The O.C.
Episode: "The Gringos"
Original Air Date: November 8, 2006
Rating: Not-a-complete-waste
What I Loved:
First, I would like to say I loved the sunglasses in this ep. Ryan's in particular come to mind, but Kirsten and Sandy's also rocked!
Once again...Taylor steals the screen everytime she has a scene. I mean, who didn't love her showing up in Summer's bed? ("Do you want to get in? We could snuggle!") And to top that off we learned her big secret - which I already knew but do think is a step in the right direction storywise - while also getting a Lord of the Rings reference. I'm looking forward to learning more about her French husband! Che is also turning out to be a scene stealer. He isn't just a pretty face. He's also a 'deep thinker'. ("What an amazing spirit you have. I'll bet you in a past life you were an eagle soaring through mountain passes. Do you ever have dreams of flying?")
So the other random things that rocked my world include: Seth's tattoo (and Semper Fi t-shirt) - who knew he could drink with marines?; the donkey show references, although those could have been even better with a well placed Clerks II reference!; "Gay dad always trumps slutty mom!"; Some good Seth/Ryan banter ("I won't get in the way. You know how stealth I can be!" and ); and last but not least, the Sandy/Seth phone conversation with Kirsten commenting every once in a while ("Please say Newport...He didn't say Newport did he?"). I almost wish Angry Nudfo Chocolate Love was a band!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
I'm sooooooo over Marissa's death. Why can't the show? I mean, I know I am normally a stickler for "let's deal with the emotional ramafications of a storyline", but at this point, The O.C. just needs to move on. I know most fans have!
On a similar note, why can't the show keep a solid timeline? I mean, last week established that 5 months had come and gone since the propitious death of Marissa, but this week, Julie tells Ryan on the phone it took the private investigators 6 months to find Volchok. Come on...I know this is nitpicky, but it would be nice if the show had some consistancy. And while on the subject of nitpicky details, how do they expect me to believe that Seth will make it back over the border without his passport or driver's license/birth certificate? Or am I to assume that Seth always carries his passport or driver's license/birth certificate with him at all times? Either way, I'm not buying it and perhaps they stop holding to the "What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico" matra since only crappy things have happened there (although I did quite enjoy the passed out Marissa from season 1...she's never acted better!). However, this would explain why they keep going back! Personally, I think they should try Canada. Sure it's a longer drive, but perhaps they could work out whatever issue on the way there instead of on foreign soil. Just a thought!
Speaking of mistakes...this Lorelei/Rory-esque split between Ryan and Seth better not last too long. It nearly ended GG, I don't think that The O.C. could survive that. I know I would stop watching since the Ryan/Seth interactions got me watching the show in the first place and kept we watching through the crappy seasons that followed. The poolhouse can not be closed for long. I never thought the locking of a door and closing of blinds could be so heartbreaking...
Oh and before I go...does Seth not know how to pronouce Volchok's name? He says it different every time and on top of that, pronounces the name different from everyone else. Did no one notice? Did no one feel like talking to Adam Brody that day? Consistency people...
If Wishes Were Horses:
Well, if I had it my way, the Volchok storyline would be over by now and Chrismakkah would be right around the corner. However, I don't see that happening for at least another couple weeks, so I am simply crossing my fingers for a quick Seth/Ryan reconcilliation and the quick disappearance of Mini-Coop and the annoying twins!
The One-Line Zinger:
"No, no, no. I got the 'Angry Nudfo Chocolate Love' note. I didn't get the one about Ryan following Volchok."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Julie: Something wrong?
Kirsten: The boys went to Mexico without asking us. I'm sure they're fine, but...
Julie: Wait, Seth went too? Why - I mean, he just doesn't seem like Mr. Donkey Show. Not that they're at a donkey show, or even know what a donkey show...Have you seen how great some of these clothes are?
[Julie's phone rings and she leaves the room]
Kaitlin: What's a donkey show?
Kirsten: That's a question for your mother.
Seth: So where are we going?
Ryan: Mexico.
Seth: Perfect, I need Chicklets.
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