Friday, March 30, 2007

Leaving on a jet plane...

For years, I have tried to stay away from the world of comic books. You see, I feel it's pull like a siren's call. Here would be the perfect hobby for my affinity for fantasy/sci-fi as well as my OCD tendencies. See why I have tried to stay away...there is just too much temptation.
Anyhoo, leave it to Joss Wheadon to suck me in. Most of you probably already know of his plan to release a season 8 in comic book form. No network. No budget. Just Buffy and the scooby gang (unfortunately now including all the potentials) fighting evil. Can you see why I finally gave in?!?!?!
Well, I read the first issue the day it came out and now await the second. I also read all of Frank Miller's 300 at Barnes & Noble. (You can only get the book in hardback and I don't have $17 lying around to spend on something I may not like. It just makes sense, although I never thought I would become one of those people that reads an entire book at the store. Seems kind of sad... On second thought, perhaps I should have kept that to myself!)
And now, I am being tempted to read the Supernatural prequels. I mean, how could I resist learning more about the adventures of Charleton Heston and wee!angry-man Dean. (Oh and chubby baby!sammy. How could I forget him...) I only know one phrase to express my current state of mind: KHAN!!!!!
In other news, ChickLit will be filling in for the next couple of days while I soak up the sun in Victoria, BC. *takes a moment to try away the tears caused by hysterical laughter* Hopefully I finally get to use the new raincoat I spent an arm and a leg on. Wait on second thought, scratch that...
Anyway, be nice to the guest blogger or I'll be forced to create another Procrastination Station™ Competition. You wouldn't want that would you!?!?!?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I will feel a glow just thinking of you...

Well, I have finally finished. Yes, I can now proudly - perhaps not proudly, but I couldn't think of better word - say I have watched all of Star Trek: Deep Space 9. (For those of you playing the home game, it only took me 8 months! However in my defense, I watched the last 3 seasons - 26 episode seasons - in 2 months...that was how good it got!)
I ended up quite loving the series as a whole. For those of you wondering, Quark turned out to be my favorite full-time cast member character with the combo of Bashir and O'Brien coming in a close second. I even grew to tolerate Sisko. He will never be a favorite, but I could stand him in the end...believe me that is an amazing statement. I wrote back in late October that the series was starting to get better, but I didn't realize how good it was going to get!
Luckily I watched the series finale alone last night. I was doing pretty good and then the show threw me a curve ball and snuck in a rendition of the Jerome Kern classic "The Way You Look Tonight" at a going away party. After that I kept tearing up...especially when Bashir and O'Brien said goodbye and especially when Kira and an tux wearing Odo parted for the last time. No matter what, I will always think of them all (Jadzia Dax NOT Exri Dax of course) on that former Cardassian space station near Bajor dealing with the latest tragedy - normally involving Gul Dukat, Kai Winn, or the Dominion - but never forgetting to enjoy time with good friends while hanging out in Quark's...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl...

Since this is my blog and I can do whatever I want (I'm used to having my way since I am an only don't want to fight me on this), I want to talk about the Battlestar Galactica finale. However, I promis this is going to be cryptic since I have no clue if any of my loyal readers watch BSG. I know ChickLit is only through part of season 1 - since she is borrowing my dvds - and I would hate to ruin the series for her or anyone else just coming to know the awesomeness of BSG. I have to say, after a slow and often frustrating season 3, BSG redeemed itself and hooked me again. I can't believe I have to wait until 2008 to see a new episode. Hopefully season 4 doesn't disappoint and I can get some juicy tidbits from Jamie Bamber and Katee Stackoff in a couple of weeks!
Again, I would hate to ruin things so I will leave it at this...I think I know who the two riders are, but that still leave the joker, the thief, and the prince left to identify. Let the theories roll...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

and her heart it is in Ireland, deep within the Emerald Isle...

Hope everyone has an awesom St. Patrick's Day. I have already had my corn beef & cabbage along with some potatoes and Guiness. Anyhoo, Knows-It-All sent me this awesome card that I just had to share. If you know me, you know how perfect this card is...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Back in Black...

Well, it has been a couple of days. Wish I could say I was doing something cool, but in all honesty, I got a bit overloaded a work. It happens sometimes. Anyway, I had planned to do a blog entry on 300, which I saw on Monday, but I'm just not feeling it at the moment. I enjoyed the film immensely, so perhaps next week...
However, as you probably have guessed by the image appearing in the top left-hand corner, this entry is all about the return of Supernatural. Yes, after a month long hiatus one of my fav shows is returning and with a very special guest that completely rocks my world. Caprica Six - Tricia Helfer - from Battlestar Galactica is this week's damsel in distress. Although I find it somewhat creepy when my worlds combine, this mixture I'm actually looking forward to. Besides both shows film in Vancouver...and it isn't like that creepy scene from Dark Angel that features Col. Kira from Deep Space Nine Boomer from BSG and Jensen. You would think that Kira's (I don't remember her name on Dark Angel and to be honest I don't care. Nana Visitor will always be Kira...) bleached hair would have been the scariest thing in that scene, but is the weird collection of people. It just isn't right!
So read a fun interview with Jared about Sam finally gettin' some lovin' or an interesting article about the show or even watch Jensen's interview with Jimmy Kimmel. I honestly don't mind which you do, but for goodness sake click on something. That is what the internet is for. (Although Avenue Q does have their own theory that might be a bit more accurate.) Trust me on this...
Oh before I sign off, remember that today is the last day to participate in my first ever Procrastination Station™ No Prize competition. At this moment, only ChickLit has entered. Come on! If you don't enter, the terrorists win! You don't want that do you?!?!?! (Not that I am implying in any way that ChickLit is a terrorist, mind you. Just that participation in idiotic competitions is part of the foundation of American life. I mean how else do you explain the fact that Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader got picked up for another 13 episodes?!?!?!)

Monday, March 12, 2007

The closing walls and the ticking clocks...

I hate Spring Forward Day (SFD). I know it actually happened yesterday, but I am still upset. I mean I hate SFD like I hate people who try to jump the queue and Hilary Swank films. (If you have never been presence when someone tries to cut in a line or heard my rants about Hilary Swank count yourself lucky...just ask ChickLit!)

Anyway, that is all I really had to share at the moment. I did recently watch "Shut Up & Sing", the documentary about the whole Dixie Chick controversy a couple of years ago. Even if you don't like country music, this is a fascinating film that takes place over the course of 3 years; detailing the original incident, in which Natalie Maines made disparaging remarks about Bush and the Iraq war in 2003 during a concert in London, and concluding with the release of their new album Taking the Long Way.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Ireland, Scotland, Britian & Wales, I can hear those ancient voices calling...

Since ChickLit made my day by creating some posters for my first ever Procrastination Station™ Competition (as well as helping me brainstorm the name I might add), I decided to create a blog all about Ioan Gruffudd, one of her favorite people! Sure he has made some questionable flicks - *cough* Fantastic Four *cough* - but Horatio Hornblower is still one of the best BBC produced series EVER! I mean, no one does not-so-subtle HoYay! like BBC does HoYay! Besides what is not to love about hot guys running around really cool looking ships in loafers...LOAFERS. Forget muskets and ponytails...I don't think there is any better fashion accessory for Napoleonic naval battles that the low-heeled loafer for men. Reminds me of the women of Star Trek always going into battle in 3 inch heels...I snicker every time they have to survive a fire fight or even hike through rough terrain in such ridiculous shoes! But I digress...
A while ago I stumbled upon a video of Ioan and his real-life best friend Matthew Rhys (yes FemeNazi...Kevin from your new fav series) speaking Welsh in a short 2 minute film. I have no clue what they are saying, but it is one of the sexiest things I have ever watched. Why do other languages always sound so exquisite?!?! Anyway
ChickLit...this one's for you!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I Can't Live...With or Without You!

I'mmmmm Baaaack! Did you miss me? Come can admit that you did! (Or at least say that you missed self-esteem could really use a boost right now!) Big thanks to ChickLit for filling in for a couple of days!!

Anyway, the good news is that last night I finally regained my internet connection. Apparently 'the powers that be' decided I'd served my time and so my punishment finally ended. At long last, my first blog entry since February 16th...well except for the marathon OC picspam I co-authored with ChickLit! But that really wasn't an entry as much as a fond farewell to a friend!

So, for my triumphant return I have decided to include you, the faithful and long-suffering reader, in my first ever Procrastination Station™...when any excuse will do! I recently discovered the joy of making my own 'motivational' posters. (Television Without Pity has a 390+ thread on their boards filled with them!) You know like the posters offered by Despair Inc., the company that has provided motivational posters for pessimists for years! Anyway, all you have to do is find an image, figure out a catchy title & motivational text, and follow the easy steps on the website! It is as easy as that and you can spend hours upon hours making these I did!

Consequently, I have decided that it is about time my blog served some sort of purpose other than my ramblings about pop culture, so I'm issuing a challenge. I stress that this isn't a competition since there will be no real prize other than the chance to get your poster published on my blog! I'm looking for posters that make me laugh! Please upload your posters to an image hosting website like Flikr or Photobucket and post the link in the comment section. Posters can be about anything pop culture related include but not limited to tellie, books, movies, celebrities, or the horrors of grad school/academia! The winning poster, or really any poster that gets submitted since I doubt anyone is going to take me up on this, will be posted next Friday, St. Patrick’s Day Eve. So readers get ready for an addictive new activity to waste more time!

Here is a sample I made!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Stop Me from Making Movies of Myself...

The saga five of Mad Madam M without internet. Sorry folks.

Anyway, I give you the first real quiz on this blog. To make it fun, I forced the Mad Madam M to take the quiz too. It's about being a movie buff. Those of you who know anything about her know she's an expert in pop culture. She'd seen everything on the list except one move that she made a personal choice not to watch. I'll let you guess which one it was.

Your Movie Buff Quotient: 98%

You are a movie buff of the most obsessive variety. If a movie exists, chances are that you've seen it.
You're an expert on movie facts and trivia. It's hard to stump you with a question about film.

And here's me. I cheated and added a few to my list to make her feel better. Remember the post about making your best friend feel better about herself by lying? Friendship in action here, people. Check it out.

Your Movie Buff Quotient: 48%

You are well on your way to becoming a movie buff.
You've seen many of the great films, and you have even probably developed an expertise in a few genres.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Day two of the Mad Madam M not having internet, so you're all still stuck with me, her dubious partner in crime.

I'm going to take a swing at her vidspam posts. This week will be popular songs turned into Lord of the Rings and/or Pirates of the Carribbean music videos.

Aragon *hearts* Arwen. Awww...while ocking out to Nickelback.

This is Johnny Depp at his weirdo best...and a really dorky song to help him along.

Because when I think of pirates, I think country music. Fer Sure.

Because a nice girl wouldn't tell you what you should do...but Keira Knightley will smack you across the face with her opinion.

This should totally have been the Rohan theme song. Totally.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life...

Since this is my first foray into Mad Madam M-land and she asked me to throw up a blog because her 'net is down, I decided to make a list of all the reasons I'm her best friend:

  1. I completely understand her fetish for all things pop culture, though I don't share it. If I didn't understand, we couldn't be friends. If I shared it, wee'd be too much alike and we couldn't be friends. Sense a pattern?
  2. When she told me it was Jensen Ackles birthday today, I immediately assured her that the older he gets, the lower his asking price will be when I'm famous enough to buy him for her as her own personal pool boy. I want to be a fmous author, and we all need a loyal entourage to spoil. It's the perfect set-up for both of us, I think.
  3. She's totally supportive of my writing career, but she never reads my books. Why does this make us awesome friends? I write romance! She doesn't need to read the kind of stuff that come out of my head. Ewwww.
  4. I watched Buffy for her. I mean, that says something right there. I'm just not sure what. Anyway...moving on!
  5. We both suffered through the same heinous senior project together. And there was ice cream after. Lots of ice cream.
  6. We both went to grad school. It was in different states, so how would this draw us together? Grad school messes with your mind, man. You'll never be the same again. So, we're similarly wacked out.
  7. When we're old and widowed and still wacked out, we can be biddies with fifty cats. The neighbors can think we're weird and smell kind of old-lady menthol funny, but we'll still be propping up and reassuring each other delusions. That's what real friends are for. They don't help you move or move bodies, they see that you're crazy and old and lie to your face about it to make you feel better.