Monday, November 13, 2006

Tell me why I don't like Mondays!

I'm sure, that all of my loyal readers waited with bated breath for my exceptionally inspired reviews of The O.C. and Supernatural. Well, I hate to share bad news on a Monday, but I doubt you will ever see those reviews. To be honest, I never wrote the snarky evalutation of The O.C.'s Thanksgiving Day ep (although I really did enjoy the ep!). I decided I could only handle writing one review a week for that show. Since it conflicts with one of my shows no matter which night, I just hope that Fox makes a decision and sticks with it. Otherwise, I just might give up on the show...ok maybe not, but I won't be happy that that will reflect in my reviews!

My Supernatural review, however is a whole nother story. I wrote the sucker...and then blogger lost it. It was pure brillance!
The ep actually exceeded my expectations and included a joke specifically designed for me ("Pee break? So soon?") After a couple of "Not-a-complete-waste" weeks, I'm hoping this ep gets them back in track. It was good! (Well, except for the forced pea soup joke at the end. Come on Kripke...everyone knows that Linda Blair starred in The Exorcist. No need to remind us in such a lame way!!)I had a funny Mulder/Scully joke and even an Indiana Jones reference ("Looks like Germany has declared war on the Jones Boys!") Anyway, after the review disappeared somewhere into cyberspace I realized that I could never rewrite the whole episode to the same brillant level. Perhaps I will go back and review it during the winter hiatus, but I wouldn't hold your breath!

So other than that, nothing much to report. I saw both The Queen and Borat over the holiday weekend. Both interesting films, but for extremely different reasons. Oh...and my parents brought me back the coolest present from their weekend away: a fiber-optic Seahawks' baseball hat that lights up. It's AWESOME!!! If only I could find a pic. Speaking of pics, I chose today's blog image based on the fact it cracks me up ever time. (In case you are wondering, that is an unmodified screencap from Supernatural's "The Usual Suspects".) I mean, we all knew that Jared Padalecki was tall (6'3"), but since he is most often paired with Jensen Ackles (6'0") as a viewer it's really easy to forget just how tall that really is. Paired with Linda Blair (5'2") he really does look like the Jolly Green Giant!!

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