Episode: "Charlie Don't Surf"
Original Air Date: October 24, 2006
Rating: Bloody Brillant
What I Loved: This week showed leaps of improvement from last week, although I am not sure if the show is getting better or if I just need it to be better and so I am projecting happy thoughts. (What am I saying?!?!?! Scratch that...I have never projected happy thoughts in my life.) However, Knows-It-All felt that the ep was an improvement, so I am not alone in my optimism...
So, I think I am falling for Dick Casablancas, which is kind of scaring me at the moment. If you had told me during the first season of VM that a jerk, one-line-an-ep-if-he's-lucky character would become one of my favs...I would have laughed in your face...perhaps even guffawed. But last night just went to prove how great of a character Dick has become. With lines like "You get to be the spy who loves me" or "Go work your little pixie spy magic" and even "We're in a frat, why rape the cow when you're swimming in free milk?" (Not sure if that is brillant or really offensive, but honestly I laughed quite loudly.) All of this was topped off by Veronica's new job description. She no longer investigates cases, she works her "pixie spy magic".
I also completely enjoyed the Veronica/Keith/Logan dinner. The way Logan stares, completely amused, at Keith and Veronica as they banter back and forth was halarious. The longing in his eyes for a relationship like that is almost heartbreaking. His father really fucked him up in a number of ways. Too bad Veronica and Logan won't stay together long enough to solve any of them.
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper: Ok...so tell me why do the feminists on campus have to be portrayed in a stereotypical angry, uptight, ice-bitch way. I mean, I got a kick out of Veronica refering to them as "the Greek chorus of feminist shame", but that is about it. They just seem to be out for blood and don't really care if the person - or guy in this case - is guilty of the crime or not. I understand mob dynamics and this is human nature, but by do they have to be so extreme? I mean, the newspaper editor, I think her name is Nish, seems to go out of her way every week to stir up problems and perpetuate the violent, pissed off feminist typecast. Do you really want to pigeonhole feminists that way on a show watched by a whole lot of feminists? Doesn't seem smart to me, but then again, I thought grad school would be a great opprotunity.
On a similar note, I'm really getting tired of the Parker. I know I should feel sympathetic, but I don't. I'm pretty sure that makes me a bad person, but what else is new. Perhaps I could handle her better if Mac, Wallace, Piz, and Weevil hadn't disappeared again this week. I know that Mac is filming Big Love, but why no love for the supporting girl and boys?
The One-Line Zinger: "Hello Dick, Chip, faceless Star Trek crew members."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Logan: You were expecting Sidney Poitier?
Veronica: No jokes. No innuendoes. No quips. Don’t even think of alluding to having seen me naked or having touched any part of my body that does not have fingers.
Logan: Did I mention my eyes adore you?
Veronica: Sighs
Logan: I got it.No calling you bobcat.No talk of milky thighs.
Veronica: Sighs. Go home.
Logan: Veronica, I won’t say anything bad.
[Enter apartment]
Keith: So, how’s school going, Logan?
Logan: I’m actually nor hating it. My grades aren’t exactly...
Veronica: [Interupting] Oh, Hearst took him in late because of his high test scores.
Keith: What classes are you taking?
Veronica: Where is this going?
Keith: My end game is to find out what classes Logan is taking.
Logan: Just core stuff – sociology, freshman comp., mass comm., which is kinda coming in handy. Apparently, being the offspring of a murderer doesn’t get old. I’m getting all these interview requests. Larry King wants me to come on with O.J.’s kids.
Keith: You thinking about it?
Logan: No.
Keith: Why is that?
Veronica: Timeout! Whew! Can we stay in the shallow end please?
Keith: I’m sorry. I think it is a good call. [To Logan] I was just curious as to your reasons. [To Veronica] I didn’t realize I had to have the conversation vetted.
Veronica: I would have been happy to veto questions for you ahead of time.
Keith: That would have been nice, huh?!?
Veronica: We could have packed a lunch and made a day of it.
Keith: Missed opportunity if you ask me.
Veronica: A mistake you can learn from.
Keith: What then, exactly, am I allowed to ask Logan about?
Veronica: Hobbies?
[Both Keith and Veronica turn to Logan]
Logan: Surfing...
Keith: What’s your traction?
Veronica: Don’t answer that!
Keith: Sighs
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