Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Your friends all complain that you're going insane...

Ok…are you sitting down? (Yes, I do actually often surf the web while standing!) Prepare yourself for something truly shocking. I’m giving up soda pop. Nope, I’m not putting you on or trying to prepare you for a more dreadful reality (i.e. getting married, having a kid, or completed my thesis). Now before you start laughing…I know it sounds preposterous, but I am serious. I originally thought to post this revelation yesterday when my sobriety began, but decided I should make it through at least one day first. And I have…notice the new counter under my profile!!
I’ll be honest, this ain’t gonna be easy and chances are if you talk to me over the next few days, I won’t be in the best of moods. But before you begin planning an intervention, know that I am not giving up caffeine. Make no mistake, I will still be drinking my 2 cups of coffee a day. I just can’t ignore how poisonous soft drinks are anymore. Besides…in the end, this will save me a while lot of money. Although water may not be free anymore, it is still a whole lot cheaper so perhaps this way I can afford that BlackBerryin November!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Once again science baffles me. For some reason, no one can figure out how to cure AIDS or solve a good number of the other burning questions of our time, but a couple of years you may be able to buy your very own invisiblity cloak. According to 2 different studies, invisibility cloaks are theoretically possible and could be produced for the public in the forseeable future.
Apparently, Harry Potter has more influence than originally estimated. I mean, it already dominates the economy and artistic visionbook and film worlds...why not science as well. While I am all for making parts of myself imperceptible and intangible to others, it just seems ridiculous that I could purchase such a cloak before so many other pressing matters get resolved. Ah...what a consumer driven society we live in...unfortunately!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should...

I have lost nearly all of my respect for Reba McEntire. The insipid TV sitcom and obvious plastic surgery turned me off quite a bit, but her inappropriate and unfunny comment during the Academy of Country Music awards show a couple of nights ago, crossed a line I refuse to ignore. During the telecast, McEntire made the ‘joke’ that "If the Dixie Chicks can sing with their foot in their mouths, surely I can host this sucker."
At this point, I feel I should explain that I’m not a big Dixie Chicks fan. In fact, I only own 1 of their CDs. I can assure you that will change. I have just become a super-fan – and most of you know what that means! Often times I wonder if I personally put the ‘fan’ in fanatic!
It is sad to see Reba join the likes of Toby Keith (a man I have lost all admiration years ago) in publicly hating a group for stating an opinion – a right that our oh-so-patriotic Constitution allows. I don’t understand the animosity. But perhaps this spite-filled shunning of a band that doesn’t just look pretty (who knew a girl band could play instruments…and well), will turn out to be the best outcome. The country music industry has a long history of spurning their most talented artists: Johnny Cash, Loretta Lynn (I loved Van Lear Rose), Merle Haggard, and Emmylou Harris. Personally, I think they are in far better company now than with Reba and her cohorts – a good portion of which gave that tasteless and badly chosen joke a standing ovation, I might add – ever had to offer.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

But I still love you more than anyone else could...

I originally had a massive blog planned, discussing my excitement at the upcoming Gerard Butler film, 300. Unfortunately, I actually had work to do and so, in the end, all you will get, my dear readers, is a glimpse at a photo from the flick. I'm not all that into Greek history, but I have to say, that this is one Spartan/Persian war movie that I won't miss. Although now that I think about it, I don't think I have ever watched a Spartan film...Spartacus yes, but no Greeks. Oh well, more info to come...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Morning comes in Paradise, morning comes in light.

Ok I am in love again…and this time it might last a bit time. Some of you will already know about my theory of music; for those who don’t, here is a quick explanation. I see my music obsessions – I really can’t call it anything else – as relationships and categorize them as such. For example, Dave Matthews Band is my first love. U2 is my musical ‘spouse’. I may have all sorts of ‘affairs’ or ‘flings’ with other ‘boyfriends’ or ‘lovers’, but in the end, I am in a pretty committed relationship with the 4 boys from Dublin. Some affairs last longer than others, but you get what I mean. Thankfully, U2 is forgiving!
I bring this up only because I seem to be currently juggling 2 new lovers:
Snow Patrol – who I discovered a couple of months ago, but have only recently hit the obsessive phase despite the use of one of their songs on Grey’s Anatomy
Sufjan Stevens – who I first heard back in February, but it has taken me a bit of time to track down
As with all of my obsessions, I am thorough (tune in tomorrow for a look at the new Gerard Butler film) and research far more than anyone should since most bands typically have similar stories. These bands, however, have a few new things.
Snow Patrol is made up of guys from Belfast who met and formed a group called Polarbear while attending uni in Scotland. You see…being an anglophile (that includes all of the UK, of course) pays off!!
On the other hand, I doubt I could explain the enigma that is Sufjan Stevens. Although at concerts he often claims to have been found in a milk crate on Canada Day, this is just a good story. However, the ‘truth’ is often as bizarre…he actually does teach the blind to knit. I'm not even starting on the name. Honestly, I don’t think anyone will ever beat that one…

Friday, May 19, 2006

Oh, where oh where can my baby be? was I the only one that started humming "Last Kiss" in my head during the final scenes of The O.C. last night?!?!? was I the only one that started humming "Last Kiss" in my head during the final scenes of The O.C. last night?!?!? Come on…it is one of those songs that everyone knows the words to or can at least half-ass hum it. For some reason, we are programmed at birth with a couple of sample songs like new computers. If you still don’t agree I present the Righteous Brothers’ “Unchained Melody” or “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling”. I rest my case. But just think…if they ever try to make The O.C.: The Musical, “Last Kiss can fit in perfectly, although finding something to rhyme with Volchok might prove difficut:

I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right

I'll never forget the sound that night
The screamin' tires, the bustin' glass
The painful scream that I heard last.

Now that I think about it…a musical might be just the ticket. That was the only good thing about the last 2 years of Buffy…well that and Spike, but again…I digress.
I know I am supposed to be upset that Marissa is gone, but in the end, I am just a bit elated. I’m pretty much done with the show (I know that might shock some people, but hey the show isn’t what is used to be), but that death scene – was it just me or did it go on forever? – just confirmed how lousy Ms. Barton can be. First, she gives public interviews talking about her death BEFORE the show airs. I didn’t really care, but I figure that pissed off quite a few fans. Second, she can’t even die on screen with dignity or even convincingly. As ChickLit pointed out…she isn’t even convincing on Neutrogena ads…
Of course, all of these events will completely screw up Ryan, as if the boy didn’t have enough guilt issues already. Perhaps now he will go and live with Luke and his gay dad in Portland. I see a pretty entertaining Three’s Company’-esque spin-off, don’t you?!?! Perhaps he could instead team up with the people from That 70s Show (sans Topher Grace and Aston Kutcher), which actually had a pretty good season finale last night. Ah…if Fox shows were just one big show, what fun we would have!?!?! At least we had a couple of good SoCal soap years and hey..."Welcome to syndication, bitch!"

Thursday, May 18, 2006

And you'll feel dizzy, light, and free...

There is bliss in my village…well perhaps not bliss but at least a mild state of unabashed delight. After months of speculation, it looks like CW did inherit the ‘stud’ farm and most of my shows will make the transition to the new network; even Supernatural, which I can now watch since I am done with The O.C. I hope the presence of Grey’s Anatomy at 9pm Thursday nights will prompt NBC to move the new Aaron Sorkin show to another night leaving me with the hunky brothers and hopefully their dad since he won’t be on GA anymore *sob on Thursdays. But with my luck, Studio 60 will get moved to the Tuesdays at 9pm slot and that simply won’t do. I have to get my Veronica/Logan fix…oh and Weevil and Mac and Keith and even Lamb…well maybe not Lamb, but you get the idea!!!
On a completely unrelated note, although I think that statement works for pretty much anything that comes out of my mouth or gets typed, 6 friends have now sent me links to an Onion article. Apparently Heroic Computer Dies to Save World From Master’s Thesis, caught quite a few people’s attention. I highly recommend reading the article and as just a teaser, here is the opening paragraph…

“WALTHAM, MA—A courageous young notebook computer committed a fatal, self-inflicted execution error late Sunday night, selflessly giving its own life so that professors, academic advisors, classmates, and even future generations of college students would never have to read Jill Samoskevich's 227-page master's thesis, sources close to the Brandeis University English graduate student reported Monday.”

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

No, I haven't fallen off the edge of the least not yet. Although this post will be brief, I just wanted to share a couple of thoughts:
1. If I ever decide to throw another party...figure out a way to stop me.
2. If I ever try to carry an old - meaning unbelievably heavy - dining room chair...figure out a way to stop me.
3. Not only does President Bush frustrate me politically...he has now contrived a way to ruin my tellie schedule. Becuase of his 'lets send the National Guard to militarize the border like never before...yeah that seems like a great idea...other nations love us at the moment and it's not like we could use the military personnel in other parts of the world' speech, I missed the first 20 minutes of the season finale of Prison Break. Now I have to wait for reruns to watch how they actually got out of prison. Honestly...I have no words that reflect my anger! I watched an entire year in order to see that event and I missed it...
4. In happier news, it looks like VM will be back for at least 13 eps next season and 22 if ratings improve. This info came from Rob Thomas - not the guy from Matchbox 20 - which is pretty much means that the news is straight from the horse's mouth. I know I have railed against this last season, but lets face it...I'm a glutton for punishment. Oh I love you!!
5. Speaking of pain...I am still annoyed by the season finale of Gray's Anatomy and I am done with the show. It's official...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I watch them channel hop...

Well, with the season finale of Veronica Mars last night, my tellie schedule comes to a close once again. Each year, I think back about the overall quality of my programs and my predictions for next year. With an 8 day wait until the announcement of the CW network it is difficult for me to focus on the future. Who knows what that will bring? I could wish and dream, but we all know how that always turns out!
Although, there was an odd clue in the VM ep last night. At one point one character asks “CW?” The reply of "It's a done deal" answered the inquiry. So what does this mean…that is if it means anything at all? I am just being hopeful. I have had my issues with the second season of the show, but it is still one of the best on tv at the moment. If I am honest, on my watch list, only BSG beats it out at the moment with Prison Break following close behind.
Next year, however, looks grim even if VM gets renewed. The O.C. has run its course and I don’t see me watching another season. The same goes for Grey’s Anatomy…I just can’t stand Meredith anymore and I’m sick of George not standing up to everyone. I don’t even want to discuss the rest. It is all just bad…BAD!!!
One side note, in case you were wondering why the Bono pic of the post concerning current television program…it’s his b-day and you know I couldn’t let that pass without some commemoration.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Like every woman, she gets her own way!

I loathe the residual effects of bleach. Don’t get me wrong, I love its disinfecting power and all that, but the smell…oh the smell. I used bleach to clean one of the 42 cup coffee makers that will be used on Saturday. Keep in mind that was around 7pm last night and my hands still smell like bleach even though it has been more than 12 hours, I have taken both a bubble bath and a shower, and applied hand lotion. On top of the smell, the bleach dries out the hands to the point that my hands feel like they could crack open at any moment. If only scientists would discover the cures for all of the most deadly diseases so they could get onto solving these troubling bleach issues. One can only hope.
Before I sign off, I thought I would wish a “Happy Birthday” to FemeNazi. I thought I would pass on a bit of good advice I got in a fortune cookie recently since FemeNazi is always thinking about taking on the world: Never wear your best pants when you go to fight for freedom! (I can’t offer anything better than that!!)

Monday, May 08, 2006

I think I love you...

So…I often lurk on message boards, but seldom actually leave a comment let alone create a post. Anyway, recently I have decided to listen to Wheel of Time. Now this might seem simple enough, but as with most things in my life, turned out to be far more complicated and expensive.
I’ll explain more, but first a short parenthetical digression. You see…audiobooks are brilliant...simply bloody brilliant. They combine the best of childhood bedtimes – my mom or dad always read to me – with one of my current long-lasting obsessions. Anyway, I have started listening to Wheel of Time on CD. It should take me at least 297 hours (approx. 12.5 days). I figure I have at least a month’s worth of listening material.
So…after looking at the cost of the WOT audiobooks – even used they start at $40 – I decided to see if I could rent or borrow them from somewhere. Logically, I started with the library, but unfortunately, for the most part, Sac County libraries only own the abridged versions that cut down the 29 hours of the unabridged to 6.5 hours. That is if they carry the audiobook at all. Anyway, I decided to post a message on one of my fav WOT sites – wotmania (yeah I know a good portion of you lost a bit of respect for me and are not trying to stifle your laughter…) For the most part, the replies were of little use, but one did catch my fancy. Under the title of “well, I don’t have the audiobooks, BUT” Like the title, the message, was priceless:

"You can rent me for a small sum, and I'll ride shotgun during your commutes and read the books aloud to you.
I charge 300 a week. Very reasonable I say.
I'll even make noise effects during the story to make it more life like."

Although it seems like a tempting offer, it seems a bit too expensive. Thankfully a bunch of different companies have begun to copy Netflix – oh how I love Netflix – and so for a very reasonable monthly cost, I can get all of the audiobooks published. Ah, perhaps my grandmother was right about that whole “where there’s a will, there’s a way” stuff. All I know is that at the moment I am living it up in geekdom and I don’t care!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Looking out for #1!

For the most part, I am very much a creature of habit. Take my 2006 O.C.calendar. Bought during one of those 50% off sales after Christmas, I have yet to actually change the January pic. For 4 months now, at the beginning of the month, I simply trim the new image leaving behind a fab pic of Ryan Atwood (a.k.a. Ben McKenzie) alone – meaning without both Marissa and Seth (clearly the better significant other choice). I just don’t see why I would want to spend a month looking at Julie Cooper…or even worse Marissa. Ironically, although I wake up to Ryan’s brooding face every morning, I have not watched the last 3 eps at their regularly scheduled time. Although not as high on my shit list as Veronica Mars, I am seriously considering making this my last season…that is if ChickLit agrees.
So, what was I doing while The O.C. aired last night? The answer…rediscovering the magic of the Tim Burton classic: Ed Wood!!! I forgot what a brilliant film it is. If only more films were shot in B & W…
But before I forget and sign off…I hope everyone has a terrific Cinco de Mayo. Remember…drink a margarita on me and pay tribute to the battle the Mexicans won in a war they lost.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

i can't take my eyes off of you...

For those of you wondering – if there actually is anyone wondering – why my blog has not been updated lately, the answer is two fold (hey at least it isn’t a 3 prong attack…those never work!!). First, I have found the utter joy of Netflix. Yes, I realize that this will not come as a shock to most of you, but I kinda get lost in films. And man…I can’t describe the orgasmic bliss found in updating my queue. Who ever thought up this whole thing should be given the Nobel Peace Prize. I’m sure Bono can get nominated again next year since unfortunately the problems of poverty and AIDS in Africa aren’t going to disappear in the foreseeable future.
Anyway…second, I have been compelled – I don’t know any other way to describe it – to read Robert Jordan’s
Wheel of Time series once again. For those of you unfamiliar with the series, let me explain that this takes quite a bit of time. The first book is 800 pages long and is one of the shortest of the 11 book series. I lost count of how many times I have made it through the whole series a long time ago, but to be honest…I think that is for the best. The fact that I own 3 sets of the complete series disturbs me – and I am sure my closest friends - enough. Even though I know the series extremely well, I just feel the need to read it every once and a while. I am already trying to brace myself with the reality that I might never get a final volume, but hey…at least I have an imagination. And despite the success of the LOTR films, I don’t think WOT would translate well to the screen, which gives some consolation and also lets me hold onto a bit of childhood memories without commercialism. WOT is not just a fantasy series…it represents over a decade of devotion. How scary is that ?!?!?!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The marker snapped and I yelled "Quiet on the Set!"

While shopping for fajita filing in Trader Joes last night, I ended up having a fascinating conversation concerning the casting of my autobiographical film. You see, I was on the phone with ChickLit discussing my casting choices for the hypothetical tv movie I mentioned a couple of days ago. Anyway, some guy overheard my part of the dialogue and interjected that if the film featured this trip to Trader Joes – and how surreal would that be - he wanted to be played by either Hugh Grant or Colin Firth. I should interject at this point, that the boy (well man actually) was English and it took everything I had not to start drooling on spot…he had the accent and looked damn fine in jeans! And if that wasn’t enough, he had a Hugh Jackman-esque primal-yet-sophisticated quality - meaning he could kill if need be to protect the innocent or his ‘woman’, but also knows which fork to use at a formal dinner and is familiar with all aspects of theatre. Honestly, I’m not sure how I didn’t just throw myself at him…ah if it was only that simple.
But back to the main story…this incident got me thinking about the other casting decisions. And surprisingly, in the end, I couldn’t make any real decisions. Sure, I have idea, but in the end, I am not sure if my choice would over flatter someone or provoke them to never speak with me again. You see, I chose Melanie Lynskey to portray me because I think there is some resemblance and her quirkiness seems to fit well with mine. However, when it comes to others, I am not so secure in my choice. For example, if I would cast Katee Stackoff as Marathon, Kristin Johnston as FemeNazi, and Leelee Sobieski as Ms. Jane Bennett. Come to think of it…I think Kathy Bates would be great as my mom with Judi Dench as my formidable grandmother, but I am not sure how that would go over and that still leaves a good number of vital roles vacant. Perhaps I should just make it all a one woman show…that would simplify everything…or would it?!?!?!

Monday, May 01, 2006

you've got a friend...

I have seen my future and let me tell you…it ain’t pretty. Yes, while visiting the state capitol for the umpteenth time with Ms. Jane Bennet, who flew down from Bham to spend the weekend with me, I saw my future self: a somewhat distressing woman trying a little too hard to be friendly to all the tourist, but also attempting to police the use of flash photography in an exhibit room for the centennial of the great San Francisco earthquake and fire. That might not sound all that bad, but that all changes when you realize that every item in the room was a replica…absolutely no originals. Anyway, I could just see me as that woman trying to enforce a dumb rule and hating every minute of it. Let us hope, I don’t turn into scary queue mad madam m full time. That could be frightening.
All in all, however, the weekend was abfab. In case you are wondering, the pic was taken at a 3-d film about the SF earthquake and fire. We had some time to kill and so we decided to start taking timer photos. (Hey it is better than a collage of the 9 pics I took of Ms. Jane Bennett picking her first orange from a tree, cleaning, peeling, and eating it.) I can't explain how fun it all was. In our technologically savvy world, it is pretty easy to keep in touch with people, but being able to hug a friend is so much better than talking on the phone! I do which, though, that I could have a day to recover.