Anyway, onto the blog portion of the blog. I noticed a funny thing while stuck in traffic today - when I wasn't singing along to Journey's "Wheel in the Sky" (believe me DON'T ASK) - I started recognized some of the cars. Before you start to "hurmph" or simply click away, I'm not talking about a large number...only 5. I'm sure that if more cars had distinguishing stickers, I would recognize more, but here is the current breakdown:
1) The motorcycle dude that somehow figured out how to add a mohawk to his helmet. It makes me laugh every morning.
2) The royal blue Mustang with a "Full Throttle" sticker on the bumper. Unfortunately, it seems that the vehicle got in an accident a couple of weeks ago. It's lost quite a bit of its sleekness.
3) The "Print Shop" Astro van that is almost completely covered with copy shop ads. Incidently, he always stays in the outside slow lane, even when given the chance to move a lane and go faster. Go figure!
4) "Jose's Garden Service" - one of the most courteous drivers out there!
5) Burgundy Cadillac Escalade with those annoying stick figure families on the back window. I have no clue why this bothers me, but I really do hate those little fake families. Also the chick driver is always on the cellphone.
Well, that's it for the moment. See...this really wasn't all that exciting, but the important thing is that I got it posted. And hey...no one can claim that I don't pay attention to my surroundings as I drive!
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