Well, about some characters at least. I still think that Sisko is a blow-hard and all, but other characters are really starting to get interesting. Kira,Odo, Dax, Bashir, O'Brien and even Quark - or Principle Snider in elaborate make-up - have really started to grow and I love how the show uses their recurring characters. I totally dig Gul Dukat and Garek...not to mention the host of other fun visitors. I originally started watching because Kows-It-All fell in love and had to share, but up to this point I have been less than thrilled. The only reason I even began watching was Ron Moore - the genius behind BSG, which just keeps getting better and better I might add. He took over and the show got better...at least that is my theory.
So why this sudden interest...what was the ep that did it? A brillant 2 parter titled "Past Tense". I won't bore you with details, but I have to say, I am seeing this as a turning point for my viewiership of the program. I can see me devouring the coming seasons. We finally have a good overall villian that is actually menancing...not borg menacing, but still pretty good. Anyway...all I can say is LONG LIVE SCI-FI!!!
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