Thursday, October 19, 2006

Now when I look out through your eyes...

I don't really have much to say at the moment - shocking I know! Started off the day with a good laugh. Apparently, Matt McConaughey and Lance Armstrong hav been force to come out and annouce they AREN'T a couple. I'm find this giggle worthy and well as quite sad. What is the world coming to when this is a top story on my personalized Google homepage?!?!? More importantly, what does this say about me?!?!
I'm concerned about the future of a couple of my tellie programs if the Writer's Guild of America decides to go on strike. Oh...and another stringray has attacked (this time leaping into a boat), which leads me to wonder if perhaps we should be preparing for a full on singray assault. Perhaps Stephen Colbert should stop worrying about bears for a short while and focus on the threat of stingrays.
I recently realized that most of my friends don't watch either show I review on a weekly basis. I don't intend to do anything about this, I just find it amusing. Instead of writing the songs that make the whole world sing, it appears that I write the blog that no one gets a couple of times during the week...
By this point, you are probably wondering...what does the pic of Jensen Ackles have to do with this blog. In a word: nothing. Supernatural is on tonight, but the truth is I just like the pic...

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