Veronica Mars
Episode: "Hi, Infidelity"
Original Air Date: November 7, 2006
Rating: Not-a-complete-waste (but once again really close to Bloody Brillant!)
What I Loved:
Much to my utter shock - and horror - I'm currently loving Sheriff Lamb. I mean, when did he become a moderately sensitive guy that at least gives the impression he can handle the responsibilities of being sheriff without acting like an ass? Before last week, I never got the impression that he could ever be a compentent law enforcement officer. I mean he looks good in the uniform (see image at bottom of review), but other than that I never understood his purpose other than inconveniencing Keith/Veronica in some way or another, but never actually thwarting their investigation in any way. I am beginning to really love the Veronica/Lamb interations ("Oh rape humor...it never gets old!") Since LoVe is only a couple of weeks away from breaking up - AGAIN - perhaps I will begin hoping for a LaVe storyline. On second thought...maybe not!
Sheriff Lamb isn't the only character getting some redemption this week. Lucky Tim, it turns out is actually a 'good' guy, who only had Veronica's best interest at heart. Awwww. I was just glad he wasn't the "couple ep story arc leaning towards bad guy role, but really not" character again, apparently proving Rob Thomas isn't just rewriting last year's scripts by making Lucky Tim the unhinged clue dropping character twice. Well, at least not yet!
I may have been the only one, but I loved the "aaaawwwwkkkkwaaaarrrrd" bowling! I mean really...not only do you bring back Piz and Parker in a setting I could enjoy, but we get the continuation of the amusing over-emphasis, constant referral of "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" by LoVe to make sure others know. Of course the bowling event also lead to the great Piz/Veronica's "type" converstation later on. Although that was somewhat cheapened by the contrived meeting of Mercer and Parker. I get we had to bring them together in order to reveal that Logan has some big secret he's keeping from Veronica in order to cause the complete breakdown of LoVe, but still...that original converstation was gold. Piz is soooooo in love with Veronica and Veronica is soooooooo oblivious!
And to conclude...apparently Weevil and Veronica have made up after the quick assumptions of last week - awesome! - since she is 'babysitting' his keys while he was away (and thank goodness we got a medical explanation for Francis Capra's puffiness!) Also I love that Evil Wallace is already gone (although I don't really get why he, or the guy selling the exams, didn't get expelled). I would hate for the show to ruin Wallace and Keith in the same night! I'm having real issues with one...I would hate to see my reaction to both characters going down the drain!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
Ok...Keith...wtf?!?!? His character always seemed to have a moral conscience, but in the last weeks he's mocked an LA detective and started a torrid affair with a married woman. Again...wtf?!?!? I have no words...NO WORDS!!! (On a side note, I would like to add that the car crash reminded me a bit too much of Supernatural's cliffhanger ending last year. I was also like an explanation as to how/why a fender bender leads to rethinking a rational decision? Did he sustain brain damage?)
I know I harp on this every week, but once again LoVe makes the list of things that made me unhappy. Although we saw some nice interaction during the bowling outing and right after (along with the totally awesom Emma referenced converstaion), I just feel completely ripped off! Okay, I'll move on...
My last two gripes, plagarism and the villifying of teaching assistants/proctors, are probably only my own. You see I had a bad experience in undergrad that involved an accustation that I plagarized a paper. (I forgot to add the closing quotation mark on a long quote and instead of treating the mistake as a grammatical error, the idiot prof called in plagarism, thereby earning him a place in my own personal "Hall of Impudent Narcissistic Vainglorious Pricks".) To make matters worse for VM, I was also a TA for 2 years, therefore I don't really appreciate the stereotypical portrayal of TA's and proctors as the personification of petty, evil, mini-dictators out to destroy students. Perhaps this is all supposed to be funny, but it hits a bit too close to home, especially after weeks of typecast feminists and frat boys!
If Wishes Were Horses:
Oh alas, how I long for Mac to return. It doesn't look like that is going to happen for another few weeks, but still this is my wish section and I can hope for whatever I want (even if it's highly improbable)!
As far the the "Rape Mystery" goes, apparently I didn't hit the bulls-eye with my Mercer guess, but since he is clearly shifty for a reason, I'm guessing he is somehow invovled. I can at least cling to that. I just hope it doesn't somehow involve the on-campus feminists themselves. I don't think I could handle that level of misogyny from this show.
The One-Line Zinger:
"Did you just make a Jane Austen reference? It's official. The end of days are upon us!"
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Logan: You guys know eachother?
Veronica: You want to tell him, Ratner?
Ratner: What's to tell?
Veronica: This is the guy trying to get me tossed out of Landry's class.
Ratner: You should be. You cheated.
Veronica: Now it turns out you work at the Neptune Grand, which happens to be where the fake paper was posted from. Strange, huh, Rory Finch?
Ratner: What are you talking about? I don't "happen to work here". I've worked here for 2 years. You've seen me a hundred times, but you don't notice the little people 'cause your with Captain Moneybags, here.
Logan: That's Admiral Moneybags!
Ratner: Trust the steak's to your liking?
Logan: Always.
Ratner: Good night, then.
[Ratner leaves]
Logan: That't my girl...spreading sunshine where ever she goes!
Veronica: That boy doesn't know it yet, but he's the living dead!
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