Episode: "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things"
Original Air Date: October 19, 2006
Rating: Bloody Brillant
What I Loved: Okay...that final Dean speech. I don't know really what to say really...it was perfection. Reminded me a lot of a scene in Season 6 Buffy, but I won't bore you with the details (funny enough...it was the scene that hooked Knows-It-All to the show). There is something beautiful and yet compellingly tragic about Dean spirling out of control. I like it.
Well that and all of the funny references to films ("It's got unrequited 'Duckie' love written all over it!" and "Dude, you've been watching way too many Romero flicks!" and you can't miss "Nah, I think she went out to Rent Beaches"). Yes within 30 minutes we had a Sixteen Candles reference and a Bette Midler flick...coupled with the Ghost reference a couple of weeks ago I am really starting to worry about Dean's film viewing habits. Well maybe the porn jokes as well...especially the "Awkward" moment in which Dean walks in a moment to soon and catches Sam almost watching what sounds like an intro to a porn film ("Next on the Skin Channel Casa Erotica 4. A tale of 2 Latin beauties...).
And last but not least, I must mention the cool-ass Bo Duke slide into the grave to stake the zombie back into her grave. It was just nifty to watch...I must have rewinded that scene a couple times.
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper: I didn't really have any real issues with the show itself, I just don't like the see the boys this unhappy. I have reached my wits end with Sam's hair and his new habit of acting completely with his forehead (and is it just me or has he been taking lessons from the "I smell a fart" school of acting. Hopefully, things improve next week. I also missed that the ep didn't really utilize much music. Usually, there is some song to associate the ep with. I have come to expect that from this show, much like The O.C. Different types of music, but both shows use it well (except when choosing awful versions of "Hallelujah" that get progressively worse as the series continues until the worst montage scene ever made on network tellie).
If Wishes Were Horses: I am really hoping that the show does something with the uncle they referenced at the beginning of the ep. I would be interested to not only see the reunion, but also I think it could make for a good flashback ep.
The One-Line Zinger: "What's dead should stay dead!" (Repeated a zillion times and I still didn't take the hint and so the end took me by surprise. Dude, I'm losing it!)
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
(Not so much banter as heartbreaking this week...but still very Buffy!)
Sam: Dean, what is it?
Dean: I'm sorry.
Sam: For what?
Dean: The way I've been acting...and for Dad. He was your dad too and it's my fault he's gone.
Sam: What are you talking about?
Dean: I know you've been thinking it...so have I. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Back at the hospital, my full recovery...it was a miracle. Then five minutes later Dad's dead and the Colt's gone.
Sam: Dean...
Dean: You can't tell me there's not a connection there. I don't know how the Demon was involved, I don't know how the whole thing went down, but Dad's dead because of me. That much I do know.
Sam: We don't know that...not for sure.
Dean: Sam...you and Dad...you're the most important people in my life and now...I never should have come back, Sam. It wasn't natural and now look what's come of it. I was dead...I should have stayed dead. You wanted to know how I was feeling, well that's it. So tell me...what could you possibly say to make that all right?
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