Well, it has been forever folks, but here it is...one of my fabulous photodumps: PicSpam Spectacular!™. However, this time I have actually gone above and beyond the call of duty...I didn't just find the pics, I actually scanned 4 of them. You see, as I explained a couple months back, I have joined the fascinating world (read: all-encompassing club, no wait...cult) of comic books based on tellie programs. Not only am I enjoying season 8 of Buffy, but I have now starting reading the Supernatural Origins series. I can guess what you are thinking, but no time for that now. I should note that I didn't think that the drawings of the different characters were going to be exact, but with the Buffy drawings, you can easily decifer who is who...with the exception of all those stupid slayer potentials...well I guess they are no longer potentials, but you know what I mean. I could never tell them apart...except the one Willow dated, silly hat girl, and Robena (or is it Rowena? I honestly don't care) the whiner.Anyhoo, after enjoying 3 issues of Buffy, I started reading my first Supernatural comic and boy was I in for a shock. I'm not sure what show the artist was watching, but I don't think it looks like anything I have seen. Well, I tried to tell ChickLit all about it, but she wanted so see...so I scanned some of the pages. I should warn you, the scans aren't high quality and for some reason all of the writing is backwards. I have included an assortment of imags from the show in order to try and make comparisons easier. Anyway, hope you all enjoy!
PicSpam Spectacular!™: What Where Those Artists Smoking?
The Winchester Men...Sam, Shutup!Daddy, and Dean
Oh and Missouri...
Now the drawn versions...
ShutUp!Daddy & Missouri

A young Dean & Sam...really!?!?! Dean's blond and I'n not sure what is up with Sammy!

Again, I'm not quite sure what the artists were on...

Well, at least they gof Sammy's crying right. That's something at least!