I think some of it had to do with the people I associate with the shows. The O.C. was chosen specifically with the goal of allowing ChickLit and I to have at least 1 show in common after moving thousands of miles away from eachother. OTH, however, found people later on. After spilling my guilty addiction to the show with DolphinSue, we began watching the shows together, eventually adding her roommate Wonderwall to the mix. Although I have now moved back to Cali and watch the shows alone, there is something about watching them that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
I only bring this up because both shows are in the middle of a creative re-awakening. After years of sucking The O.C. is actually decent again since the 'tragic' death of Marissa (oh how I love Rylor). Unfortunately, no one is watching. OTH has also made a comeback in a way (thank goodness we finally have a somewhat stable couple), which I also link to the unexpected death of a main character. Although I miss the character on OTH, the storyline possibilities that arose from that event have made for some compelling tellie - well compelling if you like CW teen-angst dramas like I do!
Anyway, last night's OTH was a thing of beauty: drama, laughter, suspense, and the heart attack I have been waiting a year for. If you don't believe me, just ask Wonderwall!!! All in all, I have to admit I am looking forward to next week's ep. That hasn't happened in quite a while. Thank goodness I have a new O.C. ep tonight and a new BSG ep tomorrow to help me make it through!!