joke and smiled. Yes, Ryan actually smiled (see pic above if you don't believe me!) and for that alone, I fully support Taylor in her mad seduction plan. Anyone that can get that boy to smile and laugh can do no wrong as far as I am concerned. Who didn't love that kiss at the end and Ryan's reaction of "Whoa..." to the dawing realization that he might have feelings for Taylor? Love is in the air. Long live Rylor!!!
Speaking of couples that involve Ryan, I loved his banter with Seth througout the ep beginning with the Bollywood conversation at the start of the ep (see the bottom of this review!). Finally, these two look like they are brothers again. Besides, who didn't crack a smile over Seth's cell phone call to ask if Ryan was ready to date or the awkward 'morning after' poolhouse scene with Taylor. Oh and the discussion concerning why Ryan should date Taylor:
Ryan: Is that look supposed to mean something?The boys are back and better than ever. Suddenly everything is right in Mad Madam M's Tellie-Land!!
Seth: Crazier things have happened...uh...nothing I can recall this instant...
I could go on and on, but really...you should just watch the ep for yourself. Some other tidbits I loved include: the intro of a wannabe J.R. Ewing; Taylor's giddy clapping; Summer and her bunny, Pancakes; the Seth/Sandy conversation about Rylor; Julie getting hit in the head with tennis balls; the contiunity of the mall; oh and did I mention Ryan smiling?
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
Oh Che...how could you? I figured that the whole East Coast storyline would quickly disappear and it looks like Summer may be Pacific Coast bound by next week. Although I think Che's actions were truly lousy, it would be nice to have the whole gang together again!
Other than that, my 'Happy Camper' mood wasn't killed by any new persons or events. Kaitlin was better this week, but there is still loads of room for inprovement! Oh and could something happen to the annoying twins? Please? Pretty please? I'm willing to give up a Christmas present...even two if the method is really creative!
If Wishes Were Horses:
My need for wishes is decreasing at an amazing rate. I only have two wishes really, well three if you count wanting to get rid of the annoying twins:
1) An extened Taylor chasing Ryan would have lasted a couple of eps. After creatively pretending to be a sleep therapist in order to seduce Ryan, I really would have liked to see what else she could have come up with. (However, after veiwing next week's Ryan's fantasy fueled promo, I think I will survive!) Now I understand the need not to let this drag, since I fully predict that they will break up sometime in late winer only to get back together by May sweeps! (That is just my predictions and based primarily on my own random thoughts, not really anything of merit.)
2) More Cohen time, meaning more Sandy/Kirsten/Seth/Ryan together and interacting as a family. I really do hope that Sandy and Kirsten start to get a little more screen time. Oh and now that New Match has a backer, perhaps Kirsten will have something to do! There's a thought!!
Meanwhile, I would like to note that 2 of my wishes from the last review I wrote actually came true (unfortunately neither were, #3. Something horrific happens to the annoying twins and if possible Kaitlin as well.):
4. Give Julie a new 'man' to manipulate not just little boys.If only my Grandma watched this show. I could so prove her wrong and show her Beggars Riding !! (Note: One of my Nana's favorite responses is "If wishes were horses the beggars would ride".) If only I had made bigger and better wishes...
5. Could we please go back to either the diner or Bait Shop for continuity sake!
The One-Line Zinger:
"This is too wierd for this early in the morning."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Seth: Bollywood, huh? I didn't know you were such a world cinema buff, especially at 2:30 in the morning.
Ryan: What are you doing up?
Seth: I had a dream. Summer was marrying Ralph Nader and I was playing the marimba at the wedding.
Ryan: Good gig! Why don't you call her?
Seth: I'm giving her space, remember?!?! I promised myself I'd wait at least a week before calling. What are they dancing about?
Ryan: This guy just saw his girlfriend's ankle.
Seth: Hmmm...do you think it's about time to talk to someone?
Ryan: Nobody ever died from insomnia.
Seth: Fine. You know what? I'm kind of in the mood for a chaste Hindu love story with lots of needless dancing.
Ryan: Seth, go to bed.
Seth: No can do. If you're awake, I'm awake!! [He then promptly falls asleep!]
LOVE your review - awesome, awesome, awesome! Sorry, wish I was more eloquent; particularly as I'm the first commenter - which never happens (I feel special :) Although, I just created a blog so I could comment - how's that for love ....& also why there's an new empty blog hanging around - again sorry ppls.
I loved this episode too! Especially Ryan and Taylor doing some Vulcan mind reading tricks. Great review, as usual. But, that's what we pay you for, right?
Thanks for the comments. Wow! Who knew that a tellie review of mine could convert someone to the fun world of blogdom! I too loved that Taylor and Ryan kept reading eachother's minds... LONG LIVE RYLOR!!!
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