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Today I realized that despite it all...grad school may have been worth it. I have always been able to shoot the breeze with almost anyone and often make situations or anything else for that matter sound better. Grad school only improved this great skill. You see...ChickLit got me to read The Royal Treatment over the last break only because I was intrigued by the pink cover - yes I love the color pink - and the fact that it had an amusing penguin scene. That and it was Christmas and by that point I would have pretty much done anything to avoid my family. Anyway, read the book and enjoyed it before accidently dropping it in a bathtub full of water. Although in my defense, I usually only destroy the books I love...
Anyway, back to the whole grad school connection. Although I eat my lunch at my desk I do usually goof off a bit - well to be honest I actually goof off quite a bit during the day, but since I get all of my work done...where's the harm? Besides, one of my bosses finds it theraputic to vacuum the termites currently flooding out of the woodwork into both of our offices. looking at the google news page while on the clock doesn't seem too out of the ordinary in the grand scheme of things. But I digress, today I was reading The Royal Pain since ChickLit is sending me the sequel. Most of the people at work know I am working on my thesis and enjoy lit, so picture my horror when I was caught reading this contemporary romance novel. true form I explained it away as a fictional look at how the world would have been different if Alaska hadn't been sold to the US and instead became a monarchy, which is somewhat true although the book does lack a completely credible historical background. I, of course, went on for a couple more minutes and in the end...made it seem like a legitimate work of fiction. Right up there with Michael Crichton and John Grisham. Ah...I tell you there really should be a grad school superhero...she would be absolutely brillant!!!
So...I have recently come to the conclusion that I owe Napoleon a debt of gratitude. This may sound odd, although now that I think about it...probably not the oddest statement I've made over the last 5 months. But back to good ol' Napoleon. Let me be clear, I have not spent a lot of time studying French politics or history and I don't have a real interest or desire to do so. You see...I have recently realized that I love the Napoleonic era. I love the books written about it...I mean what would C.S. Forester's Hornblower series be with out him not to mention O'Brien's Capt. Aubrey. And for those of you who haven't read the books...come know you love the movies too - even if Jamie Bamber isn't looking hi best. I won't even mention all of the crap romance books I have read set during this period since I would only further humiliate myself,but let me tell you...they are some of the best in the genre that don't feature men in kilts.
And it isn't only the fictional characters that got a good deal out of Napoleon's quest for land, power, and riches. What would the world be like without the great legend of Horatio Nelson? Without Wellington what would the boot have been called? And besides...a great dessert also come out of the whole debacle. Now I understand Napoleon really wasn't the best of men and all that, but in the end I have quite a lot to thank him for...without him I would have something else to amuse myself with, but it wouldn't have been nearly as fun I am sure!!!
Okay...I know this is pretty stupid, but come on...who doesn't love a bad Star Wars joke. Most of us paid for Revenge of the Sith and if that wasn't a joke...I just might cry. Horrible SW jokes are a staple of American culture by now. Or at least they are in my world...and lest's face it...that is all I really care about. Besides, FemeNazi - who I might add has only seen 1 of the films I believe - forwarded this onto me after learning I not only read Sci Fi magazine, but also a bunch of geekier ones including the official BSG mag. What can I say...I am only a couple of levels away from dressing up for conventions...although the shows I like never seem to have the cool costumes. Perhaps it is all for the best - nothing will ever beat Klingons and I am not that into Star Trek. With the ridiculous hair and the fact that one can actually learn the "language" I think I am safe from those bottome least for the moment.
Plumbing shouldn't malfunction...or any appliance using electricity. You I was faced with not only a toilet issue, but also an electical one involving a lamp. I really wish I had taken some class along the line that taugh some of this more useful stuff. It is sad when you are not able to figure out how to fix a toilet. Never did figure it out, although I did get the lamp least for the moment.
Just a final tidbit for those who watch Gray's Anatomy...I think it is official. I will never forgive Meredith for this one...I just don't think it will happen for me. Although I do have to admit that I did enjoy someone else narrating. If there has to be a voice least spice it up for us!!!
I LOVE Wallace & Gromit...I just had to get that out there. I rented and watched 3 of the short films and then the feature film version of Curse of the Were-Rabbit today. Hence the pic of Shaun the sheep - he is just sooooo adorable - for this blog entry. I state this only because up until this evening I thought everyone did. I know it is a bit naive, but come on...they're Wallace & Gromit. Well it turns out, not everyone goes in for this sort of humor. I thought my parental unit would get a kick out of it all since they both love Chicken Run, but apparently what they love about chickens escaping the farm is that it is just that. With W & G there are a lot of hidden things you have to look for that aren't as obvious. Well at least I enjoyed it all. Gotta love throw backs to WWI flying aces and the stupid puns. Ah...I really am an anglo-phile.
Not that I need a reason to write about BSG, but I found out something interesting about the opening music of the second season. According to imdb -
always the history student...I can't seem to not cite my source - the opening words are actually a Hindu mantra, the Gayatri Mantra, taken from the Rig Veda. As
with most phrases written in other languages, it may be translated in various ways but means approximately "May we attain that excellent glory of Savitar the God/So May he stimulate our prayers". Interesting huh?!?! For a show so obsessed with ancient all seems sort of fitting.
To be quite honest, finding that little tidbit got me through most of the day. I am at my wits end with trying to deal with the girl I am replacing at the office. I think it would help if there was some sort of date - some day I could mark as her last, but as is...she just keeps coming and driving me nuts. She always seemed to need to be where I am, especially when I am hiding out in the back working on membership apps and listening to my ipod. U2 can make any situation better...besides I am currently making a rarities and other favs CD for a friend. To top it all off...she also tries to blame everything that goes wrong on me. I just can't take the micro-management anymore. Ah...hopefully only another week. If not...I'm gonna need a slow boat to Margaritaville.
Finally...some one mocks my future profession...well kinda. I don't really ever see myself working for NARA. At the moment it just seems like a sinking ship and to be honest, I am not sure if I want that stable of a job. I know it sounds odd, but I still want to go out there and live some life...maybe not the good life, but still a life I can call my own. Man that sounds like a Frank Sinatra hit, but what I mean is...I want some adventure and all that and NARA seems too nice a gig to ever want to leave. Crazy I know, but I don't think I am right for government work.
In other crazy news, one of my bosses is leaving town for a little over a week. She gave me a bunch of jobs I should have completed by tomorrow afternoon. However, I got to learn how to use a folding machine. How nifty is that? They make machines that fold letters...hundreds of letters in less than a minute. I don't know how I didn't think of this before...I mean there aren't little mass mailing elves that go into offices at night and stuff envelopes. What is even better - swell some might say - is that the postal machine not only meters the letter, but also seals it.
So now I can sit back with my normal saliva level and papercutless fingers and bask in the thought of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban's upcoming Aussie wedding - or least supposed nuptials. I don't know how anyone with a past cocaine habit can be so cheesy, but I think that the Australian pop-stariness accounts for most of the cheese in good ol' Keith. And hey if that wasn't enough good Kidman news...she and Russell Crowe will star in the next Baz Luhrmann movie set in the pre-WWII Outback. Ah...I can't wait to see Baz's vision of the 1930s and early 1940s!!! Could be scary, but I bet it will be a blast...and hey they can all sing. See...something to ponder tomorrow at work!!!
While taking a simply-stare-
break at work, I started pondering area codes. Kinda odd I know, but let's face it...far from the strangest thing I have thought about - even in the last week. Anyway, the little cardboard divider used to seperate the carbon-copy message sheets features all of the area codes for each state. Now I always assumed - not something I do well since I always thought that the mice threw monterey jack cheese at Cinderella because they were rich now and could get more expensive cheese and no longer had to rely on cheddar - that each state had multiple area codes. Keep in mind quite a bit of this comes from growing up in California since most of my family located in Cali lives within 2 hours of me and all have different area codes. In the end, it turns out that 13 states only have 1 area code for the entire region. And to make matters even more interesting...everything in Nevada has the same number except for Las Vegas and the same goes for all of Utah except Salt Lake City.
The more I thought about it, I could handle the fact that most of the smaller states only have one number like Delaware or New Hampshire, but it seems like New Mexico and Idaho ought to have more than one number. Maybe not Wyoming, but haven't both of the Dakotas suffered long enough not to have the joy of multiple numbers. Although after further consideration...perhaps they have it better than the rest of us. Just think...any call within the state would be local. I could get behind that!!!
Cinderella has always been a favorite. I am not the biggest Disney fan, but the story has a special place in my heart. I bring this up only becuase instead of watching some sort of educational program on PBS this evening, my mother and I watched Cinderella. Well to be truthful, chances are my mom would have watched the Disney classic anyway, but to my utter disappointment Supernatural wasn't on and let's face it...I'll pretty much do anything to avoid actual work. Anyway, tonight I noticed something I never had before. I always assumed that when Cinderella is out feeding the mice and other singing animals, she was feeding them cheese. All these years, I have always assumed that the yellow items collected by Gus and the others were cheese cubes, but tonight I realized that the chickens were eating the yellow cubes as well. To my knowledge - which is little to none in this area - chickens don't eat cheese. Apparently, I was quite wrong and the items were actually corn. So I sat transfixed until the end when I realized that the mice weren't throwing monterey jack cheese cubes at the bride and was rice. How funny - or sad depending on how you look at it - is that?!?! Ah...deluded childhood memories!
Meanwhile over on ChickLit's blog, everytime she mentions me or mocks me...her comments go through the roof - well a small roof...perhaps a shed or some other lawn building. I love the blogs since they normally accurately document our conversations...down to the distractions and lingo. However, I often wish I hadn't read the comments since the people scare me. As a joke, ChickLit said she was thinking of doing a futuristic romantic/erotic - I'm not really sure since I tried to tune out as much as possible - involving men in kilts in space or something...Scotsmen in kilts are of course one of my fav things. Apparently everyone esle, other than me of course, thinks this is a great idea. What is WRONG with these people?!?!? Scary...scary. Oh the end I can comfort myself with the fact that within a couple of hours I can forget the whole thing and live in blissful oblivion...that is until she reminds me again!
On a funny note, I got the coolest gnome gift ever. Yes I have actually had multiple gnome gifts, but this is by far the best. Soon my blog will feature pics of my gnome - currently named Gene. FemeNazi sent me Gene after buying her own gnome named Norm. Get it?!!??! Norm and Gene...kinda like Marilyn Monroe's real name - Norma Jean. I like the irony, although, he might get a couple more names.
I also got a pretty risque email from FemeNazi concerning fictional hot, studly guys who come to your office and wash your car in the buff. The email is absolutely hilarious, but the pic at the bottoms of the fake ad shows quite a bit of skin. I have fought with myself whether or not to post it on the blog since I don't want to give into my quasi-puritanical-conservative upbringing that I have spent years fighting against by not posting it. However, it is not the sort of thing I really want posted alongside my own pic and my happy thoughts on pop culture and such. In the end, I decided that for the moment, the pic won't get published, but feel free to email me and request that I forward it on. Chances are in a couple of weeks it will make it on the blog. I got a great laugh out of it and now that I have spent way to much time discussing it in true grad student fashion, I'm sure someone is intrigued...
I can't seem to get a picture I want to load, which is a real bummer. It is only a larger version on the one I could get to appear, but you can't read the words...not a big deal...just infuriating. The official website for Beowulf & Grendel is finally up and running. I am so looking forward to seeing it, even if I have to wait for it to come out on DVD. The trailer looks awesome and a barbaric looking Iceland is the perfect backdrop. I love that it was filmed on location. Although the tagline leaves much to be desired..."Heads will roll." That is right up there with A Knight's Tale's "He will rock you." How they come up with these stupid lines, I will never know.
Of course the real reason I am interested in this film...Gerard Butler. And if he wasn't allure enough, the film also features Stellen Skarsgard - yes I even like him in King Arthur - and Tony Curran - who was last seen in another of my current favs...Underworld: Evolution. Anyway...I love Gerard Butler...I just wish he could get better in Dear Frankie - a film that makes my top 10 list of all-time favorite films. I mean I sat through both Timeline and the second Lara Craft movie just for him not to mention The Phantom of the Opera. I don't know anyone who would rather be stuck with the wussy Raoul. Come on...give me a break. Even with the mask on, I'd jump him in a heartbeat!!! just replace the word "homework" with "thesis" and there you go...I love how Calvin & Hobbes has some sort of wise and yet funny cartoon for every occasion. I found this one while taking a short break at work. I am not really good at taking the long breaks and so instead every couple of hours I simply zone or do random searches on the internet...that is how I found this beauty.
Other than that...nothing much happening. Finally rained down here...I can't believe it took this long. I finally figured out what the other people in my office buiding do. To be honest, I had them all figured out except walnut bargaining. It sounds like something you do when squirrels overrun your least no one can claim I am not learning something at work. And what other employment can you point blank lie to a congressional member about the whereabouts of your boss and then hang up. Brillant I tell you...brillant!!!
This may come as a shock, but for once I don't have anything to say. I have put of writing this blog for most of the evening hoping that something would come to me, but So in tried and true fashion I decided to try and find a good pic of Jamie Bamber - the cute one from BSG - since ChickLit wrote a funny blog concerning our strange conversations and the fact that I often forget to listen to our conversations since I am staring at a tellie usually featuring BSG or some Napoleonic naval film. But I digress...I tried to find a pic only to discover the the one and only really excellent, out-of-this-world Jamie Bamber site is out of commission. So here inlies today's topic (come knew I wasn't going to talk about achieving world peace or how luckily I have been throughout my life)...there are not enough sites out there devoted to the gloriousness of Jamie Bamber. If Craig Parker - Haldir in LOTR and now staring in several Power Ranger shows (not kidding here folks) - can have tons of pages dedicated to him...why not Jamie. I mean he is a cult hero...Horatio Hornblower and countless other BBC costume dramas including Daniel Deronda, which also stars the studly Hugh Dancy. I could go on and on, but I think I have made my point. Now I think I can finally call it a night!!
I have never made a secret of my love of bad angst-filled tellie...well at least to close friends. I don't wear a sign or anything. However, it looks like I might be growing up a bit or I finally have some standards in this area. Take the WB's One Tree Hill. 3 years I have given that show, but I am just getting tired. Every season turns out exactly the same and unlike The O.C., it isn't as self aware or fun. I just want it all to be over and there are so many things going on, but the show isn't at all watchable anymore...not even the hot WB guys. So...I might have a bit more free time. Besides, I had a friend tell me recently that I could accomplish so much in the time I watch not very good tellie.
VM completely let me down...I was all excited for a new ep, but instead an old repeat played. I guess UPN was too afraid of the Olympics. My question is...what are the people - like me - who don't like the Olympics supposed to watch. I mean now I don't get a new VM or O.C. for another month...oh what a hard life I do lead.
Meanwhile, I had a run in with a rat tonight and much to my own disappointment, I simply hid. How sad is that?!?! I am afraid of some small rodent that I could easily step on and kill. Besides it isn't like today's rats are carrying deadly viruses...besides in the middle ages it was the fleas not the rats.
I have never made a secret of how farm animals freak me out. I don't think I am that much of a city girl, but something about cows, pigs, sheep, and other common farm livestock just creeps me out...hence why I got a job working for 3 different agricultural lobbyist organization. I love the irony of life. Anyway, today my life got a bit more absurd. I sold my first animal vaccination. Thankfully I don't administer the shot myself - believe me it would take a whole lot more money, practically no hous, and that hot, exceedingly wealthy Scottish lord in a kilt with his own castle that I keep asking for. Even then...not really sure. Perhaps being drunk would help...although I don't know if I could aim for a sheep's neck at that point. Sometimes I really wonder how I get in these little predictaments...
Luckily, Valentine's Day passed with little hurrah. My office, and I use the term loosely since I have only worked there 2 days now, didn't really do anything - one of my bosses did get flowers delivered although she seemed more offended than anything. Oh and I went out to Denny's with my parents for dinner. In case you don't know this about me...I love Denny's. However, I must include that it is odd to go out for a romantic holiday meal with your parents. I think these are the events that will lead to my life long need for therapy. Well that and a long list of other things I don't think I will humilate myself with. Besides, most of you who read this blog will already know too much!! I started my new job today. Man am I going to be busy. I also didn't think I would be this nervous, but what can I say. It isn't retail, so I am pretty willing to do almost anything...However, working as an office manager for 2 people makes for an interesting training since you have 2 fax machines and 2 copiers to learn along with answering the phone 3 different ways depending on which line lights up. With all my years in academia, it amazes me how little I actually know about the "real world". In interesting news, I recently noticed that Karl Urban has billing next to the Rock on the Doom DVD - a movie I will one day own for some reason, although not anytime soon!! Anyway, this got me thinking about the fact that although I have seen him in some New Zealand films and of course The Bourne Supremacy, the boy hasn't done much beyond Lord of the Rings. It never ceases to amaze me...what that trilogy did for obscure hot foreign men descending from the British Isles or former British colonies...if only Dominic Monaghan hadn't sold out on Lost. Ah least Billy Boyd has kept the indie spirit alive!! I also have figured out why U2 won 5 Grammys last Wednesday. It was all a clever plan to re-align my world after the horrible superbowl game. You see since the Seahawks got screwed over by the refs, fate decided to fix the imbalance by allowing U2 to win all of those Grammys. I mean as much as I love the group, the amount of awards won falls into the Lord of the Rings Oscar wins...I like the films, but I don't think they deserved all of the awards they got. Kinda ridiculous...but hey my world is back in an upswing so I can't currently least not until tomorrow!!! Thursday EVER!!!! Not only did I get to lay in bed for an extra hour or so staring at the pretty boy - hey...calendars are an important wall accessory - I got to go shopping and got a job. A nifty little job working for a couple of agriculture lobbyists!!! Of course this isn't my dream career, but at the moment it is a full time gig that pays $13 an hour. Keep in mind, after taxes that is still double what I made as a TA and I don't have to pay rent. I might actually save money for once?!?! And the most fatastic part of it all...NO RETAIL!! Actually that isn't completely true...I will be selling some vaccines for farm animals, but an office is an office. I finally have a watercooler to talk around!!
My cold is getting better, although it still hasn't gone away. It has now been a full week of this. I got most of my hearing back today, but now my ears keep popping and it is beginning to hurt. I'm not sure how long it will take for my nose to recover. I still find it quite funny I lost my voice for a couple of days. It is like a little practical joke from fate or something. Girl who loves to talk on the phone with friends, talk in coffee shops, talk in bars...pretty much talk with anyone even after their eyes have glazed over now can't talk to anyone. Strange twist of fate really.
Oh well...the voice is back and The O.C. totally rocked. Oh how I love my angst-filled melodramas!!! Unfortunately, I now have to wait until March 3rd for a new ep. What's up with that?!?!?! Fox doesn't have the olympics - don't even get me started on that one - or any major sporting event. And to make matters worse, the upcoming scenes are just a tease - I know that is the point, but still...I need to know these things. I tell you...these crap evening soap operas are almost better than real life. Well maybe if you don't have a job...Tune in tomorrow for my rant on how I don't like the current direction of Grey's Anatomy or emotionally fragile hairdressers!!
Well, I am officially a Californian once again...whether I want to be or not. Today I not only re-registered my car in the golden state, but I also passed a written driving test. Sadly, I actually studied for it...I know...kinda sad. But I was afraid of not passing. I mean, come on...too many people knew I needed a Cali license to legally work in the state. And speaking of work, I went in for an interview with a agricultural lobbying firm today. It was one of the oddest experiences of my life. I am not sure if it was the fact that they lobbied for pork or the fact that they keep the front door locked at all times, but it seemed like an odd place. Of course if they ask for me through the tempo agency...I will go. Cuz come on...$13 an hour. I would be a fool to pass that one up!!!
In even more disturbing news, I spoke with Wonderwall tonight after Although the ep wasn't stellar, it did have its moments...especially those featuring Beaver and Mac...Now keep in mind that Wonderwall was a huge Duncan fan - I could I be friends with this girl, but you haev to remember that everyone has issues - but now she is actually advocating a hook up between Weevil and Veronica. I have to say that I like the post-biker gang Weevil who drives cars, but I am not so sure about what kind of couple they would make...we shall see though. I look forward to tomorrow's O.C. and the intro of the female Johnny. Maybe Ryan can actually find someone cool for a change...other than Seth of course!!!
Since I hav e an interview tomorrow with a temp agency, I spent tonight with the only friend I have left in Sactown. It is fascinating to think that I lived in this town for 21 years and everyone else - except one - has found a way to escape. Oh really can never go home again!!! Anyway we decided to watch movies about Shakespeare productions of Hamlet starting with the quirky yet completely lovable A Midwinter's Tale - unless you live in the UK and then it is call In the Bleak Midwinter. Fatastic movie that is not only fun, but features so many of my fav English actors...and there are some real bonuses if you have ever sat through Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet since he wrote and directed this one. I fell in love with it from the tag line "The drama.
The passion. The intrigue... And the rehearsals haven't even started." How could any theatre fan resist?
After a short dinner break, we ended up watching the classic To Be Or Not To Be starring Jack Benny and Carole Lombard in her final role. A funny film, but also interesting since the film is placed in Nazi occupied Warsaw and was released in March of 1942. Not only does the movie incorporate Hitler and Hamlet, but some of the funniest one liners, but don't worry I won't spoil any of it for you!!
Well after avoiding it for 24 years, I have finally watched my first Superbowl from start to finish. Well to be truthful, I watched all of the game...I missed the halftime show. I don't know who decided to call the Rolling Stones the greatest rock and roll band ever, but I have to strongly disagree. I mean come on people...clearly the Beatles own that title. And if not...of course I'd argue U2. Anyway, back to the game. I have never had that much anxiety about any game. Most people won't know this, but I watched every single Seahawks game this season, including the Monday night game against the Eagles. All in all...I am a bit depressed to say the least. I could rant about the incompetency of the refs and all of the bad calls or grumble about how much I now hate the Steelers, but instead I think I will do the unprecidented thing and let it go...well at least not seeth about it. It ain't healthy. Don't worry, I am sure by tomorrow I will be ranting about something as idiotic. To be honest, I can't believe how emotional I got about this. Well the Oscars are coming up...that usually brings on the rants!!!
Nothing much else going on. I know it has been over a week since my last blog, but nothing really exciting happened or at least that others might find interesting. I roadtripped with my father which turned out to actually be a pretty good time. I got sick and spent a couple of days in bed watching the first season of The O.C. I have an interview with a temp agency on Tuesday - I sad, but at least it isn't retail. I am trying not to get too excited since that always spells doom for me. Oh I have watched a couple of new eps of BSG, so really at the moment my life is on an upswing...if only I hadn't moved back to my parent's house and still didn't have a thesis to complete?!?! Well at least I finally got some good results on ChickLit's Sunday quiz. If you remember I had given up on them after being told the American city I was most like was Cleavland. a recent survey I was informed that if I were a superhero I would be Buffy and if I had to belong to a Middle Earth race I would be an Elf!!! Way to go me...and I didn't even have to manipulate the results!!! If only the Seahawks had life would be complete. Oh wait...I still need a man and a career. So really...couple of years away from a complete life. Don't worry...I'll keep you all posted!!!