Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I don't get around much anymore...

I recently read a most interesting article in The Sacramento Bee about blogs. Apparently, only 8% of Americans read blogs. Although that number seems lower than I would have thought, I'm really not that surprised. Here's an excerpt:

That came from CBS chief research officer David Poltrack and MRI Research, a respected New York firm that sampled 20,000 people.

"One of the things that's probably overstated by the press is how many people are visiting online blogs," Poltrack said in a presentation to TV critics. "I think you all blog each other, but I'm not sure the rest of the world is joining in the process that much."

In a conversation later, Poltrack said he would guess the majority of people who do read blogs are bloggers themselves.

"That does not leave a whole lot of real people who spend their time with blogs," he said.

Ah yes...once again I am not a 'real person'. I read approximately 6 on a daily basis!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sunrise, sunset...swiftly flow the days!

So, this morning I discovered yet another addition to the "Things That Make Me Die a Little Inside" list. I read a couple of months ago that Daniel Radcliffe - aka Harry Potter - is starring in a new West End production of Equus, a controversial play that centers around a stable-hand who has an erotic fixation with horses. Yes it seems good ol' Mr. Potter (as you may have guessed, I will be refering to Daniel Radcliffe as Harry or Mr. Potter for the remainder of this blog entry) is really trying to change his image and not become the next Mark Hamill. Now, I don't have a problem with Harry branching out and going against stereotype. He was 11 when the Harry Potter films began and he is now 17. I get that he is becoming an adult and all that, but did he really have to go to the extreme of appearing naked in a play? I would have been happy with just his hilarious appearance on Extras...I mean he was looking for sex in that show as well. And he was funny. I could have easily lived with the new knowledge that Harry Potter could do comedy. I didn't need to know that Harry Potter works out...
Anyhoodle, the image for today's blog was taken from a photoshoot for the upcoming production, funnily enough also staring Uncle Vernon. If you are brave, or just really curious, I have added links to the other photos at the bottom of the blog. Word of warning, though, click at your own risk. Some of the images include a pretty naked chick and 2 others feature Harry and a horse. In case you missed that, I repeat, 2 images feature a semi-nude Harry Potter and a horse. Once you look at them, you will never see Harry Potter the same way again. To be honest, I kind of wished I had never found them. For my viewing I used the mantra "Please let him be wearing reeeaaallly low cut jeans." Feel free to use it as well! Either way, it looks like Mr. Potter has really grown up and we will all just have to get used to it...or at least pretend to get used to it!

Monday, January 29, 2007

And away to his castle we'll go to be happy forever I know!

Today, my dear reader(s), you shall witness something momentus...not only will I mention Snakes on a Plane (more than once), but I will also include the first ever Disneyland images to ever appear on my blog. (Sure I have put up the occasional Disney movie that caught my eye for some unknown reason...Like Mary Poppins or some other Julie Andrews sing-song movie. Or High School Musical...did I just actually admit to that one. Too late I wish I understood why I like High School Musical. Okay maybe like is too strong of a word. Although, I do know all of the songs by heart... However, I don't know the dance moves so that is something... Where was I going with this? How did I get on this embarassing stream of consciousness?)
Anyhoodle, before I get onto the Disney ad photos featuring David Beckham as Prince Charming, Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella, and a scene from Alice in Wonderland featuring Lyle Lovett, Oliver Platt and Beyonce(bet you can't wait for that!), I want to share my thoughts on one of the most fabulous movies of 2006 Snakes on a Plane. Now don't get me wrong, I am not recommending anyone actually rent - or Netflix as the case may be - this cinematic triumph...yes TRIUMPH. It isn't really that great of a movie. Hilarious in various ways, but by no means actually 'good'. I don't think I have ever seen so many different cliches played out in a single film or Samuel "The Man" Jackson have that much fun in a film for a while. But what I will cherish most is the shear joy at actually getting a film that lives up to what the title promises: snakes on a plane. How often do titles of movies actually live up to their name? Think about it for a moment. How many movies today have titles that tell you nothing or mislead you to think you will watch a movie about one thing when it is really about something completely different. The Constant Gardner. Some Like it Hot. Trainspotting. Grease. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is sort of refreshing to read the title "Snakes on a Plane" and that is actually what the movie is about. Sure it is a b horror-esque film, but that is what it was designed to do. And before you start questioning my use of the term horror. I think that anything that involves poisonous and agitated snakes in a highly confined space can be considered horror. I know if scared me...
And now onto the happy Disney moment to counteract the often crude Snakes on a Plane. (Can you tell I like writing Snakes on a I didn't thinks so!)

PicSpam Monday™:
The "David Beckham Can Be My Prince Charming Any Day!" Edition

He can come charging on his white horse any day...
I don't care if he can't speak in full sentences and
wooed his wife by coloring pictures from
The Lion King.
I don't really want him for conversation!

Is it just me, or does it seem like Scarlett has too big of boobies to be Cinderella.
I mean, given her rack, servant or no, she would have a rich man by now!

There is so much going through my head staring at the image...
First of all, who thought of putting these three together in a photo.
And second, could I please talk to them since they have as warped a mind as I do!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A little bit of resolve is what I need now...

Do you know what I love? As you may already know, I love watching angsty teen soaps on the CW network, especially the over-the-top cheesy, One Tree Hill. You never know what completly contrived concept they will throw at you next whether it be teen marriage or complete wacko stalkers. Take this week's episode, I'm not sure why (or 'how' for that matter since I think some of them are still "technically"underage), but 3 of the guys on the show entered a amatuer strip competition. I'm not sure why two of the guys did it, but one simply wanted cash to buy is pregnant wife a prom dress. Let me say that again...he wanted to purchase a prom dress for his pregnant wife. This of course is after she gets hit by a car because he was dumb enough to borrow money from a loan shark and failed at fixing a high school state basketball championship. How completely awesome is that. And to make things even better, viewers actually got to witness guys with very little rhythm try to do a strip-dance to old school hip-hop. (Or so the show would like me to believe. I honestly don't listen to enough hip-hop to understand the differences. So I guess I will just have to take their word for it!) I have searched YouTube for a video, but no one has put it up yet as far as I can tell. When they do, expect a VidSpam™.
So don't forget to tune in for next week's rerun, once again featuring some sort of Peyton-drama that only Lucas can fix. This time it involves a crazed stalker pretending to be her long lost half brother. (Yes once again OTH offers the viewer a glimpse at seperated siblings. I mean it is not like the whole show concept is based on that already...oh wait it is!)

Can't you see I'm white and nerdy...

I suck at math. Perhaps not as bad as spelling - thank goodness for spell check - but it is definitely not an area I excel in. Neither is money management it turns out. After putting off creating a budget for, well years, I finally took an honest look at my finances...and man it isn't pretty. I now understand why the highest percetage of suicide in the US is in the 25-34 category. I can also see why some people completely shun material crap and become hermits. It is sounding better and better every time I think about it.
But that isn't the point of today's blog entry. No siree! No, today's blog is all about the reason I finally understand my complete failure at money management...I 'm going to a Sci-Fi convention in April. In Burbank. Jamie Bamber is going to be there. And Katee Stackoff. And Gul Dukat. And Major Kira. And wow, I'm already sounding like an over excited fangirl.
Now, I attend conventions for self-assteem reasons. That might sound backward, but keep in mind, at these events, I am one of the 'cool' geeks. That doesn't happen for me very often. I am not cool. (Just look at my profile pic if you don't belive me. ..I'm standing next to a giant Pride & Prejudice poster while attempting to add my head to a U2 poster. I blame it on being an only child. Not ) Sure I can speak the geek lingo and know the trivia, but at the end of the day, I'm not a pathetic loser sitting at a table of faux Klingons speaking a language created by other nerds. (No offense to anyone who does speak Klingon fluently, but keep in mind, I live in my mother's sewing room, work for a couple of agricultural organizations setting up livestock sales & sending vaccine, and my thesis advisor keeps ignoring me...I need something in my life to feel good about! Don't deny me this! Please...)
So after agreeing to go with a friend down to the event, I hunkered down today to review my finances...or lack there of. All I am at liberty to say, is that, in layman's terms since that is all I know, I am up a creek without a paddle or a canoe really. I'm floating on a that one in Titanic. Fortunately Leo isn't haning on for dear life trying to bring me down, but still I am doing a pretty good job on my own.
Speaking of Titanic, man I hated that movie. I just don't get the appeal. I mean, Victor Garber and Kathy Bates together couldn't save that flick. Perhaps if Djimon Hounsou had a role, I am pretty sure he can save any film, but alas, we will never know. And it did really launch Kate Winslet's career. ..there is a positive.
(Wow, I just realized I wrote an entire log about my finances, Titanic, and sci-fi conventions. Sometimes I really do wonder about my sanity...or lack there of!)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I fought the law...

The Academy Award nominations were announced this morning and here is the kicker...I'm not that unhappy. Sure I would have changed some thing here or there, but overall...I can't complain too much.
In completely unrelated news, Prison Break returned last night after what seemed an eternity. But all in all, I have to say it was worth it. If only Mahone would go over to the dark side what fun we all could have. Or perhaps since Linc and Michael are technically the 'good guys' of the show since they are all about family - I mean, come of them broke INTO prison to get save the other - and proving their innocence. However, in a way it is revenge, which would clearly put them back on the darkside...not to mention all the people they have killed. Although, now that I think about it, while quite a few people have died, I don't think Linc or Michael have ever actually pulled a trigger and LJ just clipped Kellerman that one time. Heh...I can't wait for that reunion! However, Kellerman did deserve it. He killed LJ's mom. It is kind of funny though that Linc took Veronica's death harder than the untimely death of the mother of his kid. I liked Veronica better too, but that is because I love Empire Records. But back to my original thought...
So I have no clue where I was going with that, but to sum up the point of this blog, I loved the ep, especially Michael's two line explanation of the entire series:
"So this is the conspiracy, huh? Bunch of little boys in suits running around trying to kill each other. It’s pathetic."
Tune in next week when Linc, Michael, and Kellerman kidnap a reporter, T-Bag holds a family hostage, C-Note provides his daughter with 5 more reasons to seek therapy in the coming years, and Sucre cruises Mexico hopefully not saying the name "Maricruz" more than 5 times!

Monday, January 22, 2007

I Fought the Law...

As you might notice, this blog is quite late, but I felt I needed to commemorate the return of Prison Break. After what seems an eternity, Michael, Linc, Sarah, Kellerman, and perhaps Mahone, return to bring some much needed, suspend-you-reality fun. I mean we all need that. I won't go into it, but what a day...sometimes you need a bit of fun tellie!

PicSpam Monday™: Hiatus No More - The Return of Prison Break

I have always been a sucker for Wanted Posters.
Could be I love the bad boys...or could be that I watched too many Westerns during me formative years...

And tv brothers! I have a soft spot for them too...

You can never stare at Michael and Linc for too long. It is a scientific fact!

Well, here are the ones that escaped. Onle a few of them are still alive at the moment!

The other players for this season...

And here's where we left off...
Well kinda...we were a couple scenes past this, but Ilike this pic better
and since it is my PicSpam I can do what I like!

And here is where we are heading...

Here too! Kellerman, Linc, and Michael in a hotel room together...
I'm sure fanfic writers everywhere are giving a little squee of joy!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

There's always room in life for this

So...I had grand plans for todays blog detailing the horrific death of my alarm clock, but instead I spent all of my creative genius on finding Bond images for ChickLit's blog entry last night. (I know it doesn't make sense, but if you think about it...when do my thoughts ever really make sense?!!?!?!) But lucky for you lot, I found 3 images for the new Bourne flick, The Bourne Ultimatum. With such a strong sequel, I am really really looking forward to the third installment!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

God Save the Queen!

I love pretty much everything about England. Perhaps not the teeth or the lack of clothes dryers - why any country that deals with daily rain showers would ever rely on 'hanging the clothes out to dry' as a laundry method instead of a dryer (they have them they just don't get used often it seems) is beyound me - but other than that...I'm a complete Anglophile. (Wow that was a long sentence with quite a few grammatical errors I'm guessing!) Anyway, couple of months ago I Netflixed a BBC show I had come across while researching Mr. Darcy - or the lastest Mr. Darcy, Matthew MacFadyen, if you prefer. Anyway, I decided after little to no hesitation to obtain the program at any cost. But obtaining the DVD and watching said DVD are two completely different issues. So after sitting on my desk for 2 months (arrivied 11/4/2006), I finally popped in the disc and sat mesmerized for the next 4 hours.
Now I should take a moment to confess that I normally go for cheesy spy stuff like Bond, the Pink Panther films, or even seasons of "Alias". (Come on...other than Victor Garber, do you think any of them could really be spies?) But this show actually seems to portray, in a more real sense, the life of a spy. And what a fascinating life it is and a lot more complicated than I even imagined (and I daydream about convoluted situations all the time...really).
So, if you are looking for an interesting hour long - yes this is the BBC and when they have an hour long series get this - the episode lasts of a whole hour - spy drama that not only deals with MI-5, but also the personal lives of its people, I recommend "Spooks" or "MI-5" depending on what country you live in. It is worth the time and each ep has a commentary track. And in case you are interested...Matthew MacFadyen met his wife on this show - that's her in the pic!

Monday, January 15, 2007

And cutting to a commercial for Del Taco...

So this is going to be a hybrid PicSpam that will not only feature images from films nominated in tonight's Golden Globes Award show, but feature my thoughts on who should win...even if they weren't nominated for the award. I thought that the nominations this year were completely crap and so, at times (well most of the time to be honest), I have added people that I deem worthy. Also, it should be noted that I haven't actually seen all of these films or tellie programs and most likely won't watch the GG Award show tonigh. I mean, for the most part, the Golden Globes are simply a nationally televised popularity contest nominally based on acting merit. Why tune in when I can watch the highlights tomorrow on YouTube? (Hey that's a great idea for a VidSpam column!)

PicSpam Monday™: The "If I Ran the Golden Globes & they actually meant something" Winners List

Best Actress in a Motion Picture: Drama
Penelope Cruz - Volver
Judi Dench - Notes on a Scandal
Maggie Gyllenhaal - Sherrybaby
Helen Mirren - The Queen
Kate Winslet - Little Children

For once, I think the GG might get it right and give the award to Helen Mirren. The dame deserves it, even though I do hope that eventually Kate Winselt gets some awards.

Best Actor in a Motion Picture: Drama
Leonardo DiCaprio - Blood Diamond
Leonardo DiCaprio - The Departed
Peter O'Toole - Venus
Will Smith - The Pursuit of Happyness
Forest Whitaker - The Last King of Scotland

Honestly, I'm not into any of these nominations and so I think I will go with Will Smith only because that scene with him holding the door shut with his foot while cradling his son in a BART bathroom make me tear up every time.

Best Actor in a Motion Picture: Comedy/Musical
Sacha Baron Cohen - Borat
Johnny Depp - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Aaron Eckhart - Thank Your For Smoking
Chiwetel Ejiofor - Kinky Boots
Will Ferrell - Stranger Than Fiction

I'm going to have to go with Aaron Eckhart for his performance as Nick Naylor in Thank You For Smoking. I thought it was a brillant film that not only entertained, but did have some thought provoking points. Sure Eckhart has not chance against Borat or Depp, but I thought someone should give him something!

Best Actress in a Motion Picture: Comedy/Musical
Annette Bening - Running With Scissors
Toni Collette - Little Miss Sunshine
Beyonce Knowles - Dreamgirls
Meryl Streep - The Devil Wears Prada
Renee Zellweger - Miss Potter

I'm going to have to go with Streep on this one. Although I adore Toni Collette and really want Little Miss Sunshine to succeed, Streep was marvelous to watch! Besides, the only other film from the group that interests me, Miss Potter, hasn't even made it to the theatres yet.

Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
Ben Affleck - Hollywoodland
Eddie Murphy - Dreamgirls
Jack Nicholson - The Departed
Brad Pitt - Babel
Mark Wahlberg - The Departed

I don't really like any of these choices and so I am going with Michael Caine in Children of Men. For the first time in quite a while, Caine was actually playing a role and not "Michael Caine". For that alone, I think he should get the award.

Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
Adriana Barraza - Babel
Cate Blanchett - Notes on a Scandal
Emily Blunt - The Devil Wears Prada
Jennifer Hudson - Dreamgirls
Rinko Kikuchi - Babel

I'm going to have to nominate my own award recipient. This time, Abigail Breslin in Little Miss Sunshine.

Best Director - Motion Picture
Clint Eastwood - Flags of Our Fathers
Clint Eastwood - Letters from Iwo Jima
Stephen Frears - The Queen
Alejandro González Iñárritu - Babel
Martin Scorsese - The Departed

Wow, this is becoming a trend. I once again know better than the Hollywood Foreign Press. I'm giving my vote to Alfonso Cuarón for the brillant Children of Men. If I did have to choose from the list, I would have gone with Stephen Frears...The Queen was an amazing movie that surprised me quite a bit.

Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Guillermo Arriaga - Babel
William Monahan - The Departed
Todd Field & Tom Perrotta - Little Children
Patrick Marber - Notes on a Scandal
Peter Morgan - The Queen sure I could choose one of the screenplays from the list - either Morgan or the team of Field and Perrotta - but instead I am going to make another plug for Little Miss Sunshine and go for the write in candidate

Best Original Song - Motion Picture
- "Never Gonna Break My Faith"
Dreamgirls - "Listen"
Happy Feet - "The Song of the Heart"
Home of the Brave - "Try Not to Remember"
The Pursuit of Happyness - "A Father's Way"

Once again I march to my own drummer. I have to go with the latest new Bond song from Casino Royale, "You Know My Name". It totally rocks!!

Best Original Score - Motion Picture

Babel - Gustavo Santaolalla
The Da Vinci Code - Hans Zimmer
The Fountain - Clint Mansell
Nomad - Carlo Siliotto
The Painted Veil - Alexandre Desplat

I love Hans Zimmer, so I think I will go with Da Vinci - even if it wasn't a very good movie. The music wasn't half bad, though, considering.

Best Foreign Language Film

El Laberinto del Fauno

Das Leben der Anderen

Letters from Iwo Jima


No clue and so I am not going to vote. I figured Fearless was going to be on the list, but since
I haven't seen it, I don' think I can add it in good conscience.

Best Animated Film

Happy Feet
Monster House

Again...I just can't be bothered to choose!

Best Television Series - Drama
"Big Love"
"Grey's Anatomy"

LONG LIVE BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!!!! I can't they believe they overlooked the best show on tellie at the moment. So, I'm writing them in. Take that Hollywood Foreign Press!!

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Drama
Patrick Dempsey - "Grey's Anatomy"
Michael C. Hall - "Dexter"
Hugh Laurie - "House M.D."
Bill Paxton - "Big Love"
Kiefer Sutherland - "24"

In keeping with my BSG write in initive, I'm going with Edward James Olmos for his portrayal as Admiral William Adama. If push came to shove and I had to go with someone from the list, Hugh Laurie would get my vote.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Drama
Patricia Arquette - "Medium"
Edie Falco - "The Sopranos"
Evangeline Lilly - "Lost"
Ellen Pompeo - "Grey's Anatomy"
Kyra Sedgwick - "The Closer"

So given the past 2 categories, my vote fo Mary McDonnell for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Drama should come as no suprise.

Best Television Series - Musical or Comedy
"Desperate Housewives"
"The Office"
"Ugly Betty"

To be quite honest, I have no clue how "Desperate Housewives" is even considered a "comedy". Is that so it can stand a shot against "Grey's Anatomy"? I have no clue and since I don't really watch comedy - unless you count the slow downhill slide of Veronica Mars...but come to think of it, that isn't really funny. Anyway, long explanation short, I just don't care and so they can give the award to whoever they want. Perhaps "Weeds", since I like both Mary-Louise Parker and Kevin Nealon.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Musical or Comedy
Alec Baldwin - "30 Rock"
Zach Braff - "Scrubs"
Steve Carell - "The Office"
Jason Lee - "My Name Is Earl"
Tony Shalhoub - "Monk"

I catch "My Name Is Earl" whenever I can and I have to say that I have absolutely fallen for Jason Lee's Earl. Who would have thought I would ever like his redneck character better than the preppy & geeky guys he played in Kevin Smith movies? But then again, stranger things have happened!

Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Musical or Comedy
Marcia Cross - "Desperate Housewives"
America Ferrera - "Ugly Betty"
Felicity Huffman - "Desperate Housewives"
Julia Louis-Dreyfus - "The New Adventures of Old Christine"
Mary-Louise Parker - "Weeds"

As I stated earlier, "Desperate Housewives" isn't a comedy, therefore Mary-Louise Parker wins by default.

Best Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Bleak House
"Broken Trail"
Elizabeth I
Mrs. Harris
Prime Suspect: The Final Act

Okay...I choose one of the Helen Mirren projects. I really don't care which one. Although, it would be nifty if Mirren recieved the award for Best Actress in both the film and tellie categories for playing a "Queen Elizabeth". So perhaps I should save that vote for later. I'm goin with Prime Suspect!

Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini-Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Andre Braugher - "Thief"
Robert Duvall - "Broken Trail"
Michael Ealy - "Sleeper Cell"
Chiwetel Ejiofor - Tsunami: The Aftermath
Ben Kingsley - Mrs. Harris
Bill Nighy - Gideon's Daughter
Matthew Perry - The Ron Clark Story

Didn't see any of these, but I like Chiwetel Ejiofor and Bill Nighy. One of them should win!

Best Performance by an Actress in a Mini-Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Gillian Anderson - "Bleak House"
Annette Bening - Mrs. Harris
Helen Mirren - Elizabeth I
Helen Mirren - Prime Suspect: The Final Act
Sophie Okonedo - Tsunami: The Aftermath

Helen Mirren since it would be totally awesome if she won for her portrayal of Queen Elizabeth I AND Queen Elizabeth II!

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Thomas Haden Church - "Broken Trail"
Jeremy Irons - Elizabeth I
Justin Kirk - "Weeds"
Masi Oka - "Heroes"
Jeremy Piven - "Entourage"

I have a friend who loved Masi Oka, so hey...why not?

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Emily Blunt - Gideon's Daughter
Toni Collette - Tsunami: The Aftermath
Katherine Heigl - "Grey's Anatomy"
Sarah Paulson - "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip"
Elizabeth Perkins - "Weeds"

Alrighty, we're nearing the end. Now I stopped watching "Grey's Anatomy" last year. However, I did catch the death of Denny. Now coupled with the nifty Hallmark movies she has done, I'm going with Katherine Heigl.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The coldest blood runs through my know my name!

Finally saw Casino Royale...and I loved it. And I was so totally right...Daniel Craig rocked! (And so did his amazing abs that were often dripping water in the most beautiful, mesmerizing way... Oh and Judi Dench (everyone should know Judi Dench), Mads Mikkelsen (hawk-boy from King Arthur), and Jeffrey Wright (Tobey Maguire's sidekick from Ang Lee's Civil War film Ride with the Devil). That's all I have for y'all at the moment. Perhaps more later, but I wouldn't count on it.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

And to love I rhapsodize...

For those of you who may have spent the last few years hiding under a rock, just a little piece of information: I LOVE U2. Yes, not just an, "Oh I have a couple of their CDs" type love, but a "I paid over $200 for a ticket to a show, another $200 on souvenirs, and lost my voice for 3 days" kind of love. I'm sure I am not the biggest fan, but I have reached a level that scares me some of the time (and that is really saying something). Anyway, I absolutely love the video to their latest single, "Window in the Skies", and so I thought I would dedicate this week's VidSpam to the greatest band...EVER!!

VidSpam Spectacular!™: The "My Favorite U2 Videos of 2006" Edition

I don't quite know how this video came about, but I do think it is totally awesome. Seeing all of those artists singing other songs, but looking like they are siging along with U2 - something brillant! I love bands that can appreciate and value otehr artists...and not in a poncy way of course.

Although I loved the most recent Green Day album, I wouldn't call myself a huge fan. However, this collaboration is not to be missed by any music lover and besides, all the money went to a good cause - instruments for musicians!

This isn't my favorite song of of "Vertigo", but I love watching the video since it reminds me of the concert I attended. You remember, the one where I could see Bono's facial expressions...and the Edge changing from guitar to piano...and had to explain to my grad professor why I had no voice. Ah the memories...

Sure this music video looks like one of those trippy computer screen savers - which I can easily watch for hours I might add - and the sound isn't the best...but with lyrics like "Baby slow down/The end is not as fun as the start/Please stay a child somewhere in your heart", how could you not love this song? Well maybe you could, but I will never agree with you and that's the end of that!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

In theory I respect your right to exist...

Before I begin to gush about the awesomeness of Children of Men, I should begin with the confession that I love Clive Owen and have loved him since stumbling upon him in the BBC mystery series Second Sight on PBS. (And for those wondering...yes I did like King Arthur because how can you not love a film that begins with the phrase "Historians agree" and pulls off the classic Arthurian love triangle with good ol' Guinevere breaking up Arthur/Lancelot instead of Lancelot/Guinevere crushing Arthur and Camelot.) But I digress, the purpose of this blog is simply to encourage everyone to go and see this film since the studio is pretty much ignoring its existence. I mean, just view the studio is just not good enough. If you want to see a good trailer, take a look at this fan-made trailer. (Quick warning though, it is a bit more spoilery than the studio trailer and features a song that uses the "c" word quite a bit. I never use this word, but somehow it fits for this movie. Or love of Clive knows no bounds!)
Anyway, the bottom line is, EVERYONE should go to this movie. It is exceptional in everyway. And as LeVar Burton would say, "Of course, you don't have to take my word for it." Check out the critics' opinion over at Rotten Tomatoes or the 'real person' reaction over on IMDb! It is just an amazing film. I mean, it has been 5 days and I am still thinking about it. Ok...well that ends this 2 paragraph public service annoucement!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Did you have that strangest dream before you woke?

I love finding new is as simple as that. I can't really explain how I stumble opon new artists, but it just happens. As Geoffrey Rush would say in Shakespeare in Love, "I don't know. It's a mystery. "
Anyway, I recently discovered
Elvis Perkins, a guy who conjures up, for me at least, a hybrid between Damien Rice and Bob Dyan; if you applied Damien's voice to the poetic nature of Bob Dylan's lyrics). It might just be me and a few others (NPR and The O.C. to name a couple), but I find Elvis Perkins' lyrics to be metaphorical, insightful, and sensitive. Here are the lyrics to "While You Were Sleeping", which made it into my top 5 songs of 2006. (Click here or here to listen to the song.)

While you were sleeping, your babies grew
The stars shined and the shadows moved
Time flew, the phone rang
There was a silence when the kitchen sang
It’s songs competed like kids for space
We stared for hours in our Maker’s face
They gave us picks, said don’t mind the sun
And go golden, come back when you’re done

While you were sleeping, you tossed, you turned
You rolled your eyes as the world burned
The Heavens fell, the Earth quaked
I thought you must been but you weren’t awake
No, you were dreaming, you ignored the sun
You grew your power garden for the little ones
And you found brides for them on Christmas Eve
They hung young Cain from the Adam Trees
And danced...

While you were sleeping, I tossed and I turned
‘Til I closed my eyes, but the future burned
Through, the planet turned a hair grey
As I re-lived the day

While you were sleeping, the money died
Machines were harmless and the Earth sighed
The wind, you swept sound
And gravity brought my love around
The oceans rose about decay
While witches few and the mermaid stayed
Full of dreams, you over slept
And keeping with the quiet through the walls I crept
I walked on tip toes, sent darkness swirling
Over all the kitchen in the early morning

I’ll never catch up to you, who sleeps so sound
My arms are useless, my heart beats too loud
To go to sleep my mind’s to proud
To bow

While you were sleeping the time changed
All your things were rearranged
Your vampire mirrors, face to face
They saw forever out into space
And found you dreaming in black and white
While it rained in all the colors of the night

I watched the tv’s memories
Champion ships vanish to sea
Can it be, my honey
Between you and me?

So I waited for the riddled sky
To be solve again by sunrise
I made a death soup for life
For my father’s ill widowed wife
Did you have that strangest dream before you woke?
‘Cause in your gown, you have the butterfly stroke
Did it escape you like some half-told joke
When you reached for you plume of smoke?

And it will haunt you, my honey, be
Anyone who’s anyone has that same dream
Were you’re falling? Were your flying?
And were you calling out? Were you dying?
But thank God you’re up now, let’s stay this way
There’ll still be no mornings and no more days
‘Cause when we’re dreaming the babies grow
The sun shines and the shadows flow
Time flies, the phone rings
There is a silence when everybody tries to sing

Monday, January 08, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things...

So I had kind of a crappy morning. Not only did I get to make the same phone call for the fifth time and get absolutely no result - so much for the helpfulness of customer service - but I ended up speaking with one of the dumbest people ever. (Okay maybe not ever, but still quite high on my personal "Idiots I Have Met or Talked To" list.) Not only could she not help me, but she kept calling me 'Mister' even after I told her twice - yes TWICE - that I was a woman. Sometimes I really do wonder about the future of America. I think perhaps Giles was right...the Earth is doomed. Anyway, to help me get through the day, I composed a PicSpam of activies or things that make me happy.

PicSpam Monday™: The "Things That Make Me Happy" Edition
(Or at least 5 in no particular order)

1. Slurpees
You cannot drink a Slurpee and not smile. I mean just saying 'slurpee' makes me smile. Besides, there are always some 'interesting' people (aka weirdos) that hang out arounf 7/11's!

2. Scavenger Hunts (On the Internet Mostly)

I can easily spend hours looking for a specific image I want (or someone else wants), even going as far as searching for a certain size. There is nothing quite like the satisfactiom you feel after navigating through the immense amount of stuff on the Internet to find the small thing you are looking for!!

3. Used Book Stores/CD Shops

Oh how I love the smell. And the clastrophobic inducing shelving arrangement. And the labyrinth like organization. And the prices. Oh and the fact that you never know what you are going to find.

4. Debates on Message Boards

Well actually message boards in general. I love lurking and reading the subjects - however absurd - people feel the need to debate. The Internet can be so entertaining, although every once in a while, I do wonder about what the world is coming to...

5. English Historical Buddy Films/Any Hallmark Hall of Fame Movie

No one does Historical movies like the British. With just a touch of and an amazingly small budget, the films never fail to entertain. Besides, who doesn't love actors trying to run around on a ship during the Napoleonic Wars in loafers while trying to look 'manly'? As far as cheesy goodness...Hallmark normally always hits the mark. (And unlike Sci-Fi, doesn't devolve into some awful "Nature Gone Wrong" plot!)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end...

Oh, Snap! Yes, my dear readers, in a bowl game that had me on an extreme emotional rollercoaster, the Broncos of Boise State University pulled off one of the most spetacular upsets college football has ever seen. Now some of you might be wondering why I even care. I never attended the university and can count the number of times I have visited Idaho on one hand. But you see, I have a cousin that played college basketball at BSU and now works as the business manager for the athletic department. (I remeber vividly running around on the famous blue stadium turf!)
Anyway, while she got to attend the game in person, I sat with my father, holding my breath and hoping for a miracle. And it came. I will admit that at the 18 second mark, when all seemed lost, I paused the game - I just couldn't take anymore - and returned to watch it 45 minutes later, awaking both my parents. (Who incidently thought someone was trying to break into the house!) And then in a very Whovillian scene, I watched with my parents - yes even my mother - as the BSU Broncos pulled off the improbable with confidence and some of the riskiest plays I have ever seen!!

PicSpam Special Edition: "I'd Sooner Be A Bronco!"

Welcome to the 2007 Fiesta Bowl.
Be sure to fasten your safety belt, you're in for an emotional ride!!

You got to love an equestrian entrance.
Although, I guess you have to choose a horse that doesn't get too excited!!
That could make come interesting running obstacles!

We skip to the game tying touchdown...a beautifully executed Hook & Ladder
play in which Zabrasky threw to James who pitched it to Rabb
with 7 seconds to go in the fourth quarter!

And now the Overtime touchdown, a fake thrown by Perretta to Schouman!

"Ohhh, brother, we're going to do it in style!"
Apparently Coach Peterson thought after the Statue of Liberty play was called!)

Let's look at that beauty of a play again!!

Stormin' the field of victory!!

And here's some more celebration!!

Sing it with me!! "We are the champions my friends (Da Da), and we'll keep on fighting 'till the end..."