Anyhoodle, before I get onto the Disney ad photos featuring David Beckham as Prince Charming, Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella, and a scene from Alice in Wonderland featuring Lyle Lovett, Oliver Platt and Beyonce(bet you can't wait for that!), I want to share my thoughts on one of the most fabulous movies of 2006 Snakes on a Plane. Now don't get me wrong, I am not recommending anyone actually rent - or Netflix as the case may be - this cinematic triumph...yes TRIUMPH. It isn't really that great of a movie. Hilarious in various ways, but by no means actually 'good'. I don't think I have ever seen so many different cliches played out in a single film or Samuel "The Man" Jackson have that much fun in a film for a while. But what I will cherish most is the shear joy at actually getting a film that lives up to what the title promises: snakes on a plane. How often do titles of movies actually live up to their name? Think about it for a moment. How many movies today have titles that tell you nothing or mislead you to think you will watch a movie about one thing when it is really about something completely different. The Constant Gardner. Some Like it Hot. Trainspotting. Grease. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is sort of refreshing to read the title "Snakes on a Plane" and that is actually what the movie is about. Sure it is a b horror-esque film, but that is what it was designed to do. And before you start questioning my use of the term horror. I think that anything that involves poisonous and agitated snakes in a highly confined space can be considered horror. I know if scared me...
And now onto the happy Disney moment to counteract the often crude Snakes on a Plane. (Can you tell I like writing Snakes on a I didn't thinks so!)
PicSpam Monday™:
The "David Beckham Can Be My Prince Charming Any Day!" Edition

I don't care if he can't speak in full sentences and
wooed his wife by coloring pictures from The Lion King.
I don't really want him for conversation!

I mean, given her rack, servant or no, she would have a rich man by now!

First of all, who thought of putting these three together in a photo.
And second, could I please talk to them since they have as warped a mind as I do!!
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