Today's Hump Day Hotties is dedicated to tomorrow's season finale of Supernatural. A show with a plot, some bad acting, and some very pretty boys we're going to share with you. Keep in mind, the Mad Madam M has lost most of her touch with reality and interchangeable refers to the cast and characters by their real names, characters names, and weird nicknames that she picks up God knows where. Here's a cast list to help you keep it straight:
Dean Winchester (aka El Deano & Lil' Stumpy) - Jensen Ackles (aka Mad Madam M's future pool boy!)
Sam Winchester (aka Sammy & Ginormotron) - Jared Padalecki
John Winchester (aka Shut Up Daddy) - Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Metallicar - 1 of 5 '67 Chevy Impala
(In case you didn't know...these are the Winchester brothers! Just a little hint!!)
Mad Madam M: *squee* Season 3, people!!! Season 3!!!! We have a SEASON 3!!!!! *squee*
Crystal: Yay! If we'd have had to come up with another mutual show to watch, it could have gone badly. I mean, we don't watch the same TV. We just don't.
(Towels...are they really necessary?)
Mad Madam M: Yes, I watch the show for the plots. Why do you ask?
Crystal: Yes, the depth of characterization in this show is...intense.
(Jensen Pool-side & preparing for his second career!)
Mad Madam M: This settles it...we definitely need a pool so Jensen can lounge next to it. Although, he will be wearing far less clothing!!
Crystal: Well, you are my one-woman entourage. When I get rich and famous, I think you should have a pretty pool boy. And why not him? I mean, he looks like he'd enjoy the life of pool boy.
(The Winchester Lean™)
Mad Madam M: *pets computer monitor* Now that is a queue I wouldn't mind waiting in for any length of time...perhaps even eternity!!! Even if Ginormotron has to slouch a bit...
Crystal: They are just so preeeeettty. I'll take one of each.
(Dean & Metallicar: A match made in heaven!)
Mad Madam M: I'm not sure which is sexier, El Deano or Metallicar. However, together they make one beautiful sight. I'm surprised that evil still exists when everyone could just stare at that all day. I know I do...
Crystal: I love Metallicar and the random displays of car porn during the show when they have nothing better to do.
(An artistic black & white image of Jensen - hey they all can't be amusing!)
Mad Madam M: *gets lost in his eyes* Please excuse me for a moment... *gets re-lost in his eyes*
Crystal: Umm...Should I give you a moment?
(Wannabe Punkish Jared - but hey I still love you!)
Mad Madam M: Yes I know this pic is cheesy, but I love it anyway! What are you going to do about it? He's still pretty!
Crystal: Amazingly enough, this pic mkes him look even more ginormous.
(Dean & Books...need I say more?)
Mad Madam M: Remeber how a couple months back I wrote that the pic of Adam Brody holding videos was the hottest thing I had ever seen...well this narrowly beats it out. Dean lounging in front of old books...excuse me I must go day dream for a while!
Crystal: You can almost imagine he's smart here. That's hawt.
(Jared with short hair that doesn't at all resemble Cousin It! Miracles do happen!)
Mad Madam M: While I am concerned at the position of the tree branches (it seems even inanimate object want to feel up his torso!) I can't seem to turn away. And I'm not even a SammyGirl?!?!?
Crystal: Dude, to be that pervy tree on his's stroking his nipples, I swear.
(Jensen in the Junkyard)
Mad Madam M: Could someone point me in the direction of the nearest junkyard? I think I might find something I want there...
Crystal: I know you're not big on mechanics and such, but let me tell you this is dramatized for public consumption...real junk yard workers do NOT look like this.
(A Winchester Family appropriately bloody one!)
Mad Madam M: Is it sad that even bloody and beat up, I still find these 3 men sexy? On a side note, I would like to point out that apparently Sammy inherited his hair issues from Shut Up Daddy. There goes the theory that his father was actually the Ceiling Demon!
Crystal: Yum.
(Bed head Sammy...a sight everyone should wake up to!)
Mad Madam M: *guh* I can't add to that... *wipes drool off chin*
Crystal: Dude, that rat bastard is cheating on me! He looks pretty doing it, but still!
(Jensen on a Vespa! Magnifico!!)
Mad Madam M: So remember how last week I wanted to be a chair...I have changed my mind. I think I want to be a vespa...a red one!
Crystal: I will refrain from making a comment about how a vespa gets mounted.
1 comment:
i m a big fan of that show .... but really those comments loooool
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