Thursday, February 22, 2007

California, we coooooooome!

So some of you might be wondering where I have been. I have 2 words for you...Annual Meeting. Yes, I am planning an annual meeting and the 'blessed' event is now less than 2 weeks away. Anyway, I'm making up for it today! Every Wednesday, ChickLit and I do a "Hump Day Hotties" column over on her blog. Since today marks the end of an era, My beloved O.C. shuffles off it's mortal coil, I have decided to post the same entry on my blog. (Plus I spent hours finidng th pics and writing comments so I figured I should get some mileage out of it as well!) So without further ado I bring you...
*drum roll please*
Wait, wait...I should warn you that the following is not fo the faint of heart. The images are often sexy and the comments are always a bit racy!
*ok...drum roll please*

Hump Day Hotties Extravaganza!

Some of you might be wondering why there was no Hump Day Hotties on Wednesday. Here's why: today is the end of The OC, a show the Mad Madam M and I watch religiously, much to the chagrin of all who know and love us.

Now, M refers to all characters interchangably between their real names and their character names. I think relaity has warped for her a bit and it's all one in the same now. Anyway, to avoid confusion, here's a run down of the cast with real AND character names (the dude characters anyway).

Peter Gallagher played Sandy Cohen
Adam Brody played Seth Cohen
Ben McKenzie played Ryan Atwood
Chris Carmack played Luke Ward

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Mad Madam M: Welcome to the O.C. indeed. I'm telling you, if I ever came across a hitchhiker that looked like that, I might have to change my policy about stopping. I mean we have all seen Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back. There is a "hitcher's code" you know!

Crystal: Or what about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? There are exceptions to the hitcher hiker rule. And really, if something that cute wanted to jump me, I might be willing to lie down and take it like a girl.

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Mad Madam M: Nothing like a black and white photo to make a sexy boy even hotter. I don't know what is better... his piercing look that makes me think that he has eyes for no one but me or the awesome gentle-tossled-hair/stubble /tight-black-t-shirt combo. Thank goodness I don't have to decide!

Crystal: I love that his macho-I-slept-with-your-mom character ended up with a gay dad. Priceless!

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Mad Madam M: Sure the hair screams "I'm a soap star" but to be quite honest I spend most of my time staring at the naked abs. I mean really...naked abs ON DISPLAY!!

Crystal: All I can say is Thank God I have really good glasses and can enjoy this view. Being blind would be really inconvenient here.

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Mad Madam M: Sure he has an interesting facial attribute that has lead to the nickname "Crazy Eyebrow Man", but he wears those eyebrows proudly and you have to give hims some credit for that. Besides it's Peter Gallagher people...Peter Gallagher!!

Crystal: I'd do him. And his crazy eye brows.

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Mad Madam M: I know what your are can he make this list when he was such a jerk in several 90's flicks? My only answer for you, he has also starred in several Broadway musicals including the revival of Guys & Dolls. I personally find that quite sexy!

Crystal: Oh my God. If you made me listen to that CD of Gays & Drag Queens ONE MORE TIME. *)*%&%^#^T*&Y&()*)* So there!

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Mad Madam M: Ah...aren't they a cute family? Clearly Ryan takes after Kirsten, but could happen. Besides Ryan is smiling. I repeat...Ryan is smiling!! Check out a pic of the whole family.

Crystal: Clearly Ryan is the hotter of the twin boys here. Seth is the lovable genetic reject, like Danny DeVito in TWINS.

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Mad Madam M: Sure Ryan has always been my favorite of the two (Crystal claimed Seth from the beginning), but this photo has to be the hottest pic I have ever seen. Cute boy holding videos IN A video store. I can't tell you how many of my fantasies start out this way...

Crystal: You know how some video stores just have the empty cases on the shelves and you have to take them to the counter where they stick the videos in so you don't steal them? He's hiding porn in those cases. It's all just a front. Which is why he MAY be the Danny Devito, but he's clearly the man for me.

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Mad Madam M: From the backdrop, I would guess that he is in a prison cell of some sort. But hey...haven't we learned anything from Michael and Linc over on Prison Break. Prisons can be sexy too!

Crystal: Again, the man for me. Prison bitches and porn. Oh, yeeeeeeah. Cue bad '80s porno flick music *Bow chica bow bow*

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Mad Madam M: I love this pic, although upon further study - 'cuz let's just say I have studied it well - I am a bit disconcerted by it's resemlance to a Buffy the Vampire Slayer poster I once owned. (Who am I kidding with the whole 'once owned' crap? It's somewhere in my storage unit at the moment!) Here's the original poster.

Crystal: He looks like he wants me to frisk him. *Bow chica bow bow*

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Mad Madam M: As you may have already realized...I am a sucker for black and white photos. I especially adore the soulful look in this pic. I think he is staring into my soul...

Crystal: Nah. This is his gay shot. You can have this one, M. I prefer them on the straighter side of life. Unless he wants to go shopping with me. Then we can work this out.

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Mad Madam M: Doesn't he just remind you of George Clooney is Ocean's 11? Doesn't he? Okay I guess that might just be me, but he does look good. The unbuttoned shirt...the stubble...the look that makes me want to confess to every naughty thought or fantasy I have ever had...

Crystal: Mmmmm. George Clooney. Ocean's 11. Sorry...what were we talking about?

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Mad Madam M: The boy knows how to lean. And wear a tight Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt. And model well-fitted jeans. And tossle his hair just so...
*Takes a moment to wipe the drool away from my chin*

Crystal: He kinda has the 1980s rocker look going here. It's hawt. He's yours, I understand, but he's still hot!

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Mad Madam M: I admit this isn't the greatest pic, but Ben McKenzie is wet. And you can see his muscles. Did I mention he is wet? What more could a girl ask for? Except one night to use his body as a jungle gym? A weekend? An eternity? (I can't believe I just wrote that. Perhaps I need to spend some time at the Supernatural Obsessive Support Group Sanitarium to try get my mind off of Ben McKenzie and perhaps recover from my Jensen Ackles obsession at the same time!)

Crystal: Dude, don't lie. You totally threw that bucket of water on him. I saw you.

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Mad Madam M: There is a distressingly large amount of images featuring Ben standing around. Sometimes things just work out wonderful for everyone involved...especially the viewer!

Crystal: Well, it's awesome when you can make money just standing around. I'd do it if I could. Totally.

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Mad Madam M: So I admit the jacket is a bit camp, but once again we get Ben leaning...and with good hair! For those of us who have endured 4 years of Ryan's follicle ups-and-downs (far more downs than ups) that is a wonderful sight!!

Crystal: Nope. I'm not digging on the hair. It's a bit too feathered Farrah Faucet for me. And the jacket? Dude, he and Seth are in a gay love square, aren't they?

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Mad Madam M: While this might not be the "hottest" of images, there is something sexy about the two foster brothers together that makes me happy inside. What I am going to do with their poolhouse conversations? Or the ever-patient look on Ryan's face while Seth dithers on about some inconsequential matter? What am I going to do? Please tell me. TELL ME!!!! The Winchester brothers better not leave me this year as well. I'm not sure what I will do!!

Crystal: Calm down before I throw a bucket of water on YOU. Sheesh. There's always the DVDs. And I do like this pic, it's funny looking. And I like funny looking shit.

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Mad Madam M: This almost makes me want to live in Southern California and deal with all the pretty people on the beach. Well almost...

Crystal: No. Because I am not one of the pretty people. The pretty people would point and laugh at me. And that would be bad.

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Mad Madam M: Again this might not be the prettiest pic, but it has charm and charisma! Seth sporting a strung out look with funky hair and Ryan with a crazy look in his eyes. (Not that crazy eye Ryan isn't sexy...) Take a good look (as if you need an excuse!) it looks like at any moment he is going to go crazy on someone and throw a punch!

Crystal: They look stoned. Seriously stoned. I like it. Bad, bad, bad, bad make me feel so gooooooood!

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Mad Madam M: Two hot boys in a pool. Do I really need to add anything more? I mean, I can stare all day at Ryan's abs...can't you?

Crystal: I have no words. Except...take off the swim trunks and go naked. Yeah!

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Mad Madam M: I would really like to know what the photographer said to achieve those looks. Ben looks confused while Adam seems to know a secret, a really good one, that he is just dying to share. Or maybe he is just grabbing Ryan's butt. I mean we see the arm, but the hand disappears somewhere behind Ben...

Crystal: Seth farted. Ryan is trying to escape the smell and still look pretty. Oh, the ANGST of Hollywood.

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Mad Madam M: Can you ever get enough of these two? I know I can't, even if Ryan is suffering from some blood loss and looks like he could faint at any moment. Seth couldn't leave him behind...I mean, what about the zombies?

Crystal: I love that the one I liked is afraid of zombies. I guess this is The OC edition of Shaun of the Dead. Or something.

Welcome to The OC, bitches!

Friday, February 16, 2007

2 + 2 is on my mind!

I hate math. Hello! I mean why do you think I switched from an engineering major to history!?!?! Or attempting to complete a masters in HISTORY. I mean you can't get more anti-alegebra than that. Anyway, one of the chicks that works in my office sent me an email containing pics taken from real math exams. I kind of wish I had been smart/brave enough to come up with some of these answers. Get ready to laugh and/or be offended!!

PicSpam Special Edition:
"No really, I can't add those numbers together in my head!"

Oh so obvious and yet oh so wrong!

I thought this was quite the accurate answer. Although I might not agree with all the adjectives, overall I think they got it right!

I'm telling you...there is always an elephant in the way!!

Peter, if it makes you feel better, I really do think it was funny in a completely unsarcastic way!

This one is my absolute favorite. This is so me in my calculus class!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I Wanna Love You Tender!

When I got to work this morning, I was so going to write a blog entry concerning last night's One Tree Hill episode. You see, it was, quite simply, awesome. Not only are high schoolers in Tree Hill allowed to strip, but now they have a sex tape scandal to deal with. While that was completely awesome, I was acutally planning to discuss the exact familial relationship of the two babies about to be born. You see, Karen (Lucas's mom)is pregnant with a kid. The baby's father is Lucas's uncle. So the kid would be both Lucas's half-sibling as well as cousin. As if that wasn't complicated enough, Nathan's, Lucas's half brother, wife Haley is pregnant. Clearly the two babies are related, but how? As you can see, the whole family heirarchy is completely screwy and I kept getting so confused I had to start to create a chart on a piece of scratch paper.
That made me sad, so instead I have decided to bring you one of the most awesome vidspam ever. I was originally going to call this edition of VidSpam Spectacular!™, "Videos That Restore My Faith In Humanity But Also Make Me Wonder About How Much Free Time Some People Have", but in the end, I felt that was a bit too long and convoluted. So, instead I bring you:

VidSpam Spectacular!™: How Do People Have This Much Free Time? (Vol. 1)

First of all, how does anyone come up with that idea? And second, how do you actually make it happen and choregraph an entire video consisting of treadmills. To be honest, I don't really care. I just think it is one of the most brillant things I have ever seen!

Again...who thinks up these things. I mean really...

Thank goodness for the Finnish disco duo: Armi & Danny. The world is a better place because of them!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love Stinks!

That's all I am going to say about the significance of today my loyal readers!
Tune in tomorrow for a slightly less bitter entry...or at least I hope!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Wish I could be part of that world...

I love reading blogs. Somehow it is reassuring to know that others spend great amounts of time wondering about completely off-the-wall things. It isn't just me...and I have proof.
Anyway, I read a variety of blogs daily that, with the exception of ChickLit, focus mainly on pop culture or television. I'm a pretty big fan of Tim Goodman over at The Bastard Machine, Maureen Ryan over at the Chicago Tribune, Joe R.'s gem Low Resolution and most recently, Entertainment Weekly's Popwatch. I bring this up only because I read the most delightful column, 'O.C.' Deathwatch: Everybody Loves Ryan . Not only does it have a title I wish I had thought of, but it clearly articulates what has been so awesome about this season. More of a focus on Ryan with Seth adding fun filler to the background. Althoguh I find the Prince Eric comparison odd, it is still worth a couple minutes of your time. So go ahead and click on the link. You know you want to. And really should listen to the song while reading. I don't know why, but it does make it better!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

That's amore...

Well, I am finally feeling better, but I must still be sick since I have not only done one of these stupid quizes, but posted it! All in all, it makes some interesting assumptions, but I doubt I will be following any of the 'tips'. Hope y'all enjoy!!

Libra - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You are open minded enough to date outside your typical "type" ... successfully!
You are diplomatic - and likely to end a fight instead of dragging things out.
You are easily loyal and faithful, but only for the right person.

Your negative traits:

You're a bit gullible, and partners take advantage of you. You still may not know it.
You find it difficult to decide where to go to dinner, what movie to watch, who to date...
You have to be in a relationship, or else you just don't feel like yourself.

Your ideal partner:

A smooth talker who enjoys socializing as much as you to.
Someone classy and cultured who knows which wine to order with dinner.
Is beautiful to you - although not necessarily attractive in the traditional sense.

Your dating style:

Romantic. If your date comes bearing flowers, wine, and poetry... well, your heart soars.

Your seduction style:

Giving. Your lover's pleasure is as important as your own.
Soft and sensual - you don't like anything to be rough.
Extravagant ... your fantasy involves staying at a five star hotel with your love.

Tips for the future:

Don't be so quick to compromise in relationships - and you'll get taken advantage of yes.
Try being single for a while. Seems impossible, but you'll learn so much about yourself from doing so.
Make some decisions about your romantic life, right now. You'll be happy that you did.

Best color to attract mate: Green

Best day for a date: Wednesday

Monday, February 05, 2007

I didn't mean to have it end like this...

I'm sick and currently hopped up on over-the-counter medications. Therefore, today's picspam will actually be a vidspam without any commentry. I hope you enjoy...but if you don't please refrain from sending an email...I'm fragile at the moment!

VidSpam Spectacular!™: Super Bowl XLI Commercial Highlights

Thursday, February 01, 2007

It's 5 O'clock somewhere...

Douglas Adams was a genius. Not only did he write very clever books and provide us with the "Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything" (42), but he articulated an idea that explains so much of my life:

"This must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays."

You might be wondering where I am going with this, but bear with me. You know how people use the excuse of "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" when they want to drink in the morning or afternoon? Well, I am going to start to use the excuse of "it's Thursday somewhere; I could never get the hang of Thursdays" when I do really stupid things. Like today, when I accidently poured water into my paper clip container thinking it was my glass. Sure today is actually Thursday so it fits easily, but given my tomorrow I will have done something just as idiotic. It is in my genes!