Friday, September 29, 2006

Got you in a stranglehold baby...

I don't really have anything important to discuss - I know...not that I ever - but since I have posted a blog everyday this week, I thought it was important to get something up. So I have decided to start a new recurring blog. What will this intermittent column deal with? Last night's tellie of course. Yes, after years of resisting, I have decided to start writing mini-reviews - well more thoughts and ramblings - concerning the previous night's programming without summarizing the ep. I mean I wouldn't want to ruin anything!

On a side note, I will be using a modified rating system created by ChickLit and I a couple of months ago. Here's the breakdown.

  • Fan-frakkin'-tabulous
  • Bloody Brillant
  • Not-a-complete-waste
  • What the...?!?!?!?
  • My eyes...MY EYES!!!!

So without further ado...the season premiere of Supernatural!
Episode: "In My Time of Dying" (2.01)
Original Air Date: 9/28/2006
Rating: Fan-frakkin'-tabulous (Don't worry I don't see me giving out a whole bunch of these)

What I Loved: Ok...loved most everything about this ep. I liked it picked up immediately after last year's shocking cliffhanger, but didn't turn into another action packed ep. Instead it slowed down, let the characters interact with eachother, and set up an interesting upcoming season. Oh, and I absolutely loved the reaper angle - oh so different than the reaper Dean met last year. I like the concept of a more 'gentle' reaper. Besides all that, I have to give props to any show that can figure out a way to use Patrick Swayze as a verb. Brillance...utter brillance!

What Didn't Make Me Happy: Daddy Winchester departing once again for an unspecified length of time. Oh, and the only time Dean was seen shirtless, he was getting defibbed. I demand a reshoot! Other than that...really can't complain. I'm still unsure about this whole "bar of demon hunters" idea or the concept of a love interest for Dean (even if she is a Veronica Mars alum), but hey, that gives me something to bitch about later!

Best Line: "Dude, I just full on Swayzed that mother!" --Dean

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hope you got your things together...

Although technically the new television season began last week, none of my "must see" shows premiered...that is until last night. OTH lived up to it's teen soap angst and pulled out a primiere and even ChickLit got sucked into a segment of. Not the whole ep grant you, but still...pretty amazing. Even though I watch this show on a more regular basis than others, I would still consider it second string.

However, starting tonight the first string squad will take to the field (sorry about all the football analogies, but I have NCAA football on the brain) starting with Supernatural. Finally, I will have some resolution to the amazing cliffhanger last occult twist that actually caught me by surprise and that is saying something my friends.

I only hope that others also tune in. Unfortunately, Supernatural comes on at 9pm and therefore has to compete with CSI, Grey's Anatomy, and eventually The O.C. (although I really don't see this show as competition any more...except if those Ryan cage fighting rumors are true...than all bets are off!) I wouldn't mind staring at these boys fighting evil monsters and ghouls for a couple more years!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

If you need, you need me to be with you...

I wasn’t sure if this blog would make it onto the internet. For once I actually had my blog ready to go at 8am - yes I actually get up around 6am every morning now…scary I know - but I had to wait for approval from ChickLit before I published it. You see, today’s blog deals with my somewhat harsh thoughts concerning the season opener of “Under New Management” Gilmore Girls. My 1 sentence conclusion: An episode that signals the demise of GG into not a bad show per se, just a slightly watered down version; kinda like good ol' fashion non-slash fanfic.

You see in the end, it all comes down to loyalty and showing a united front to the world on the important matters – like tellie programs and jokes involving unfortunate or simply bad puns. It is one of the clauses in the BFF contract I signed. I may disagree with her choice of obsessions privately, but out in the ‘real’ world I stick by her choices, because let’s face it...she has to stand by mine. I almost feel bad!

But back to my thoughts on GG. Although, I am not a GG devotee, I would say I have watched approximately 60% of the show, but the reason I tuned into last night was to see for myself if the departure of Amy Sherman-Palladino made a difference. Most of the critics that got an early glance at the season all said that everything was up to par...but I had to see for myself. Within 5 minutes, I was disappointed. The dialog seemed like a pale imitation of GG witty banter - like good fanfic - and the show's pop culture references made a nose dive. You don't even want to get me started on the deterioration of Lorelai's character or the fact that with the dumbing down of the script Alexis Bledel's 'acting' seems even worse. But in the end, what can you do?!?!! Every show must die. It's like that great 60's hit..."A time to laugh, a time to weep". I guess it's GG's turn to cry...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

But I haven't thought of you lately at all... will come as a surprise to no one, but I have very little self-control ... especially when it comes to television. I mean, how else can I explain most of my viewing habits and loyalty to crap tellie. Since the end of Buffy and Angel I have curbed my spoiler digging, which may not seem like a whole lot, but really is.

Anyway, I bring this up only because my self-control is being tested even more. You see...the devils over at MSN have posted the season premiere. Since its Tuesday - and everyone of course knows that Veronica Mars comes on at 9pm(pst) on Tuesdays - you might not see the travesty in all this. Let me explain...season 3 doesn't officially start for another week. Yes, I now have to control myself and NOT watch the ep before it comes on next week since I watch the program with Knows-It-All and she will guess if I have already seen the show.
So...I figure in order to get through the next 7 days I just have to focus on other things and make sure that people don't bring up VM too much. I have made a list:

1. The season 2 premiere of Supernatural on Thursday
The expense of oil changes
3. The brillance of Mullet Rock
4. My impending birthday (I will soon be a quarter of a century)
5. Battlestar Galactica Webisodes
Cherie Blair snafu no. 314,825,792
7. Flogging Molly concert on Sunday

Monday, September 25, 2006

ABC...easy as 123!!

Ok...I don't really have anything to say, but I just found some new pics from the upcoming Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . To be honest, I was a bit concerned with the directing choice on this film - I had never even heard of David Yates until he made that flick with the underage girl from Trainspotting and Bill Nighy - but it looks like finally someone has cut Harry's hair and for that fact alone I look forward to the new film.
But before I share the pics, I just wanted to send out a small thank you to Joaquin Phoenix. Because of his incredible acting career, I can now spell both 'phoenix' and 'joaquin' - which is used quite a bit locally in California - correctly without having to check. Perhaps all actors should start chosing names that will help with my spelling. I think it would be a great public service program that would not only benefit me, but other like scary as that is.
But enough of that...onto the pics!! The image of Imelda Staunton as Umbridge is perfection. In the end, I have only put up the 3 I really like. The other 2 can be viewed - and of course saved - over at Dark Horizons.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I think you waste your sweetness...

Well, after some dely, I have finally watched Studio 60 (the only new show I am even trying out this season) and all I can say is that if anything...I'm whelmed, which of course means that I am in Europe! (I doubt anyone will get that joke, but I had to throw it in anyway!) I wasn't really disappointed with the pilot, but I wasn't overwhelmed or impressed either. I could see myself watching again next week, but I won't be searching YouTube for eps I missed.

Perhaps, the fault in the program is actually me as a viewer. It is quite possible, I put too much faith in the brillance of Aaron Sorkin. I loved Sports Night - even after Felicity Huffman's character went off the deep end - and West Wing...what can I say. The first few years of West Wing were the best ever written for network television. Sure Buffy will always be my favorite show, but that doesn't mean it was the best written program the world has ever seen or known. I may be a bit obsessed, but that doesn't mean I'm delusional...well not completely.

Speaking of obessions, I just found this new promo pic of LoVe for season 3 of Veronica Mars. Although last season left something to be desired, I am really looking forward to the new season. Hopefully others will finally start watching.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I'm hurt and ready for fire...

I hate being sick...I mean physically sick in which contents don't remain in your stomach for the magic that is digestion process. That kind of sick. I know it is kind of a gross topic, but I do bring it up for a reason...not a good reason, but when has that ever stopped me from sharing.

I know what you are asking yourself one of the following questions:

1) Who likes being sick? I'm mean really...stop writing such nonsense on the internet! The Web is not some place for you to share your inconsequentional and often crazy thoughts and ideas!

2) What crazy drug are you on now? Don't try to deny it! I know you gave up soda pop, but that just means you found something else...I know you!

3) Did you replace soda pop for bad network programming? What is up with this current fascination with Supernatural? Doesn't she ever have a life? Come one can be that sad and pathetic! Oh wait...what day does the new season of Battlestar Galactica premiere again?!??! I should call her and ask after I read the rest of this blog.

Anyway, what I mean is that I am not one of those girls who wants to discover, always by accident after retreating to the comforting arms of too much booze after some tramatic event, 'true lurve' while emptying the contents of her last meal into a waiting toliet. You know what I mean...that sensitive guy that holds your hair and makes sure you don't choke to death in your own vomit or drown in the toilet bowl. Who then carries you to either your bed or the closest convient sleeping area and waits with you until morning and brings you some horrible smelling concoction that will make everything better. I am not one of those girls. First of all I don't have any hair to hold back...

But I digress, I bring this all up only to make the point that although I don't really enjoy living at home - or with other people in general - when you get sick it is sure nice to have someone else to clean it up. After living alone for a couple of years, I got used to always having some bowl or other container around so that at least any mess could easily be cleaned up. Moms are better, though, as I relearned last night. And so for once I am actually glad I was at home with both of my parents when I got sick...makes life so much easier!

Monday, September 18, 2006

I been livin' like a star 'cuz it's gettin' me high...

Your attention please!! I would like to make a brief announcement:


That is all...please return to your regular internet practices!

Okay...maybe I should explain. As most of you know, I am a one-woman entourage for my best friend ChickLit - an aspiring romance novelist (as her nickname implies). Anyway, at the moment I am pretty much working pro bono, which I don't really mind since I'm kind of an obsessive person to begin with, so it isn't really a stretch for me...and at least I know her. Well that and the fact that when she makes it big the perks should start rolling in like that giant wave in The Perfect Storm.

I think I explained earlier about our deal. Since I have no desire to become famous myself, I am relying on her to make it big - Like Nora Roberts big - thereby allowing me to live in the lifestyle I was meant to live, b
ut currently alludes me. The plan is that eventually I will have a lavish carriage house on her property, given a generous stipend, and a pool boy (the pool is actually optional).

As if that wasn't enough, she has now informed me who my pool boy will be. Drum roll please...
Jensen Ackles. You of those guys bred on the WB farm I love so much. I mean the guy was on Smallville, Dawson's Creek, and Dark Angel (I know this wasn't a WB show, but it still kind of fits) and currently stars on Supernatural playing the bad-ass and yet vulnerable older brother Dean Winchester. Anyway, ChickLit figures that although the guy is hot and currently has a pretty good gig, in the end he will be free to take the job as my personal pool boy. Well, here's hoping at least.

Anyway, here is a pic to make you all jealous...don't forget to wipe the drool!

Friday, September 15, 2006

There was U2 and Blondie...

Ok...normally I am not a fan of these types of quizzes that people email to you or post on their Myspace pages (don't even get me started on that internet related irritiation) , but since I found myself bored at work and thought to give it a try. Well that and it involved the love of my life...Darcy, my iPod! To be honest, the results kind of freaked me out. I thought perhaps NikNak cheated to get the songs that fit, but somehow it works out on its own. If you don't believe me...take a look!!
1. How am I feeling today?
Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl) – Looking Glass
2. Will I get far in life?
I Want It All - Queen
3. How do my friends see me?
Wake Me Up When September Ends – Green Day
4. Where will I get married?
Winter in July – Sarah Brightman (Could be interesting...I've always wanted to visit New Zealand and drink with the Aussies?!?!)
5. What is my best friend's theme song? Now what is this and what is that – Pirates of Penzance
6. What is the story of my life?
What's Simple is True - Jewel
7. What was high school like?
Love is Blindness – U2
8. How can I get ahead in life?
Devil’s Dance Floor – Flogging Molly
9. What is the best thing about me?
With or Without You – U2
10. How is today going to be?
Lovers in a Dangerous Time – Barenaked Ladies
11. What is in store for this weekend?
Not of This Earth – Robbie Williams
12. What song describes my parents? Nothing Compares to You – Sinead O’Connor
13. My grandparents?
Back in the USSR – The Beatles
14. How is my life going?
Bad Moon Rising – Creedence Clearwater Revival
15. What song will they play at my funeral?
Graceland – Paul Simon
16. How does the world see me?
Chicago – Sufjan Stevens
17. Will I have a happy life?
God Only Knows – The Beach Boys
18. What do my friends really think of me?
Songbird – Eva Cassidy
19. Do people secretly lust after me?
Recently – Dave Matthews Band
20. How can I make myself happy?
Your Wildest Dreams – The Moody Blues
21. What should I do with my life? Slow Days of Summer – Garrison Keillor
22. Will I ever have children?
All I Really Want – Alanis Morissette
23. What is some good advice?
No Surprises – Radio Head
24. What is my signature dancing song?
I Will Survive - Cake
25. What do I think my current theme song is?
Motorcycle Drive By – Third-Eye Blind
26. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Set The Fire to the Third Bar – Snow Patrol
27. What type of men do you like?
Let’s Get It On – Marvin Gaye (Not sure what that is supposed to mean...)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Gonna watch TV!

Well...not right this minute, but soon...oh so soon. I thought I would take a moment and write out my fall tv schedule. Of course it can change, but this is it so far!!

8:00 p.m. Prison Break (I usually wait a couple of weeks and watch a bunch in a row, but fun show!!!)
10:00 p.m. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (I'm willing to give any Aaron Sorkin program a chance!)

9:00 p.m.Veronica Mars (Heiress to Buffy...what else can I say...well except LONG LIVE LoVe!!)


9:00 p.m One Tree Hill (Guilty pleasure that started in Grad school...don't tell anyone!)


9:00 p.m. Supernatural & The O.C. (I'll be taping both. Supernatural is a fun typical WB - sorry CW - show and features some of the last WB farm boys. What can I say about The O.C.? I made a deal with ChickLit and therefore watched it for's hoping this is the last!)
10:00 p.m. ER (Abbie and Kovac...I so called that one Wonderwall!)

8:00 p.m Doctor Who (BBC...need I say more?!?!)

9:00 p.m. Battlestar Galactica (Best frakkin' show on television!!)
10:00 p.m. Numb3rs (I'm a geek...I know this, but hey it could be worse...really!)

Well that is all I have so you. Feel free to comment on my selections. Mock me. Agree with me. But whatever you do...waste some time this fall catching up on small screen stories!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Lord, I was born a ramblin' man...

Okay...I know it has been a full week, but hey I have a good excuse. Well, actually come to think of it, I really don't, but I do have a reason...not a good one, but a real purdy one...If you would, take a moment to check out the pic of the guys...yes I have spent the last week staring at the last of the WB farm boys since alas, the CW didn't seem to get the farm in the merger. (Why they gave it up I will never know, but ine the meantime "I just lost the family farm" country songs are becoming more and more meaningful!!)
To be truthful, I didn't actually spend the last week staring at the stars of Supernatural. You see it all started last Friday...(cue the flashback music and visual)
ChickLit came into town. And when ChickLit comes to town...I get to see how many buffets I can visit. Although last weekend couldn't complete with the all-time record - set in Vegas I might add - I did go to 3 buffets in 2 days.
So you see...I was actually out with a real person, not sitting at home watching a a hot brother duo solving occult phenomenon...that would come later...after I housesat for the golden retriever from hell. I kid not. FROM. HELL.
Anyway, I am back now, with very little to report except I miss ChickLit all over again and Ms. Bennet is at Disney World so I am having afternoon daily phone call withdrawl. But hey, I'm sure a couple of hours watching the Winchester boys run off to save the day - occasionally in boxer brief or without a shirt - can solve all of my issues!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Will you go, lassie, will you go?

I'm being completely lazy here...I have been guest blogging over on ChickLit's website and pretty much wrote the blog I intended so I decided to just cut and enjoy!!

I recently started an occasional installment entitled "WTF Websites" over at on my blog, The "Zed" Word. So far it has featured such internet gems as Bunny Yawns or Kitlers (Cats That Look Like Hitler). It has actually been quite popular and has led friends - and strangers - to email me websites that are odd and yet fascinating for some reason or another. I know that is a pretty long explanation, but I felt like sharing. (My therapist says thats there!)

Anyway, a couple of days ago a friend sent me the link to the Date a Hot Scot, an ingenious website that not only features kilt-clad hometown scottish boys, but also mini interviews in which they share their most embarrassing moment or something just as silly. Nothing beats a Scottish accent. (I'm sure I will get the mickey taken out of me for saying that, but it is true!) Go and listen!! Dream of wild mountain thyme and highland heather...or at least those plants in the background of some X-rated dream that you can keep to yourself!!