For those of you unaware, Cal & Stanford met on the field of battle for the 109th Big Game on Saturday. Cal triumped with the final score of 26 to 17. This is the fifth year in a row Cal has retained "The Axe. And so I bring you a very special PicSpam Monday column with Cal fight song interludes! (Click on the song titles to hear a sample of the song played by the Cal MArching Band.) GO BEARS!! PicSpam Monday: Big "C" means to fight and strive & win for blue and Gold!
My Boy Forsett didn't let me down! Up with the Blue and Gold,Down with the Red;California's out for a victory.We'll drop our battle-axe on Stanford's head,When we meet her, Our team will surely beat her.Down on the Stanford Farm There'll be no sound,When our Oski rips through the air.Like our friend Mister Jonah,Stanford's team will be foundIn the tummy of the Golden Bear! -Verse from "The Stanford Jonah"

It's a bird, it's a plan, it's Marshawn!!
We are Sons of California,
Fighting for the Gold and Blue.
Palms of glory we will win
for Alma Mater true.
Stanfurd's men will soon be routed
By our dazzling "C",
And when we serpentine,
Their red will turn to green,
In our hour of victory!
- Verse from "Big 'C' "
Although he may have a crush on Jessica Simpson,
he can sure throw a football!Thy colors unfold
O'er loyal Californians,
Whose hearts are strong and bold.
All Hail Blue and Gold,
Thy strength ne'er shall fail;
For thee we'll die,
All Hail! All Hail!
- Verse from "All Hail Blue & Gold"
What's better than a 55 yard field goal?
A 55 yard field goal in a swirling, chilly wind!!Palms of victory, Palms of glory
Palms of victory we shall win
For Cali-California!
Palms of victory, Palms of glory,
Palms of victory we shall win!
What will we do to the Stanfurdites on that great day?
We'll celebrate them on that night after we play!
We now declare our hoodoo's gone, victory is here!
Hit 'em again boys! Hit 'em again boys, harder!
- A verse and chorus from
"Palms of Victory"
Eventually the Axe was carried off the field in the
protective arms of Andrew Cameron #51!