Episode: "The Avengers"
Original Air Date: November 2, 2006
Rating: Bloody Brillant
What I Loved:
Let's face it...the last couple of years of The O.C. have stunk worse than the 'special present' someone left on the office doorstep over Halloween. (Believe me when I say, Ajax may mask the smell, but it is with an even worse aroma!) I have stuck by the show through this time pretty much because I made a pact with ChickLit (who had to give up CSI I might add) and well, habit. Needless to say, I didn't have high hopes for the season premiere, especially now that it is up again Supernatural. In the battle of the ratings, the Winchester boys win out. All this said, I quite enjoyed the episode. However, I don't want to get too excited. This show has let me down too many times in the past...
No Marissa is like a gift from the gods. I didn't miss her one iota. Unfortunately, most of the ep dealt with those left behind trying to make sense/recover from her death. Hopefully after next week she will only come up occastionally. I think I could handle that! And Ryan cage fighting shirtless. I mean, really, what more could you ask for. Although the whole "Ryan isn't taking Marissa's death well" could have been handled more subltly, but well...he is a fighter and without him there would be no "Fists of Fury".
Speaking of "Fists of Fury" I really liked the comic book - or graphic novel if you prefer - intervention. It's completely ludacris, but then again, so is the entire show. That is why I love it. I also loved Summer in the ep. Hopefully, next week deals more with her complete personality change and all that. But come on, how could you not love her interactions with Ryan: "I'm going to need you to come with me now" and "So what I say Atwood...". I loved the fact that she cared enough to help him reconnect with his family. Such an awwwww moment! On a similar Summer note, I also loved Chris Pratt as Che. I wasn't too sure about the choice to cast him as an enviro-freak, but I stand completely corrected. He was comically sincere and I can see him adding some amusement to the season!
Oh and before I head off to Unhappy Camper Land, I think I love Julie even more. Who knew you could get so attached to the evil bitch character? I guess there is a first for everything!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
I understand the Sam/Diane syndrome. I really do, but why do we have to again return from hiatus with Seth and Summer broken up over the summer after Ryan makes an exit for the hills after a drama/traumatic moment? Okay, maybe they haven't completely broken up, but the relationship is cracked. I've seen this one before! Next thing you know we will have to survive another "Hallelujah" montage. Although we can all rejoice at the disappearance of Marissa, we do have to deal with Marissa Jr. Kaitlin. She isn't nearly as bad - or as bad an actress - as her dearly departed tellie sister, but she still sucks. I mean, I may not be a wild child, but it just seems stupid to smoke pot in broad daylight while two guys do your homework.
Speaking of the uber-annoying twins...Luke grew on me after a while. I don't see either of these boys doing that. The chest shaving while debating if having a Mrs. Robinson for a mom out ranked a gay father, stood as the only moment I could stand their presence. Please let them get phased out or bring back Luke to control them.
If Wishes Were Horses:
At this point, I don't have any specific hoped/dreams. I would like to see more of the comedic elements the show used to have, a stable Sandy/Kirsten relationship, and more Ryan/Seth time, but we shall see. Perhaps if I think about it enough, I can wish Kaitlin and the uber-annoying twins away!
The One-Line Zinger:
"Chicken lovers of the world, Unite!" & "It's people like you keeping the chickens from flying free!"
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Seth: Ryan! Ryan!
Ryan: Seth, go away! I'm sleeping.
Seth: You're sleeping? You're talking? Ryan, I don't even see how that is possible unless you're talking in your sleep. [Ryan opens the door] Hey! Look you're awake!
Ryan: Package from your mom? Thank you.
Seth: Yeah, uh. Aren't you going to invite me in? So the utility closet is the new pool house. Things change. It's the Seth/Ryan time that counts!
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