Well, I just got back from, what is affectionately called in my office, a "drunk lunch". We don't really get drunk...wellI guess we do sort of, but we can still function at most of the higher levels for the rest of the afternoon. Since technically my 'office' only consists of 3 people, we go out to lunch for holidays. (You can't really have a potluck with 3 people and Secret Santa doesn't have the same "I wonder who it is?" element with such limited numbers!)
Anyway, at the moment I don't have a whole lot to do. I have a bunch of jobs that need to get done, but all of them take more than an afternoon, so I figure this afternoon is just doomed as far as work goes.
So...enjoy the one and only pic of Keith Richards on the set of the last Pirates of the Caribbean film and ponder the title, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Apparently, that is the title of the final installment of the Harry Potter series! Not sure what I think yet, but when I do, y'all will be the first to know. (Well, actually the second since ChickLit usually knows everything first...or my parents...either way you look at it, y'all be in the top 10 or so!!)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
A little less conversation, a little more action please...
So, I seem to be running in about 8 different directions and let's face it...I'm not a runner. (If we're honest, I'm not much of a jogger either. Perhaps a fast walker, but you get the point!) With my mom and I hosting Christmas this year, I now fully understand why people end up lying on the floor in the fetal position during the holiday season. I'm about 2 disasters away from that myself.
Anyway, imagine my utter joy at seeing the delightful trailer for the new Ocean's 13 flick coming out next spring. Sure the last one wasn't the greatest, but let's face it...I spend a good portion of the film just staring at all the pretty!!
If you want to see the trailer, click here and remember...drooling on your keyboard could cause extensive damage!!
Anyway, imagine my utter joy at seeing the delightful trailer for the new Ocean's 13 flick coming out next spring. Sure the last one wasn't the greatest, but let's face it...I spend a good portion of the film just staring at all the pretty!!
If you want to see the trailer, click here and remember...drooling on your keyboard could cause extensive damage!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Puttin' on the Ritz
In memory of the great Frank Boyle, who passed away one week ago, I present a short video of the first flick I ever saw him in Young Frankenstein. (It was instant love as you might suspect!!)
Monday, December 18, 2006
Failure's Not Flattering!
Over my lifetime I have tried a number of different hobbies. Some I didn't care for; some didn't care for me; while with numerous others, we mutually decided to seperate for the sake of mankind. (Trust me that was for the best!!) I have had the opprotunity to try a number of different things due to the fact that my mom is the Craft Queen...and not just Martha Stewart crafts...I'm talking about tasks that take real skill!!
Over the weekend, my mom and I created a scrapbook for my grandmother. In good news, we actually finished in 2 days and didn't kill eachother. And I learned 2 very important things:
1. My mom and I shouldn't do hobbies together.
2. I'm not cut out to be a scapbooker. Sure I love to preserve documents - just not on floral paper with stickers and such.
Anyway, here is an extremely abridged list of the various hobbies I have tried over the years!!
Over the weekend, my mom and I created a scrapbook for my grandmother. In good news, we actually finished in 2 days and didn't kill eachother. And I learned 2 very important things:
1. My mom and I shouldn't do hobbies together.
2. I'm not cut out to be a scapbooker. Sure I love to preserve documents - just not on floral paper with stickers and such.
Anyway, here is an extremely abridged list of the various hobbies I have tried over the years!!
PicSpam Monday™: Rejected or Abandoned Hobbies
Wood carving
Sharp tools near hands = Short-lived hobby
I even own a sewing machine to this day.
Sure my mom bought it with the hope I would
learn to love sewing as much as she does,
but in the end I can make simple repairs and create thread bobbins.
Oh and I think I still have an
unfinished Amish quilt stashed away somewhere.
Although I did find this activity quite fun and relaxing,
I have 3 words (and a preposition) for you:
Sharp Hook in Hand
Bead looming
I'm actually quite proud at how long I kept with this hobby.
All in all, I think it was 2 years. In the end, I just found dealing
with beads too frustrating. They roll way to easy!!
Apparently, I can't fold paper straight or follow complicated
directions even if they go step by step!!
Unfortunately, I don't wear spandex or show skin well.
That seems to be an important element of this activity.
To make matters worse, I couldn't even stand in the
horrible contraptions without falling over. I have many talents,
balance just isn't one of them!!
Beeswax candle making
This one didn't take much talent, but I sure didn't have it.
I think I made a couple candles for my grandparents
one year for Christmas and that was it!!
Wood carving
Sharp tools near hands = Short-lived hobby
I even own a sewing machine to this day.
Sure my mom bought it with the hope I would
learn to love sewing as much as she does,
but in the end I can make simple repairs and create thread bobbins.
Oh and I think I still have an
unfinished Amish quilt stashed away somewhere.
Although I did find this activity quite fun and relaxing,
I have 3 words (and a preposition) for you:
Sharp Hook in Hand
Bead looming
I'm actually quite proud at how long I kept with this hobby.
All in all, I think it was 2 years. In the end, I just found dealing
with beads too frustrating. They roll way to easy!!
Apparently, I can't fold paper straight or follow complicated
directions even if they go step by step!!
Unfortunately, I don't wear spandex or show skin well.
That seems to be an important element of this activity.
To make matters worse, I couldn't even stand in the
horrible contraptions without falling over. I have many talents,
balance just isn't one of them!!
Beeswax candle making
This one didn't take much talent, but I sure didn't have it.
I think I made a couple candles for my grandparents
one year for Christmas and that was it!!
Friday, December 15, 2006
I could possibly be fading...
The O.C.
Episode: "The Chrismukk-huh?"
Original Air Date: December 14, 2006
Rating: Fan-frakkin'- tabulous
What I Loved:
There has never been a bad Chrismukkah episode of The O.C. and thankfully the ghost of Marissa didn't screw up this one! I now firmly believe; Chrismukkah episodes cannot be ruined…it's just not possible. The more I watch this episode, the more I like it – and keep in mind I don't like It's a Wonderful Life, so, that's really saying something. First, I would like to thank J.J. Philbin and John Stephens profusely for giving Kirsten something to do and some snappy dialogue! (You wouldn't believe how long it took to figure out who wrote the ep - so yes I re-watched the beginning of the ep to figure it out.) While this season has been far superior to pretty much everything since the first half of season one, this is the first ep that I really liked Kirsten in and I especially loved her scenes with Ryan.
Other joyous tidbits: Seth's "I hate my life" song; Taylor’s sex change in the parallel universe ("OMG! In alt-world I'm a boy - and my mom is still a bitch!"); "Serious Jedi mindtricks"; the fact that in both worlds, Julie is exactly the same; Ryan pulling Taylor closer to him after she sat down on his hospital bed; "Thong is an acronym for 'The Homeless of Newport…Go' or something."; the alternate "California" theme song to fit the alt-world episode; the term 'coma-lite'; Alt-universes are huge in sci-fi & I love that Taylor went through a phase; Vegetable despots; Ryan, the 'poor street urchin' (come on...when did Newport wander into a Dicken’s novel?); anytime Kaitlin and Julie are in a room together; I concede - activist Summer is better than "mindless bimbo" Summer; the nickname "Slutty McSlutterman"; and last but not least, Cute!Ward and Clown!Ward (aka the Annoying Twins), riding past Ryan on the boardwalk on a bike and skateboard (oh how I love fun little allusions like that!!)
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
I kind of wish we had had Chester ("Oh snap! Thong emergency!"), instead of "save the world one tree at a time" Che. I also wonder if Ryan was a girl in this alt-universe if Taylor was a boy. Oh and explain to me why Taylor was a boy. I just don't understand. Other than that, I'm pretty happy.
If Wishes Were Horses:
Taking the Chester love/Che gripe further, why couldn't they bring back Luke as well. I could totally see him and Chester being BFF's. Then we could have had two friend couples with fun dialogue: Ryan/Seth and Luke/Chester. They seem like matches made in heaven...or my own perverse heaven!!
And if you take that thinking to a whole other level, if Ryan had never come to Newport, I would not have endured Marissa for 3 years. (Although...if that happened I guess we would never have had a show called The O.C. in the first place. Man do I hate time/space continuum conundrums.) Ok, I need to just let that one go!
The One-Line Zinger:
"Between you and me, Taylor in a coma is kind of a nice break!"
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
(I couldn't decide and so I present two this week!)
Julie: Oh no, honey.I told you, my family only drinks wine coolers.
Kaitlin: We’re having a very Britney Christmas, Mother.
Julie: Yes, watch out...I might put you on my lap while we drive there.
Seth: No...no. I like plastic horses and the show The Valley.
Summer: Hey! I like that show too and plastic horses. What's yours named?
Seth: Princess Sparkle. Wait. No no. I mean Captain Oats. I just said Princess Sparkle because I think its a really cool name!
Summer: No. Way. You are not going to believe this...
Episode: "The Chrismukk-huh?"
Original Air Date: December 14, 2006
Rating: Fan-frakkin'- tabulous
What I Loved:
There has never been a bad Chrismukkah episode of The O.C. and thankfully the ghost of Marissa didn't screw up this one! I now firmly believe; Chrismukkah episodes cannot be ruined…it's just not possible. The more I watch this episode, the more I like it – and keep in mind I don't like It's a Wonderful Life, so, that's really saying something. First, I would like to thank J.J. Philbin and John Stephens profusely for giving Kirsten something to do and some snappy dialogue! (You wouldn't believe how long it took to figure out who wrote the ep - so yes I re-watched the beginning of the ep to figure it out.) While this season has been far superior to pretty much everything since the first half of season one, this is the first ep that I really liked Kirsten in and I especially loved her scenes with Ryan.
Kirsten: Oh, speaking of dinner, are you going to be bringing a guest?Speaking of Ryan, I think he spoke more in this episode than some seasons combined. ("Poor Ryan! All of his muscles are so developed except for the ones in his mouth.") While some of this might have something to do with Alt-Universe, I have to say that I liked it. It isn’t like broody Ryan is gone; he's just expressing some emotions through non "wife-beater-hoody-angst" means. Personally, I think it is a step in the right direction. I mean, who could argue with a speech like this:
Ryan: That's...pretty subtle Kirsten.
Kirsten: I'm not saying you bring Taylor; I'm just letting you know she's welcome.
Ryan: Oh well. I don't know...I don't know. It's a...it's...it's...
Kirsten: Oh, you think that if you invite her, she's your girlfriend. Boys...so predictable.
Okay, look. None of you know me, but the truth is, each of you saved my life just by being who you are. And right now, none of you are who you are. Like summer for example - what are you doing? I mean Che, Chester...he's completely wrong for you. You should be with Seth. Kirsten, alright...you don't want to run the Newport Group. That place makes you miserable. And you might like you Chardonnay, but I got news for you: it doesn't like you back. And Sandy – you don't want to be Mayor. You're all about saving the little guy not holing up in some mansion giving orders. What you two are best at are being married to each other.Honestly, I sat in complete amazement. I didn't know Ben McKenzie could memorize that much dialog. And if that wasn’t enough, Ryan also had a great exchange with a drunk Santa in jail as well as a couple of awesome Seth conversations.
Ryan: Alright, you want the truth, huh?And rounding out the character analysis, my love for Taylor grows by the week! Who didn't love her take charge attitude in trying to explain to Ryan what had happened. Oh and her response when he asked if anyone had ever said 'no' to her. ("Once...and I pushed him off the roof...Kidding!") You also had to love her explanation that a George Forman deluxe grill is the perfect gift. If only she had told me earlier...it would have saved me a ton of time!
Seth: I know the truth.
Ryan: You know the truth?
Seth: Yeah.
Ryan: I’m from an alternate universe where your dad adopted me and you and Summer are in love. And unless I fix things here, which means getting your parents and you and Summer together – I can't go home.
Seth: I always knew this would happen!
Ryan: Doesn’t surprise me. Put this on. Okay, I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to know to woo Summer. Have you ever heard of a show called The Valley?
Other joyous tidbits: Seth's "I hate my life" song; Taylor’s sex change in the parallel universe ("OMG! In alt-world I'm a boy - and my mom is still a bitch!"); "Serious Jedi mindtricks"; the fact that in both worlds, Julie is exactly the same; Ryan pulling Taylor closer to him after she sat down on his hospital bed; "Thong is an acronym for 'The Homeless of Newport…Go' or something."; the alternate "California" theme song to fit the alt-world episode; the term 'coma-lite'; Alt-universes are huge in sci-fi & I love that Taylor went through a phase; Vegetable despots; Ryan, the 'poor street urchin' (come on...when did Newport wander into a Dicken’s novel?); anytime Kaitlin and Julie are in a room together; I concede - activist Summer is better than "mindless bimbo" Summer; the nickname "Slutty McSlutterman"; and last but not least, Cute!Ward and Clown!Ward (aka the Annoying Twins), riding past Ryan on the boardwalk on a bike and skateboard (oh how I love fun little allusions like that!!)
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
I kind of wish we had had Chester ("Oh snap! Thong emergency!"), instead of "save the world one tree at a time" Che. I also wonder if Ryan was a girl in this alt-universe if Taylor was a boy. Oh and explain to me why Taylor was a boy. I just don't understand. Other than that, I'm pretty happy.
If Wishes Were Horses:
Taking the Chester love/Che gripe further, why couldn't they bring back Luke as well. I could totally see him and Chester being BFF's. Then we could have had two friend couples with fun dialogue: Ryan/Seth and Luke/Chester. They seem like matches made in heaven...or my own perverse heaven!!
And if you take that thinking to a whole other level, if Ryan had never come to Newport, I would not have endured Marissa for 3 years. (Although...if that happened I guess we would never have had a show called The O.C. in the first place. Man do I hate time/space continuum conundrums.) Ok, I need to just let that one go!
The One-Line Zinger:
"Between you and me, Taylor in a coma is kind of a nice break!"
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
(I couldn't decide and so I present two this week!)
Julie: Oh no, honey.I told you, my family only drinks wine coolers.
Kaitlin: We’re having a very Britney Christmas, Mother.
Julie: Yes, watch out...I might put you on my lap while we drive there.
Summer: So wait? You're saying that you ride horses in the valley? Seth: No...no. I like plastic horses and the show The Valley.
Summer: Hey! I like that show too and plastic horses. What's yours named?
Seth: Princess Sparkle. Wait. No no. I mean Captain Oats. I just said Princess Sparkle because I think its a really cool name!
Summer: No. Way. You are not going to believe this...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
They all have their own hands, but they come from different moms!
Well, last week I started a new VidSpam Spectacular!™ column for pretty much my own amusement. It has recently come to my attention that although I love professional musicians, I get a kick out of non-professionals singing silly songs. So without further ado I present...
First, I bring you the confrontation song from Les Miserables sung by Doogie Howser and one of the guys from Freaks & Geeks who used to date that nurse chick on ER that broke up with Luka. You know that one I am talking about. Anyway, I have to give them props for not only singing the song well, but also completely acapella.
And now to answer the question of what you do after playing Biff in the Back to the Future films. Well, here to explain what Michael J. Fox is really like and other vital question is Tom Wilson, or Biff if you perfer!!
And to finish off this VidSpam Spectacular!™, I bring you Bruce McCulloch's "Dave's I Know" song from the great Canadian sketch comedy series The Kids in the Hall (Eat that SNL!!!)
VidSpam Spectacular!™: The Amusing Songs I Love Sung By Non-Professionals Edition
First, I bring you the confrontation song from Les Miserables sung by Doogie Howser and one of the guys from Freaks & Geeks who used to date that nurse chick on ER that broke up with Luka. You know that one I am talking about. Anyway, I have to give them props for not only singing the song well, but also completely acapella.
And now to answer the question of what you do after playing Biff in the Back to the Future films. Well, here to explain what Michael J. Fox is really like and other vital question is Tom Wilson, or Biff if you perfer!!
And to finish off this VidSpam Spectacular!™, I bring you Bruce McCulloch's "Dave's I Know" song from the great Canadian sketch comedy series The Kids in the Hall (Eat that SNL!!!)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
It's off to work I go...
Monday, December 11, 2006
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...
With the holiday season fast approaching, I decided to share my top favorite Christmas related films with my loyal readers. Although I don't usually watch these movies during this season, they do usually involve Christmas is some way. I also don't vouch for the quality of the film...sometimes I really like crap movies!! (Oh and a small note before I begin. I didn't forget to add It's a Wonderful Life. I know this will make me seem un-American, but I really don't like the movie. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise in the comments section!)
PicSpam Monday: Top 13 Christmas Related Flicks
13. Holiday Inn (1942)
Although the song would become famous because of another holiday film (#1 on this list),
it was in this film that the song "White Christmas" first appeared!
12. Trapped in Paradise (1994)
I don't know why I love this film, but I do...besides I totally believe
that Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey could be related.
11. The Santa Clause (1994)
Bernard the elf - need I say more?
10. A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
"Charlie Brown, you're the only person I know who can take a wonderful season like Christmas and turn it into a problem. Maybe Lucy's right. Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you're the Charlie Browniest."
9. All I Want for Christmas (1991)
A delightful Christmas film starring Ethan Embrey (when he was still going by Ethan Randall), a very young
Thora Birch, SNL's Kevin Neelan, and Lauren Bacall. What more could you ask for?
8. Bachelor Mother (1939)
Ginger Rogers gets a baby for Christmas is the fabulous film also starring David Niven!!
7. A Christmas Story (1983)
That leg lamp gets me every time!!
6. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
Poor Chevy Chase - he just can't seem to catch a break in this holiday classic!!
5. Elf (2003)
It's just like Santa's workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms...
and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me...
4. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch...always go for the classic on this one.
Jim Carrey has nothing on Boris Karloff!!
3. A Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
Michael Caine sings with Muppets. I kid you not!! Besides who could resist a musical version of
"The Christmas Carol" with the Great Gonzo and Rizzo the Rat as the narrators!
2. Love Actually (2003)
Oh how I love Liam Neeson in this movie. And Colin Firth.And Bill Nighy. And that cute little kid obsessed with
Titani-like love. And Hugh Grant as prime minister. Did I mention Colin Firth? And how could I forget
Andrew Lincoln? Oh and the stripping version of "Christmas Is All Around". And...
well I could go on and on, just go watch the film!!
1. White Christmas (1954)
No film embodies Christmas like this one.
I cried the first time I saw it and still tear up
when all the soldiers come out singing at the beginning of the show! It just isn't
Christmas without watching this movie at least once.
Although the song would become famous because of another holiday film (#1 on this list),
it was in this film that the song "White Christmas" first appeared!
12. Trapped in Paradise (1994)
I don't know why I love this film, but I do...besides I totally believe
that Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey could be related.
11. The Santa Clause (1994)
Bernard the elf - need I say more?
10. A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
"Charlie Brown, you're the only person I know who can take a wonderful season like Christmas and turn it into a problem. Maybe Lucy's right. Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you're the Charlie Browniest."
9. All I Want for Christmas (1991)
A delightful Christmas film starring Ethan Embrey (when he was still going by Ethan Randall), a very young
Thora Birch, SNL's Kevin Neelan, and Lauren Bacall. What more could you ask for?
8. Bachelor Mother (1939)
Ginger Rogers gets a baby for Christmas is the fabulous film also starring David Niven!!
7. A Christmas Story (1983)
That leg lamp gets me every time!!
6. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
Poor Chevy Chase - he just can't seem to catch a break in this holiday classic!!
5. Elf (2003)
It's just like Santa's workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms...
and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me...
4. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch...always go for the classic on this one.
Jim Carrey has nothing on Boris Karloff!!
3. A Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
Michael Caine sings with Muppets. I kid you not!! Besides who could resist a musical version of
"The Christmas Carol" with the Great Gonzo and Rizzo the Rat as the narrators!
2. Love Actually (2003)
Oh how I love Liam Neeson in this movie. And Colin Firth.And Bill Nighy. And that cute little kid obsessed with
Titani-like love. And Hugh Grant as prime minister. Did I mention Colin Firth? And how could I forget
Andrew Lincoln? Oh and the stripping version of "Christmas Is All Around". And...
well I could go on and on, just go watch the film!!
1. White Christmas (1954)
No film embodies Christmas like this one.
I cried the first time I saw it and still tear up
when all the soldiers come out singing at the beginning of the show! It just isn't
Christmas without watching this movie at least once.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Am I in hell or the promise land?
Damn you Kripke & Schwartz! Fortunately, or unfortunately in some respects, both of my Thursday night shows completely rocked last night. So...I decided to review The O.C. first since it has a new ep next week, while Supernatural has gone into hiatus without first telling me what I desperately need to know! (Damn you Kripke!!) I will get a review of the totally awesome "Croatoan" ep sometime next week since dialogue like "That's not school; that's Schoolhouse Rock!" have to be shared with my peeps on the internet!!
The O.C.
Episode: "The Summer Bummer"
Original Air Date: December 7, 2006
Rating: Fan-frakkin'- tabulous
What I Loved:
Yes, as in "Yes, it is a 'yes' squared, in all caps with an exclamation point and a smilely face emoticon!", The O.C. completely rocked last night! I wish Josh Schwartz would have gotten it together - or back together - a couple years ago, but better late than never!
I said it before and I'll say it again: Long Live Rylor!! I don't know how they are making this budding relatiohsip seem so new and interesting even though they are obvious couple materials since they only 2 single people on the show's credits. I don't know who the writers sold their soul to, but they got a good deal out of it. I don't even know where to begin: Ryan's 80s-themed fantasies; "Me! Not you!! Me...I'm weird!"; Taylor's clueless responses to Ryan asking her out ("Blog Schmog" & "the erotic memoirs of a soulful college girl"); "I'm a lip-biter...sometimes I draw blood."; 7...no 8...no 9...how about 10 minutes in the closet; "You're a great girl"; the idea of Ryan's body used as a jungle gym; man I could go on and on, but I think I will try and change the subject!
This week also had some strong interactions with Ryan and both Sandy & Kirsten. ("Okay, but you can't repeat this, alright? Because if the 'real' Seth found out I was telling 'substitute' Seth a real secret...") I have really been hoping for some quality Ryan/parental unit time (especially with Kirsten since they have always seem to have had a connection) and I finally got it!!
Along with the great adult time, the ep also featured some limited, but brillant, friendly/sarcastic Seth & Ryan banter. I love it when these two are together, even if most of the time was spent in the phone!
Other tidbits of ejoyment: Julie & Bullet - match made in heaven even if he is a sexist bigot; Pancakes the bunny; NewMatch serving all your male escort needs; Kaitlin actually caring about a friend; Taylor, Pictionary & "Get High on Life"; Sandy the "He-Bro"; Che's valet; Sandy & Kirsten renewing their vows; and finally...after all the talk we witnessed a Harbor water polo game!!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
Why, when a show introduces a younger sister of a main character, do all the teenagers seem like cardboard cut-outs? Okay, maybe that just happened on Buffy, but you get my point. While Kaitlin has become a survivable cast addition, all of her friends - and I mean ALL - need to go or at least grow some personalities. Also, I'm getting a bit tired of this Spencer character. Perhaps he come get some horrible STD or something equally awful. Just a thought!!
While I was amused by Seth attempting to go all "Ryan Atwood" on Che (well at least talking about it), overall I am really starting to dislike this whole storyline. I'm glad that Summer took some of the responsibility and Seth decided to defer for another semester in order to move to with Summer to Rhode Island, I'm just not feeling the East Coast storyline anymore. I enjoyed Che for a while, but after last week I don't think he can be redeemed!! (Although, I did eventually like Luke so anything is possible!!)
If Wishes Were Horses:
I don't really have any major hopes or dreams for the show right now other than keeping up this quality level. Just a couple of small things. I'm not to sure about the whole male escort part of NewMatch. I mean, we finally have Kirsten doing something - I would like to keep it that way.
Oh, specifically about next week's Chrismakkah episode: I know there has never been a bad Chrismukkah ep, but what do you mean Marissa's not dead? I could have a problem with this. Does this mean we get to watch her die again leading up to another unfortunate montage featuring yet another horrific version of "Hallelujah" ? 'Cuz I don't think I could handle that.
The One-Line Zinger:
"Usually you talk about yourself and I solve my problems on my own."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Ryan: What are you doing?
Taylor: Someone wrote "I Love Poop" on this poor boy's face. You know that kind of thing can scar you for life!
Ryan: No, what are you doing paying your gay friend Rodger to pretend he's in love with you?
Taylor: Well what if I did, hmm? What if I did rent a homosexual for the evening and pay him with rare collectables from Asian cinema? What difference does it make to you?
Ryan: Well, it's a little strange.
Taylor: Well, so am I, which is why you ran away from me last night.
Ryan: No, it wasn't 'cuz you're strange.
Taylor: [Clearly confused] You don't find me strange?
Ryan: No I do, but that's not why I took off. Look, I'm not really ready for a relationship right now or a girlfriend.
Taylor: Uh...girlfriend? Cart...horse...aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself there? Well, I mean just because I want to use your body as a jungle gym doesn't mean that we have to get married.
Ryan: I see...
Taylor: I mean my divorce papers aren't even dry yet. Look, you're a sweet, smart, great guy Ryan Atwood...and hot. Did I mention hot?!?!? So whatever happens, happens.
Ryan: Taylor thats...
Taylor: [Interupting] Normal? Yeah I have my moments. You know this is my first high school bash. Have you ever played 7 minutes in heaven?
The O.C.
Episode: "The Summer Bummer"
Original Air Date: December 7, 2006
Rating: Fan-frakkin'- tabulous
What I Loved:
Yes, as in "Yes, it is a 'yes' squared, in all caps with an exclamation point and a smilely face emoticon!", The O.C. completely rocked last night! I wish Josh Schwartz would have gotten it together - or back together - a couple years ago, but better late than never!
I said it before and I'll say it again: Long Live Rylor!! I don't know how they are making this budding relatiohsip seem so new and interesting even though they are obvious couple materials since they only 2 single people on the show's credits. I don't know who the writers sold their soul to, but they got a good deal out of it. I don't even know where to begin: Ryan's 80s-themed fantasies; "Me! Not you!! Me...I'm weird!"; Taylor's clueless responses to Ryan asking her out ("Blog Schmog" & "the erotic memoirs of a soulful college girl"); "I'm a lip-biter...sometimes I draw blood."; 7...no 8...no 9...how about 10 minutes in the closet; "You're a great girl"; the idea of Ryan's body used as a jungle gym; man I could go on and on, but I think I will try and change the subject!
This week also had some strong interactions with Ryan and both Sandy & Kirsten. ("Okay, but you can't repeat this, alright? Because if the 'real' Seth found out I was telling 'substitute' Seth a real secret...") I have really been hoping for some quality Ryan/parental unit time (especially with Kirsten since they have always seem to have had a connection) and I finally got it!!
Along with the great adult time, the ep also featured some limited, but brillant, friendly/sarcastic Seth & Ryan banter. I love it when these two are together, even if most of the time was spent in the phone!
Ryan: Things are wierd and about to get a lot weirder.And to top it off, Seth and Ryan even had some decent poolhouse scenes. I know I obsess about this, but the poolhouse is a central location for me. While others may see the Cohen house, the diner, the beach, or even the Baitshop as the central location of action, I have always gravitated towards the poolhouse. I mean, who wouldn't love the poolhouse conversations with exchanges like this...
Seth: That wasn't vague or ominous at all!
Ryan: Is Taylor going to be there?
Seth: I assume so.
Ryan: I like her.
Seth: Say waht now? Why would you even think that?
Ryan: Because I keep imagining her on roller skates and washing windows with a big bucket of soapy water.
Seth: Dude, you're fantasies are so pedestrian. A sudsy girl...that is so average.
Ryan: Doesn't mean it is not hot.
Seth: I guess they call them 'Classics' for a reason.
Ryan: Do you want to drive, or should I?
Other tidbits of ejoyment: Julie & Bullet - match made in heaven even if he is a sexist bigot; Pancakes the bunny; NewMatch serving all your male escort needs; Kaitlin actually caring about a friend; Taylor, Pictionary & "Get High on Life"; Sandy the "He-Bro"; Che's valet; Sandy & Kirsten renewing their vows; and finally...after all the talk we witnessed a Harbor water polo game!!
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
Why, when a show introduces a younger sister of a main character, do all the teenagers seem like cardboard cut-outs? Okay, maybe that just happened on Buffy, but you get my point. While Kaitlin has become a survivable cast addition, all of her friends - and I mean ALL - need to go or at least grow some personalities. Also, I'm getting a bit tired of this Spencer character. Perhaps he come get some horrible STD or something equally awful. Just a thought!!
While I was amused by Seth attempting to go all "Ryan Atwood" on Che (well at least talking about it), overall I am really starting to dislike this whole storyline. I'm glad that Summer took some of the responsibility and Seth decided to defer for another semester in order to move to with Summer to Rhode Island, I'm just not feeling the East Coast storyline anymore. I enjoyed Che for a while, but after last week I don't think he can be redeemed!! (Although, I did eventually like Luke so anything is possible!!)
If Wishes Were Horses:
I don't really have any major hopes or dreams for the show right now other than keeping up this quality level. Just a couple of small things. I'm not to sure about the whole male escort part of NewMatch. I mean, we finally have Kirsten doing something - I would like to keep it that way.
Oh, specifically about next week's Chrismakkah episode: I know there has never been a bad Chrismukkah ep, but what do you mean Marissa's not dead? I could have a problem with this. Does this mean we get to watch her die again leading up to another unfortunate montage featuring yet another horrific version of "Hallelujah" ? 'Cuz I don't think I could handle that.
The One-Line Zinger:
"Usually you talk about yourself and I solve my problems on my own."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Ryan: What are you doing?
Taylor: Someone wrote "I Love Poop" on this poor boy's face. You know that kind of thing can scar you for life!
Ryan: No, what are you doing paying your gay friend Rodger to pretend he's in love with you?
Taylor: Well what if I did, hmm? What if I did rent a homosexual for the evening and pay him with rare collectables from Asian cinema? What difference does it make to you?
Ryan: Well, it's a little strange.
Taylor: Well, so am I, which is why you ran away from me last night.
Ryan: No, it wasn't 'cuz you're strange.
Taylor: [Clearly confused] You don't find me strange?
Ryan: No I do, but that's not why I took off. Look, I'm not really ready for a relationship right now or a girlfriend.
Taylor: Uh...girlfriend? Cart...horse...aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself there? Well, I mean just because I want to use your body as a jungle gym doesn't mean that we have to get married.
Ryan: I see...
Taylor: I mean my divorce papers aren't even dry yet. Look, you're a sweet, smart, great guy Ryan Atwood...and hot. Did I mention hot?!?!? So whatever happens, happens.
Ryan: Taylor thats...
Taylor: [Interupting] Normal? Yeah I have my moments. You know this is my first high school bash. Have you ever played 7 minutes in heaven?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Now you're messin' with a son of a...
Well, after a couple week hiatus, Supernatural is all new tonight...an phenomenon that will most likely cost me some sleep tonight. You see, I have two shows at 9pm on Thursdays and both are seriously rocking at the moment. To top it off, I have band practice tonight, which most likely will run late since we have a new musical director and his first rehearsal is tonight. (You know how it goes...)
Normally, I would watch one when I got home and save the other for the weekend since for the last couple of years The O.C. has steadily gone down hill, but now that both are good, I just can't decided. Besides, I know I could say that I was going to save one for later, but everyone knows I will just watch both tonight. Why do they do this to me? Don't they know how much this hurts me? Do they want me to suffer? (Oh right, yes...yes they do!) Why can't one of the shows move to Monday? Why can't I create the television schedules for the 5 networks, USA, and SciFi? Dude, I would totally rock at it! You know I would!! If only that dream could become a possibility...
Normally, I would watch one when I got home and save the other for the weekend since for the last couple of years The O.C. has steadily gone down hill, but now that both are good, I just can't decided. Besides, I know I could say that I was going to save one for later, but everyone knows I will just watch both tonight. Why do they do this to me? Don't they know how much this hurts me? Do they want me to suffer? (Oh right, yes...yes they do!) Why can't one of the shows move to Monday? Why can't I create the television schedules for the 5 networks, USA, and SciFi? Dude, I would totally rock at it! You know I would!! If only that dream could become a possibility...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Video Killed the Radio Star!
I love wasting time watching videos on YouTube. I mean, what's not to love. I like wasting time. And I like watching videos, whether they be funny& amusing, commercials for products I will never purchase, sentimental, old & rare (usually clips of television series I watched as a child), or weird - often fan-made - videos. So what's not to love on a media website that encourages people to "Broadcast Yourself"? All I can say is Google better not mess this up when they take over!! Anyway, I decided to put all of my YouTube hours to work and start a weekly blog column - or VidSpam as I like to call it - to share some of the 'fun' things I have found. So here goes...
This delightful video features the sounds and dialogue from Pride & Prejudice, but clips from the various Harry Potter films: Harry is Mr. Collins, Dumbledore & McGonagall are Mr. & Mrs. Bennett, and in case you didn't find those casting choices fun, Ron in Mr. Darcy! I know one person who spent a little too much time watching trailer last holiday season!
Next - The Ballad of Sam & Dean
Not sure what is more disturbing about this fanvid: A song about how Tom Jones music saved people's lives and marriage being used for a fanvid about brothers ("I owe my life to 'What's New Pussycat?' "!!) or how well the lyrics fit clips from the first season of Supernatural.
And last but not least - Funeral
Cell phone + funeral x squirrel = So wrong and yet so funny! I don't think I have laughed this hard in a while!!
VidSpam: The Inaugural Edition
First up - Darcy meets Hermione This delightful video features the sounds and dialogue from Pride & Prejudice, but clips from the various Harry Potter films: Harry is Mr. Collins, Dumbledore & McGonagall are Mr. & Mrs. Bennett, and in case you didn't find those casting choices fun, Ron in Mr. Darcy! I know one person who spent a little too much time watching trailer last holiday season!
Next - The Ballad of Sam & Dean
Not sure what is more disturbing about this fanvid: A song about how Tom Jones music saved people's lives and marriage being used for a fanvid about brothers ("I owe my life to 'What's New Pussycat?' "!!) or how well the lyrics fit clips from the first season of Supernatural.
And last but not least - Funeral
Cell phone + funeral x squirrel = So wrong and yet so funny! I don't think I have laughed this hard in a while!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
A day without me...
Ever have one of those days? Who am I kidding...of course you have! Anyway, today was one of "those days" for me. It started quite early, 5:30am to be exact, which is one of the reasons for today's 'Day Classification' of horrific. Apparently, someone decided to try and break into my car last night before realizing there isn't anything of value in the vehicle (unless you count the $8 extendable squeegee!) before moving onto another vehicle. Unfortunately, they jammed something into my lock (in hopes of breaking the lock I guess) and so I can no longer unlock the door on the drivers side. Thank goodness they didn't fiddle (yes I almost typed another word there...and yes it rhymes with 'duck') with the passenger door as well, otherwise I don't know what I would have done since Ag Council had a board meeting today...a meeting I had to set up for! (Hopefully, it only costs me $250...)
Which leads me to the other crappy part of today. I should preface my thoughts by stating I have attended very few board meetings, but in my opinion, this one didn't really go well. (And from the look on my boss's face through most of the meeting, I think he agrees.) And I think a lot of work will be coming my way...projects with vague ideas attached to them (my favorite...really?!?!?). After that 6 hour event, I came back to the office to complete a bunch of odd jobs that require little-to-no thinking, but does involve the world's most jam-happy copier.
And to top it all off, I am in nylons and heels. (Any of you who know me, knows what that means!!) I just wish I could go home and have a couple of beers. Or better yet, just pretend today never happened!! Yeah...that is what I'll do!! Come back tomorrow for a more uplifting blog. I will be starting a new weekly column featuring my favorite YouTube videos!! Should be interesting, amusing, and perhaps even an intellectually stimulating experience!!
Which leads me to the other crappy part of today. I should preface my thoughts by stating I have attended very few board meetings, but in my opinion, this one didn't really go well. (And from the look on my boss's face through most of the meeting, I think he agrees.) And I think a lot of work will be coming my way...projects with vague ideas attached to them (my favorite...really?!?!?). After that 6 hour event, I came back to the office to complete a bunch of odd jobs that require little-to-no thinking, but does involve the world's most jam-happy copier.
And to top it all off, I am in nylons and heels. (Any of you who know me, knows what that means!!) I just wish I could go home and have a couple of beers. Or better yet, just pretend today never happened!! Yeah...that is what I'll do!! Come back tomorrow for a more uplifting blog. I will be starting a new weekly column featuring my favorite YouTube videos!! Should be interesting, amusing, and perhaps even an intellectually stimulating experience!!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Palms of victory we shall win for Cali-California!
For those of you unaware, Cal & Stanford met on the field of battle for the 109th Big Game on Saturday. Cal triumped with the final score of 26 to 17. This is the fifth year in a row Cal has retained "The Axe. And so I bring you a very special PicSpam Monday column with Cal fight song interludes! (Click on the song titles to hear a sample of the song played by the Cal MArching Band.) GO BEARS!!
PicSpam Monday: Big "C" means to fight and strive & win for blue and Gold!
My Boy Forsett didn't let me down!
PicSpam Monday: Big "C" means to fight and strive & win for blue and Gold!
My Boy Forsett didn't let me down!
Up with the Blue and Gold,
Down with the Red;
California's out for a victory.
We'll drop our battle-axe on Stanford's head,
When we meet her,
Our team will surely beat her.
Down on the Stanford Farm
There'll be no sound,
When our Oski rips through the air.
Like our friend Mister Jonah,
Stanford's team will be found
In the tummy of the Golden Bear!
-Verse from "The Stanford Jonah"
It's a bird, it's a plan, it's Marshawn!!
We are Sons of California,
Fighting for the Gold and Blue.
Palms of glory we will win
for Alma Mater true.
Stanfurd's men will soon be routed
By our dazzling "C",
And when we serpentine,
Their red will turn to green,
In our hour of victory!
- Verse from "Big 'C' "
Although he may have a crush on Jessica Simpson,
he can sure throw a football!
Thy colors unfold
O'er loyal Californians,
Whose hearts are strong and bold.
All Hail Blue and Gold,
Thy strength ne'er shall fail;
For thee we'll die,
All Hail! All Hail!
- Verse from "All Hail Blue & Gold"
What's better than a 55 yard field goal?
A 55 yard field goal in a swirling, chilly wind!!
Palms of victory, Palms of glory
Palms of victory we shall win
For Cali-California!
Palms of victory, Palms of glory,
Palms of victory we shall win!
What will we do to the Stanfurdites on that great day?
We'll celebrate them on that night after we play!
We now declare our hoodoo's gone, victory is here!
Hit 'em again boys! Hit 'em again boys, harder!
- A verse and chorus from "Palms of Victory"
Eventually the Axe was carried off the field in the
protective arms of Andrew Cameron #51!
Down with the Red;
California's out for a victory.
We'll drop our battle-axe on Stanford's head,
When we meet her,
Our team will surely beat her.
Down on the Stanford Farm
There'll be no sound,
When our Oski rips through the air.
Like our friend Mister Jonah,
Stanford's team will be found
In the tummy of the Golden Bear!
-Verse from "The Stanford Jonah"
It's a bird, it's a plan, it's Marshawn!!
We are Sons of California,
Fighting for the Gold and Blue.
Palms of glory we will win
for Alma Mater true.
Stanfurd's men will soon be routed
By our dazzling "C",
And when we serpentine,
Their red will turn to green,
In our hour of victory!
- Verse from "Big 'C' "
Although he may have a crush on Jessica Simpson,
he can sure throw a football!
Thy colors unfold
O'er loyal Californians,
Whose hearts are strong and bold.
All Hail Blue and Gold,
Thy strength ne'er shall fail;
For thee we'll die,
All Hail! All Hail!
- Verse from "All Hail Blue & Gold"
What's better than a 55 yard field goal?
A 55 yard field goal in a swirling, chilly wind!!
Palms of victory, Palms of glory
Palms of victory we shall win
For Cali-California!
Palms of victory, Palms of glory,
Palms of victory we shall win!
What will we do to the Stanfurdites on that great day?
We'll celebrate them on that night after we play!
We now declare our hoodoo's gone, victory is here!
Hit 'em again boys! Hit 'em again boys, harder!
- A verse and chorus from "Palms of Victory"
Eventually the Axe was carried off the field in the
protective arms of Andrew Cameron #51!
Friday, December 01, 2006
While you were sleeping, the time changed...
The O.C.
"The Sleeping Beauty"
Original Air Date:
November 30, 2006
What I Loved:
And just like that...The O.C. is back with a vengance. After consistently getting better this season, the show has returned to form with a funny and yet touching ep. And the awesome thing is...next week looks just as good!
Ryan is apparently funny. Who knew!?!?!? He even made a "real" joke and smiled. Yes, Ryan actually smiled (see pic above if you don't believe me!) and for that alone, I fully support Taylor in her mad seduction plan. Anyone that can get that boy to smile and laugh can do no wrong as far as I am concerned. Who didn't love that kiss at the end and Ryan's reaction of "Whoa..." to the dawing realization that he might have feelings for Taylor? Love is in the air. Long live Rylor!!!
Speaking of couples that involve Ryan, I loved his banter with Seth througout the ep beginning with the Bollywood conversation at the start of the ep (see the bottom of this review!). Finally, these two look like they are brothers again. Besides, who didn't crack a smile over Seth's cell phone call to ask if Ryan was ready to date or the awkward 'morning after' poolhouse scene with Taylor. Oh and the discussion concerning why Ryan should date Taylor:
Ryan: Is that look supposed to mean something?The boys are back and better than ever. Suddenly everything is right in Mad Madam M's Tellie-Land!!
Seth: Crazier things have happened...uh...nothing I can recall this instant...
I could go on and on, but really...you should just watch the ep for yourself. Some other tidbits I loved include: the intro of a wannabe J.R. Ewing; Taylor's giddy clapping; Summer and her bunny, Pancakes; the Seth/Sandy conversation about Rylor; Julie getting hit in the head with tennis balls; the contiunity of the mall; oh and did I mention Ryan smiling?
What Didn't Make Me a Happy Camper:
Oh Che...how could you? I figured that the whole East Coast storyline would quickly disappear and it looks like Summer may be Pacific Coast bound by next week. Although I think Che's actions were truly lousy, it would be nice to have the whole gang together again!
Other than that, my 'Happy Camper' mood wasn't killed by any new persons or events. Kaitlin was better this week, but there is still loads of room for inprovement! Oh and could something happen to the annoying twins? Please? Pretty please? I'm willing to give up a Christmas present...even two if the method is really creative!
If Wishes Were Horses:
My need for wishes is decreasing at an amazing rate. I only have two wishes really, well three if you count wanting to get rid of the annoying twins:
1) An extened Taylor chasing Ryan would have lasted a couple of eps. After creatively pretending to be a sleep therapist in order to seduce Ryan, I really would have liked to see what else she could have come up with. (However, after veiwing next week's Ryan's fantasy fueled promo, I think I will survive!) Now I understand the need not to let this drag, since I fully predict that they will break up sometime in late winer only to get back together by May sweeps! (That is just my predictions and based primarily on my own random thoughts, not really anything of merit.)
2) More Cohen time, meaning more Sandy/Kirsten/Seth/Ryan together and interacting as a family. I really do hope that Sandy and Kirsten start to get a little more screen time. Oh and now that New Match has a backer, perhaps Kirsten will have something to do! There's a thought!!
Meanwhile, I would like to note that 2 of my wishes from the last review I wrote actually came true (unfortunately neither were, #3. Something horrific happens to the annoying twins and if possible Kaitlin as well.):
4. Give Julie a new 'man' to manipulate not just little boys.If only my Grandma watched this show. I could so prove her wrong and show her Beggars Riding !! (Note: One of my Nana's favorite responses is "If wishes were horses the beggars would ride".) If only I had made bigger and better wishes...
5. Could we please go back to either the diner or Bait Shop for continuity sake!
The One-Line Zinger:
"This is too wierd for this early in the morning."
Witty Banter That Perpetuates the Genius Legacy of Buffy Dialogue:
Seth: Bollywood, huh? I didn't know you were such a world cinema buff, especially at 2:30 in the morning.
Ryan: What are you doing up?
Seth: I had a dream. Summer was marrying Ralph Nader and I was playing the marimba at the wedding.
Ryan: Good gig! Why don't you call her?
Seth: I'm giving her space, remember?!?! I promised myself I'd wait at least a week before calling. What are they dancing about?
Ryan: This guy just saw his girlfriend's ankle.
Seth: Hmmm...do you think it's about time to talk to someone?
Ryan: Nobody ever died from insomnia.
Seth: Fine. You know what? I'm kind of in the mood for a chaste Hindu love story with lots of needless dancing.
Ryan: Seth, go to bed.
Seth: No can do. If you're awake, I'm awake!! [He then promptly falls asleep!]
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