Monday, January 08, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things...

So I had kind of a crappy morning. Not only did I get to make the same phone call for the fifth time and get absolutely no result - so much for the helpfulness of customer service - but I ended up speaking with one of the dumbest people ever. (Okay maybe not ever, but still quite high on my personal "Idiots I Have Met or Talked To" list.) Not only could she not help me, but she kept calling me 'Mister' even after I told her twice - yes TWICE - that I was a woman. Sometimes I really do wonder about the future of America. I think perhaps Giles was right...the Earth is doomed. Anyway, to help me get through the day, I composed a PicSpam of activies or things that make me happy.

PicSpam Monday™: The "Things That Make Me Happy" Edition
(Or at least 5 in no particular order)

1. Slurpees
You cannot drink a Slurpee and not smile. I mean just saying 'slurpee' makes me smile. Besides, there are always some 'interesting' people (aka weirdos) that hang out arounf 7/11's!

2. Scavenger Hunts (On the Internet Mostly)

I can easily spend hours looking for a specific image I want (or someone else wants), even going as far as searching for a certain size. There is nothing quite like the satisfactiom you feel after navigating through the immense amount of stuff on the Internet to find the small thing you are looking for!!

3. Used Book Stores/CD Shops

Oh how I love the smell. And the clastrophobic inducing shelving arrangement. And the labyrinth like organization. And the prices. Oh and the fact that you never know what you are going to find.

4. Debates on Message Boards

Well actually message boards in general. I love lurking and reading the subjects - however absurd - people feel the need to debate. The Internet can be so entertaining, although every once in a while, I do wonder about what the world is coming to...

5. English Historical Buddy Films/Any Hallmark Hall of Fame Movie

No one does Historical movies like the British. With just a touch of and an amazingly small budget, the films never fail to entertain. Besides, who doesn't love actors trying to run around on a ship during the Napoleonic Wars in loafers while trying to look 'manly'? As far as cheesy goodness...Hallmark normally always hits the mark. (And unlike Sci-Fi, doesn't devolve into some awful "Nature Gone Wrong" plot!)

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