Episode: "No Exit"
Original Air Date:
November 2, 2006
Rating: Not-a-complete-waste
What I Loved:
I should begin this review with a warning...as soon as I saw the title of this ep I thought of the French existentialist philosopher and novelist Sartres' play "No Exit". (In the play, one of the characer comments that Hell is other people, well at least dealing with them anyway. That idea has always stayed with me and that is the only reason I know this). Now the title could also have been refering to the maze like construction of H.H. Holmes' basement lair. I chose to think it was the more philosophical choice, but who knows. Anyway, for some reason this made me happy and so I enjoyed the ep quite a bit. However, I can't be sure if I liked the ep for the ep's sake or if I just wanted to like it because of the title. I guess we will never know.
But onto the actual episode. First of all....loved the Ghostbusters reference (Stay Puft Marshmallow Man) and the heckling of Katie Holmes (Especially funny since Jensen Ackles was once on Dawson's Creek or and I just watched Thank You for Smoking only to realized that I no longer buy her in any roll other than the zombified fiancee of Tom Cruise. I kind of hope she doesn't really act anymore!) Oh and Dean's comment that he should have "cleaned the pipes". Classy Dean-o. Really classy! And how can I forget Dean's first excuse to Ellen why Jo can't come to the phone ("She’s gonna have to call you back, she taking care of... feminine business."). While I'm on the comedic moments of the night, how awesome were the cheesy tourists that just wandered into the The Happy Hunter Hangout for Wayward Winchesters (or the Demon Bait Shop for any O.C. fans out there!)? I would really like some clarification on exactly were this bar is located. Scratch that...this show has enough geographical issues already. No need to add more.
I also found the Monster of the Week freaky enough, although I am really getting tired of salt being used so much. I understand that they can't change it up every week, but it's getting a bot ridiculous. I only made it through parts of Devil in the White City, to be honest the book just freaked me out, and so I was somewhat creeped out even before the episode began. I am also a closet claustrophobic (get it) so those scenes also got to me a little.
But the burning question that Supernatural fans are dying to ask me - if by chance someone who actually watches this show wanders onto this blog - what do I think of Jo? This is a complicated question. You see, that is a really loaded question. I loved Alona Tal as Meg Manning on Veronica Mars and feel she really got a shitty deal over there in the end. So for that reason, I really want to like her on this show. That said, I'm not sure if I actually like her characer Jo. I guess wanting to like her is something, but all in all I'm very confused. I am not sure if I actually do. I'm not sure if I could ever really buy her as a love interest for Dean, but as a character I think she is okay at the moment. I will have to think about this more while on the phone with incoherent sheep ranchers.
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
I hate to say it, but I missed Sammy. Who knew I was also a closet Sammy!girl? (Yeah it came as news to me as well and no snickering NickNak!). I understand the reason behind his absence (he recently had hand surgery and therefore couldn't do as much), but still I missed the friendly/snarky brother banter. It is a staple of the show and when you only have 2 main characters the absence of one is glaring.
I'm also conflicted about the introduction/use of the roadhouse (The Happy Hunter Hangout for Wayward Winchesters) as a home base and the characters it brings with it. Don't get me wrong, I like the addition of Ash, Ellen, and Jo, I just don't like what it is doing to the intellect of the boys. I mean, it seems like they can't even do their own research anymore. They have to get Ash or Jo to do it. And Ellen, while I like her tough as nails attitude, I don't understand what side she is going to end up on. I mean, all she has to do is let it slip that Sam has some supernatural psychi premonitions and they Winchester brothers would have a muderous posse of demon hunters on their trail with Gordon leading the pack. I understand why she lashed out at the brothers at the end of the ep, I'm sure if I had a child in danger I would act the same way, but this questions the amount of rationality/sanity that she could bring to the role of the boy's mentor. I mean if she has John issues, that's fine...I'm just not sure how much the boys should have with her and Jo.
If Wishes Were Horses: La
Ah...what to wish for this week. I hope that we get more brother banter and perhaps a few more stand-alone eps that don't deal with angst. As much as I love to watch that single tear fall down Dean's face...I just can't handle that sadness every week. Same goes for "I show emotion through my forehead" Sammy!
The One-Line Zinger:
"Sweetheart, this ain't gender studies. Women can do the job fine. Amateurs can't."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Dean: Los Angeles, California.
Sam: What's in L.A.?
Dean: Young girl has been kidnapped by an evil cult.
Sam: Yeah? Girl got a name?
Dean: Katie Holmes.
Sam: Funny. And for you, so bitchy.
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