In completely unrelated news, Prison Break returned last night after what seemed an eternity. But all in all, I have to say it was worth it. If only Mahone would go over to the dark side what fun we all could have. Or perhaps since Linc and Michael are technically the 'good guys' of the show since they are all about family - I mean, come on...one of them broke INTO prison to get save the other - and proving their innocence. However, in a way it is revenge, which would clearly put them back on the darkside...not to mention all the people they have killed. Although, now that I think about it, while quite a few people have died, I don't think Linc or Michael have ever actually pulled a trigger and LJ just clipped Kellerman that one time. Heh...I can't wait for that reunion! However, Kellerman did deserve it. He killed LJ's mom. It is kind of funny though that Linc took Veronica's death harder than the untimely death of the mother of his kid. I liked Veronica better too, but that is because I love Empire Records. But back to my original thought...
So I have no clue where I was going with that, but to sum up the point of this blog, I loved the ep, especially Michael's two line explanation of the entire series:
"So this is the conspiracy, huh? Bunch of little boys in suits running around trying to kill each other. It’s pathetic."Tune in next week when Linc, Michael, and Kellerman kidnap a reporter, T-Bag holds a family hostage, C-Note provides his daughter with 5 more reasons to seek therapy in the coming years, and Sucre cruises Mexico hopefully not saying the name "Maricruz" more than 5 times!
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